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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime



The Russian Defense Ministry said that only 23 of the 59 missiles had reached their target, citing photos posted on social media which appeared to show unexploded Tomahawks around the air base and in surrounding civilian areas. The Pentagon later described this information as incorrect.

"In this case one could say that the United States made a very impulsive decision. They probably lacked all the necessary data or some of the missiles were flawed. It is hard to believe this since the Tomahawks have always boggled the mind with their high accuracy during previous operations. But they are also not without flaws," the analyst said.
Well , there are difference between liking someone or pretend to like her due fear ... You simply rule with fear and use economic , media and your military power to silence others .... some many people and countries prefer to shout their mouth rather than face consequences of showing their real feeling toward you ...

you are just repeating one of main mistake of past empire in the world ... in your arrogance , you see yourselves above others and you think others like you ...

I don't know about your "human history" skills. But everyone throughout the history has used power and media together. How about we talk about the "Persian Empire"! Was it really that big of a deal outside of just sheer size? I don't think so. But what any of those major powers of their time and the US don't have in common, is the fact that the United States gives out the most humanitarian aid to the entire globe alone! More than the rest of the world combined!! That is a fact and I am proud of our country doing that.

Being a bigger country means having more responsibility. Who did the Arabs or others go to when they were attacked? Who is requested to jump into India and Pakistan and help resolve theKashmir issue? And why? It's the US....and because all parties know if we get in, we shall resolve it and everyone will honor the resolution too. Period. This alone speaks volume of one's credibility.

Additionally, it is the American / Western system, that no matter how many times it's come under attacks, it still serves the humanity. Where a White, Black or an Iranian American can have the best life compared to the entire globe. Can I say that about China, Iran, India or anyone else outside of a few countries? No.

So, to put things in perspective, there is no arrogance here. There is proud and dignity that we have our country that welcomes and supports the entire globe somehow. And, takes care of bad people who kill their innocent people with Chem weapons, like the response you are discussing here against Syria!



The Russian Defense Ministry said that only 23 of the 59 missiles had reached their target, citing photos posted on social media which appeared to show unexploded Tomahawks around the air base and in surrounding civilian areas. The Pentagon later described this information as incorrect.

"In this case one could say that the United States made a very impulsive decision. They probably lacked all the necessary data or some of the missiles were flawed. It is hard to believe this since the Tomahawks have always boggled the mind with their high accuracy during previous operations. But they are also not without flaws," the analyst said.

These missiles aren't daily used cars that they are fired every day and work upon pressing start. Some of these would have defects. I am sure of it by just using sheer common sense. If you put a vehicle or machinery in sea water for years, you'll have some damages to it. Period.
I don't know about your "human history" skills. But everyone throughout the history has used power and media together. How about we talk about the "Persian Empire"! Was it really that big of a deal outside of just sheer size? I don't think so. But what any of those major powers of their time and the US don't have in common, is the fact that the United States gives out the most humanitarian aid to the entire globe alone! More than the rest of the world combined!! That is a fact and I am proud of our country doing that.

Being a bigger country means having more responsibility. Who did the Arabs or others go to when they were attacked? Who is requested to jump into India and Pakistan and help resolve theKashmir issue? And why? It's the US....and because all parties know if we get in, we shall resolve it and everyone will honor the resolution too. Period. This alone speaks volume of one's credibility.

Additionally, it is the American / Western system, that no matter how many times it's come under attacks, it still serves the humanity. Where a White, Black or an Iranian American can have the best life compared to the entire globe. Can I say that about China, Iran, India or anyone else outside of a few countries? No.

So, to put things in perspective, there is no arrogance here. There is proud and dignity that we have our country that welcomes and supports the entire globe somehow. And, takes care of bad people who kill their innocent people with Chem weapons, like the response you are discussing here against Syria!

These missiles aren't daily used cars that they are fired every day and work upon pressing start. Some of these would have defects. I am sure of it by just using sheer common sense. If you put a vehicle or machinery in sea water for years, you'll have some damages to it. Period.
What you give around the world are peanutes compared to what you loot around the world. You topple governments for petro dollars. Which by the way keep your currency afloat. Most of the rich and dominating banks are in US. If any other country try to level that .. they will be bombed. Ofcourse people are leaving other countries for better live in US since most money are in US.

