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President Zardari in Dubai for treatment;Speculations,True lies and Rumors

The next few weeks will be awfully interesting!
Any chance for Army coup?


The simple fact is that if he goes, its because he has been an extremely controversial figure in the Presidency. The recent scandal with the Pak ambassador to the US has added to the controversy around him.

I think it would make sense for him to step down and have someone else, a lot less controversial from the PPP, take up Presidency. Gillani's government continues intact.

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

Assalam alaikum

yaar how much was left for his presidency ?

now they will cry foul and start fooling the masses again let them complete their terms

army sub ko nasha may rakhna chahti hay by creating false hopes


PPP should not for as long as Gillani's government completes its term. They are the elected representatives. Zardari is the figure head appointed by them (or actually he appointed himself). However one must be mindful that all of this talk about his departure may turn out to be rumors. If there is one thing that we have figured about Zardari is his ability to survive tough political challenges.
He is an invalid president... since he submitted fake degree in his nomination papers.
He is President because of corrupt judiciary.
He is an invalid president... since he submitted fake degree in his nomination papers.
He is President because of corrupt judiciary.

Unfortunately fake degree qualification does not matter when you have "jahil raaj" in the Country. The very first thing the "elected" government did was to put that law into abeyance. The fact is that he is the President of Pakistan, albeit a controversial one and it would in at least some ways be good if he left for the good of the Country.
May be it had something to do with the certain blue pill after seeing the December edition of FHM .... NO MORE PPP FOR GOODNESS SAKE ... .Election karao tey IK nuun bhi chance dey k vekh lo ... We need a change from the lowest level to the very top and that too very quick ...
This is where the big problems lay when leaders of a nation go abroad to receive treatment. Why could he not go to CMH or a local hospital, it is because he knows which condition he has left these hospitals in Pakistan........

When leaders start to receive treatment at home, then better facilities will be created at home, abit like the Shaukat Khanum centre. When Imran Khan saw his mother suffer and could not find a single cancer treatment centre in Pakistan, he began this SK hospital, and see it for today..........

I hope Zardari never comes back
Zardari neva been into Dubai like this before. This is pure drama nothing else more. He went to Dubai just to get instructions from Americans. Army and Agencies in Pakistan Tabb each and everything in Presidency and all govt offices. It is very hard for Americans to convey any message or discuss any issue from USA to Pakistan via telephone/Online Live meeting etc. This is just a drama of heart attack or normal checkup. Idiot admitted to American hospital nice game!
I think putting this on the Americans is quite far-fetched. If anything, it was the American unwillingness and lack of response to the supposed memogate that made this a mess for Zardari and team.

There are no instructions to be had from anyone. Us Pakistanis need to realize that by putting everything at the doors of the Americans, all we do is obfuscate the facts. Zardari overreached potentially and has been called out and this seems to be an effort in self-preservation undertaken by him and not at the behest of anyone.

It is in the American interests to see a polarizing figure such as Zardari move on so Pakistani government can have some alignment as currently, the Presidency has no idea what is going on in the PM secretariat and GHQ and the same goes the other way around. There is a huge disconnect, which is making it harder for outsiders as they do not know who the real interlocutors in Pakistan are.
By B.Raman

The “Dawn News” of Karachi has reported as follows:

“President Asif Ali Zardari on Tuesday (December 6,2011) arrived in Dubai for a medical check-up. According to presidential spokesperson Farhatullah Babar, the President has traveled to Dubai along with his team of doctors for an extensive medical examination. He added that before his departure, President Zardari had separate meetings with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Chairman Senate Farooq H Naik, and Interior Minister Rehman Malik. The President was accompanied not only by his personal doctor Colonel Salman and his medical team, but also by some members of the Assembly, said Mr Babar.”

2. A subsequent report claims that Zardari has entered a Dubai hospital for a medical examination. Babar has been quoted as having denied that Zardari had undergone a medical examination in Pakistan before he was flown to Dubai.

3. Zardari frequently visits Dubai where he has considerable property and investments and where his daughters live. Rarely announcements are made about such private visits. This time, though, his spokesman has taken care to announce his departure for Dubai and to specify that it was for a medical check-up.

4. While no one has questioned that the visit could have been for genuine medical reasons, there has been some speculation as to whether Zardari’s medical condition requiring an urgent check-up might have been triggered by the considerable political pressure faced by him in relation to two current political controversies.

5. The first controversy relates to the so-called Memogate affair. It is about the claims made by Manzoor Ijaz, an American businessman of Pakistani origin, that his services as an intermediary were used by Hussain Haqqani, the then Pakistani Ambassador to the US, in May to pass on a memo to Admiral Mike Mullen, the then Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, allegedly seeking the good offices of Mullen for exercising pressure on Gen.Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, Pakistan’s Chief of the Army Staff, not to stage a coup against Zardari in the wake of the US commando raid in Abbottabad on the night of May 2 to kill Osama bin Laden.

6. Neither Ijaz’s version of the Memogate affair nor Hussain Haqqani’s denial of Ijaz’s claims has carried conviction so far. The matter is under enquiry by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Pakistan Muslim League of Nawaz Sharif has sought a judicial enquiry into the claims of Ijaz by the Supreme court. If the Supreme Court agrees to it and initiates an enquiry, it could have the effect of suspending the ISI enquiry into the matter.