If countries in middle east get rid there puppet regims. Most oil producing nations decide to sell oil with there own currency russia. Venezuela. Iran. Iraq .saudi ... your days will be numbered .
What you give around the world are peanutes compared to what you loot around the world. You topple governments for petro dollars. Which by the way keep your currency afloat. Most of the rich and dominating banks are in US. If any other country try to level that .. they will be bombed. Ofcourse people are leaving other countries for better live in US since most money are in US.

If countries in middle east get rid there puppet regims. Most oil producing nations decide to sell oil with there own currency russia. Venezuela. Iran. Iraq .saudi ... your days will be numbered .

:lol: it seems as you don't understand anything about the US. The US built a system around economy and the system works. The entire world doesn't have that system, the Chinese economy, the Russian or the European economies depend on our business, etc. Its not our fault that people like you, running other stupid regimes were too busy making their families wealthier and not their nation. We made a nation wealthy and a system based on that.

Are you surprised that we control the world? I won't be. Had others been focused on their people and their country's growth in the economic world, there would be multiple super powers for the past 50 years or so. How is others loss our gain? Its not. Our gain is ours, because of how we designed our system back in WWII after the great depression and by putting great thoughts towards the future. The others.....simply didn't think that far.

Why should I be responsible for another person's lack of sense or even stupidity? The regimes you mentioned are run by idiots and tyrants. Period.

On the economic and Petro Dollar front. I think you and many, many others are VERY misguided thinking that the US does everything for Petro dollars. When Iraq war was finished and people like you were thinking "America stole oil", we were paying the highest prices in our history at the gas stations, over $ 4 per gallon (compared to $ 2+ before the war). So that clearly tells you what we took. ZERO!

Also, read up on America's oil and gas capacity. We are actually the largest (or number two) oil producing and exporting country on the planet with one of the largest oil reserves. Because of this same b.s that you wrote on here, we even stopped buying oil from KSA as we didn't need it and we don't want to be involved with their mess. I suggest you learn more about America than what they teach you on your country's tv and newspaper and experience America to learn it. There is a reason the entire globe (Indians, Russians, Middle Easterners, Pakistanis, etc, etc,) come to the US for education. Clearly there is a LOT more to America than the so called "Petro Dollars"!!


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The Russian Defense Ministry said that only 23 of the 59 missiles had reached their target, citing photos posted on social media which appeared to show unexploded Tomahawks around the air base and in surrounding civilian areas. The Pentagon later described this information as incorrect.

"In this case one could say that the United States made a very impulsive decision. They probably lacked all the necessary data or some of the missiles were flawed. It is hard to believe this since the Tomahawks have always boggled the mind with their high accuracy during previous operations. But they are also not without flaws," the analyst said.

The released satellite images show more than 23 hits were achieved.
If Russia was correct and it was only 23 hits, the satellite images are doctored.
it would be easy for Russia to show that they are doctored by simply releasing a video
showing the "fake" targets.
This has not happened.
Either the Russians are incompetent in their argumentation, or they are lying.
I don't know about your "human history" skills. But everyone throughout the history has used power and media together. How about we talk about the "Persian Empire"! Was it really that big of a deal outside of just sheer size? I don't think so. But what any of those major powers of their time and the US don't have in common, is the fact that the United States gives out the most humanitarian aid to the entire globe alone! More than the rest of the world combined!! That is a fact and I am proud of our country doing that.

Being a bigger country means having more responsibility. Who did the Arabs or others go to when they were attacked? Who is requested to jump into India and Pakistan and help resolve theKashmir issue? And why? It's the US....and because all parties know if we get in, we shall resolve it and everyone will honor the resolution too. Period. This alone speaks volume of one's credibility.

Additionally, it is the American / Western system, that no matter how many times it's come under attacks, it still serves the humanity. Where a White, Black or an Iranian American can have the best life compared to the entire globe. Can I say that about China, Iran, India or anyone else outside of a few countries? No.

So, to put things in perspective, there is no arrogance here. There is proud and dignity that we have our country that welcomes and supports the entire globe somehow. And, takes care of bad people who kill their innocent people with Chem weapons, like the response you are discussing here against Syria!

These missiles aren't daily used cars that they are fired every day and work upon pressing start. Some of these would have defects. I am sure of it by just using sheer common sense. If you put a vehicle or machinery in sea water for years, you'll have some damages to it. Period.
What you give around the world are peanutes compared to what you loot around the world. You topple governments for petro dollars. Which by the way keep your currency afloat. Most of the rich and dominating banks are in US. If any other country try to level that .. they will be bombed. Ofcourse people are leaving other countries for better live in US since most money are in US.

If countries in middle east get rid there puppet regims. Most oil producing nations decide to sell oil with there own currency russia. Venezuela. Iran. Iraq .saudi ... your days will be numbered .

I completely agree with most of your reply. It is other nations fault for not putting there nations benefits forward rather then there personal wealth.

You went a little side track. US start to produce oil doesnt matter. You didnt take oil from iraq that also doesnt matter. What matter is oil to be sold in dollars and who doesnt that country comes under sections and regime change. As long as oil is sold in dollars you can call yourself "consumers economy" lets face it the only american product i use chipset, laptops, aircrafts?? All others are japanese, chinese and food itself from pakistan. So why in the hell US dollars demand is so high?

Why do Pakistan needs to have foreign reserves in dollars to pay for oil???

Oh fish i am not talking about great depression ... thats what you actually deserve and rightful place of you if not for your millitary and our foolishness.

Your golden age became visible after ww2 when all other countries were effected by war except ofcourse for the US. All other countries began to do business with you not because of your system but there was money. Take sony for an example. You and soviet were only powers left. Most of the countries were young but that quenched your thurst you wanted more. There comes the oil and there began your games. If there were no petrodollars ... ecomomies like japan china russia middle east must have surpassed you.

Yes i agree with that it is other people fault but my reply to you was because you are no saint... you no help no body ... and the aids you give to other nations is again peanuts the amount you loot.

[emoji38] it seems as you don't understand anything about the US. The US built a system around economy and the system works. The entire world doesn't have that system, the Chinese economy, the Russian or the European economies depend on our business, etc. Its not our fault that people like you, running other stupid regimes were too busy making their families wealthier and not their nation. We made a nation wealthy and a system based on that.

Are you surprised that we control the world? I won't be. Had others been focused on their people and their country's growth in the economic world, there would be multiple super powers for the past 50 years or so. How is others loss our gain? Its not. Our gain is ours, because of how we designed our system back in WWII after the great depression and by putting great thoughts towards the future. The others.....simply didn't think that far.

Why should I be responsible for another person's lack of sense or even stupidity? The regimes you mentioned are run by idiots and tyrants. Period.

On the economic and Petro Dollar front. I think you and many, many others are VERY misguided thinking that the US does everything for Petro dollars. When Iraq war was finished and people like you were thinking "America stole oil", we were paying the highest prices in our history at the gas stations, over $ 4 per gallon (compared to $ 2+ before the war). So that clearly tells you what we took. ZERO!

Also, read up on America's oil and gas capacity. We are actually the largest (or number two) oil producing and exporting country on the planet with one of the largest oil reserves. Because of this same b.s that you wrote on here, we even stopped buying oil from KSA as we didn't need it and we don't want to be involved with their mess. I suggest you learn more about America than what they teach you on your country's tv and newspaper and experience America to learn it. There is a reason the entire globe (Indians, Russians, Middle Easterners, Pakistanis, etc, etc,) come to the US for education. Clearly there is a LOT more to America than the so called "Petro Dollars"!!


What you give around the world are peanutes compared to what you loot around the world. You topple governments for petro dollars. Which by the way keep your currency afloat. Most of the rich and dominating banks are in US. If any other country try to level that .. they will be bombed. Ofcourse people are leaving other countries for better live in US since most money are in US.

If countries in middle east get rid there puppet regims. Most oil producing nations decide to sell oil with there own currency russia. Venezuela. Iran. Iraq .saudi ... your days will be numbered .

I completely agree with most of your reply. It is other nations fault for not putting there nations benefits forward rather then there personal wealth.

You went a little side track. US start to produce oil doesnt matter. You didnt take oil from iraq that also doesnt matter. What matter is oil to be sold in dollars and who doesnt that country comes under sections and regime change. As long as oil is sold in dollars you can call yourself "consumers economy" lets face it the only american product i use chipset, laptops, aircrafts?? All others are japanese, chinese and food itself from pakistan. So why in the hell US dollars demand is so high?

Why do Pakistan needs to have foreign reserves in dollars to pay for oil???

Oh fish i am not talking about great depression ... thats what you actually deserve and rightful place of you if not for your millitary and our foolishness.