7. Zardari himself, who will be as uncomfortable with the prospects of an enquiry by the Supreme Court as with the ISI enquiry, had indicated that he would be addressing a joint session of the two Houses of the Parliament on the controversy after the Muharrum observance was over on December 6. It is not clear whether he would still go ahead with his proposed address or whether would use his medical condition as an excuse for postponing it indefinitely.

8. The resignation of Hussain Haqqani and his replacement by Ms.Sherry Rehman, who enjoys the confidence of Zardari and is not distrusted by Kayani, as the Pakistani Ambassador to Washington DC has not ended the controversy. The Army as well as the PML of Nawaz Sharif are insisting for a thorough enquiry----each for its own reason. The PML wants to exploit it politically for further weakening Zardari and the Army wants to ensure that Zardari, whom it suspects of being soft to the US, will no longer indulge in such alleged conspiracies against the Army with the complicity of anti-Army and anti-ISI elements in US policy-making circles.

9.The second controversy relates to the recent death of 24 Pakistani military personnel in US air strikes on Pakistani military posts in the Mohmand agency of the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The air strikes have caused considerable anger in the barracks which has been sought to be exploited by the Hizbut Tehrir, which has some following at the lower and middle levels of the Army, for creating disaffection not only against the US, but also against the senior leadership of the Pakistan Army.

10. Considerations of pride and reports of anti-US anger in the public and the subordinate ranks of the Army have made the Army and its senior officers take a seemingly inflexible anti-US stand . There has been suspicion that Zardari does not share the depth of the anti-US sentiments and might be prepared to let bygones be bygones and to let the matter rest after the condolences personally conveyed by President Barack Obama.

11. As a result of these developments, the political situation has become increasingly uncomfortable for Zardari giving rise to speculation that the Army might not be satisfied with the head of Hussain Haqqani and might want in addition that of Zardari whose credibility is low in the eyes of the Army. Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani still enjoys the confidence of Gen.Kayani, but he has very little following in the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) in which support for Zardari and his son Bilawal Bhutto, who is head of the party, remains strong.

12. The situation has reached a stage where a full-fledged coup might not be validated post facto by the judiciary and the strong backing still enjoyed by Zardari in the PPP would make his being eased out a difficult option. It is generally believed that Zardari’s visit to Dubai at this stage ostensibly for medical reasons might have the additional purpose of seeking the continued support of the ruling families of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to enable him overcome the difficult political situation back home.

13. It is interesting to note that Zardari has left behind in Pakistan Bilawal Bhutto and Rehman Malik, his trusted Interior Minister--- apparently to keep a watch on the goings-on in the PPP and to ensure that no attempt is made to further undermine his position

14. Will Zardari manage to salvage his position and continue in power or will he quit on medical grounds after having inducted his son as the President? This is a million dollar question to which no answers are available. Bilawal is only 23 years old. Inducting him is going to be difficult. If Zardari decides to quit under the increasing pressure caused by the two controversies, the support presently enjoyed by Zardari and Bilawal in PPP---particularly in Punjab---might evaporate, thereby strengthening the position of Gilani.

Speculation Regarding Zardari
There are already 3 threads existing on this issue, please do a little search before starting a thread..
OK so the contradiction begins as reports are now emerging that president Asif Ali Zadari will be under doctor's observation & the doctors will determine when he is able thus contradicting the earlier report of the ppp's that he went for routine check up & will
comeback on Thursday

President Zardari to remain under doctors’ observation

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is in Dubai for treatment for a heart condition, the government said on Wednesday, with one source saying he had suffered a minor heart attack and fuelling speculation that the leader may resign.

The statement from the prime minister’s office said Zardari went to a Dubai hospital at the insistence of his children, who live there. It contradicted earlier reports from Zardari’s own office that the tests were scheduled and routine.

“The president went to Dubai following symptoms related to his pre-existing heart condition,” Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani’s media office said.

“The president will remain under observation and return to resume his normal functions as advised by the doctors.”

A presidential spokesman later quoted Zardari’s doctor as saying his condition was stable.

A Pakistani source in Dubai familiar with the 56-year-old president’s condition told Reuters that he had suffered a minor heart attack.

“Two days ago, he had chest pain” and decided to go to Dubai, the source said.

Six years ago, Zardari had also had a minor heart attack, the source said. “Since then, he has been on medication.”

“He had a minor heart attack on Tuesday. He flew to Dubai where he had an angioplasty. He’s in good health now,” Mustafa Khokhar, adviser to the prime minister on human rights who sits in the cabinet also told AFP.

“There’s no question of any resignation,” he added.

A Dubai-based member of Zardari’s Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Mian Muneer Hans, said the president landed in Dubai around 7:30 pm on Tuesday.

“He walked to his car in the airport and was not on any ambulance,” said Hans, adding that he was accompanied by his doctor and petroleum minister Asim Hussain. Zardari was taken straight to the American Hospital in Dubai, said Hans.

“He’s taking rest in the hospital now. He may be there for two to three days,” he added.

The hospital’s chief executive officer Thomas Murray, contacted by Reuters, declined to comment on the reports.

The rumours about his health and possible resignation swirled on Twitter and other social media.

“Some elements blew up this to create unrest in the country,” said Fauzia Wahab, a senior member of the PPP. “His visit to Dubai and having a medical check up is perfectly normal.”

Zardari was due to address parliament this week after the Supreme Court admitted an opposition leader’s petition demanding a judicial inquiry into the memo issue, including any role played by Zardari. That address has now been postponed.

If he were to leave office, he would become vulnerable to long-standing corruption charges in Pakistan by losing his legal immunity as a head of state.

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