Your golden age became visible after ww2 when all other countries were effected by war except ofcourse for the US. All other countries began to do business with you not because of your system but there was money. Take sony for an example. You and soviet were only powers left. Most of the countries were young but that quenched your thurst you wanted more. There comes the oil and there began your games. If there were no petrodollars ... ecomomies like japan china russia middle east must have surpassed you.

Yes i agree with that it is other people fault but my reply to you was because you are no saint... you no help no body ... and the aids you give to other nations is again peanuts the amount you loot.

It is not enough for a country to decide to sell using its local currency.
It must also convince others to buy using that currency.
Most if not all would take its business elsewhere, to avoid the risk
of exhange rate fluctuations of an untested currency.
It is not enough for a country to decide to sell using its local currency.
It must also convince others to buy using that currency.
Most if not all would take its business elsewhere, to avoid the risk
of exhange rate fluctuations of an untested currency.
To clarify. I stated clearly above if oil producing nation tilt from dollars. Circulations of dollars will down significantly. Pakistan is now forced to buy oil in dollars.
To clarify. I stated clearly above if oil producing nation tilt from dollars. Circulations of dollars will down significantly. Pakistan is now forced to buy oil in dollars.

Oil producing countries benefit from selling in dollars, or they would switch.
The moment they switch, you will find you have to pay more.
Oil producing countries benefit from selling in dollars, or they would switch.
The moment they switch, you will find you have to pay more.
benefit how? You don't know the value of oil. Every country needs oil. It is 21st century commodity. Back when currencies are printed to the amount of gold country had, now that same currency can be printed to the amount of oil it have. If you think that most countries will still tend to trade in dollars then you can increase your gold reserves easily and then sell it using local currency. It will benefit only the producing country.

Cost of oil is dependent on supply and demand, not that it sells on dollars.
benefit how? You don't know the value of oil. Every country needs oil. It is 21st century commodity. Back when currencies are printed to the amount of gold country had, now that same currency can be printed to the amount of oil it have. If you think that most countries will still tend to trade in dollars then you can increase your gold reserves easily and then sell it using local currency. It will benefit only the producing country.

Cost of oil is dependent on supply and demand, not that it sells on dollars.

If Russia would insist on selling oil for Rubles, it would get less than what it gets
if they sell for dollars, because they would have to face that people calculate in
additional risk costs.
Only when there are more risk cost associated with the dollar, sales will use another currency.
If Russia would insist on selling oil for Rubles, it would get less than what it gets
if they sell for dollars, because they would have to face that people calculate in
additional risk costs.
Only when there are more risk cost associated with the dollar, sales will use another currency.
If you are taking an example of rubles ... okay fine. If russia with increasing gold reserves plus oil reserves start selling oil in rubles, the risk associated with it will be less. It will in fact strengthen the rubles meanwhile dollars is a reserve currency less circulation of dollars means risk associated with it will be high. Investors will start investing in russia seeking strong rising currency.

Still dollars will be relevant since all other countries will still circulate using dollars. What it need is collaboration of 4 to 5 oil producing country minimum to shift away from dollars. To be a visible impact.
If you are taking an example of rubles ... okay fine. If russia with increasing gold reserves plus oil reserves start selling oil in rubles, the risk associated with it will be less. It will in fact strengthen the rubles meanwhile dollars is a reserve currency less circulation of dollars means risk associated with it will be high. Investors will start investing in russia seeking strong rising currency.

Still dollars will be relevant since all other countries will still circulate using dollars. What it need is collaboration of 4 to 5 oil producing country minimum to shift away from dollars. To be a visible impact.
Nope, as I said, people will look at the options and prefer to buy from countries selling in dollar,
and will pay less for Russias oil, to compensate for the risk, meaning less hard cash going to Russia and diminishing gold reserves, further pressing the Ruble down.

If selling in Rubles was beneficiary to Russia, they would already have started
Nope, as I said, people will look at the options and prefer to buy from countries selling in dollar,
and will pay less for Russias oil, to compensate for the risk, meaning less hard cash going to Russia and diminishing gold reserves, further pressing the Ruble down.

If selling in Rubles was beneficiary to Russia, they would already have started
Like I said a single country is not significant to make a change. You are right about your views. It needs set of countries to use another reserve currency and these countries must be financially strong. Problem is countries like china, russia dont have pets like GCC to sell oil for dollars.It needs collaborative effort.

And switching is not easy .. you dont think countries didnt try like libya or iraq.

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