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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Russia media has released footage where one can see the whole base normal, intact and operational.

Russian media has released footage of hardened shelters with big holes in it.

The base has 40 hardened shelters, and the US claimed they hit 20 of them.
A seven year old can figure out if there are intact shelters.

Since the runway was not targetted, the aircraft in the untouched shelters
can obviously take off and land.

As for @Steve781
That does not neccessarily mean that operations can continue as usual.
Anyone can claim anything without sources.
Show some statistics on mission count before and after...
Without that, you are just a troll.
Oh Boy!! Someone REALLY hates us with passion but doesn't have proper discussion points. The article is written by someone who can't really make a single real point outside of "I hate America" bullsh!t. And the funny thing is, he's speaking for us that the "progressive voices the Americans need" :angel:. We are totally speak for ourselves and vote for ourselves. I hate to say it to the writer, but please, instead of hating us, grow some balls and go save the innocent children who died and whom's parents on open medi (available on youtube) called Trump by name asking for help. Trump's policy was to never deal with the ME mess, he got votes on that agenda. So trust me, we don't have any interest there if people like the writer can grow some balls and stop the open genocide in Syria.
If by us you mean the corrupt Zionists who control the US Deep State, then yes, the Saker despises them and rightly so. He is rather disappointed that Trump has betrayed the American people and has been broken by them.

Putin expects more "false flag" attacks!
And the ammo depots and stage area too, which still have flames burning up underground. Take a look at the damage caused by the Tomahawks through penetration on the walls of the hardened, triple layer metal and concrete aircraft shelters. It seems like a Cluster bomb blew up in each one of the hangers.
Yes this is what I meant by logistics

If by us you mean the corrupt Zionists who control the US Deep State, then yes, the Saker despises them and rightly so. He is rather disappointed that Trump has betrayed the American people and has been broken by them.
That's how I imagine you
James Mattis Admits He Only Has 20 Brain Cells

The Pentagon is being run by an idiot — again.

RI Staff
12 hours ago

Oh dear.

Pentagon chief James "Mad Dog" Mattis is holding a press conference right now as we are typing these words.

And curious minds want to know: Exactly what percentage of the Syrian air force was vaporized by Trump's fancy missile strike? 86.7%? 66.6%? 115%?

Uh-oh. Numbers. As a small boy growing up in Satan's Lair, Mattis always hated Common Core.

Here's Mattis, clarifying:

Mattis on Syrian aircraft destroyed: I thought it was about 20%, I think its around 20 aircraft...I probably shouldn't have used 20%
— Jessica Schulberg (@jessicaschulb)
April 11, 2017

ALSO: Mattis on Chlorine attacks: "chemical weapon is a chemical weapon. Whether in barrel or munition, doesn't matter". Every bomb is a chemical bomb!

The Trump Administration is a dangerous circus of freaks.


Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Alliance With Either US Or Iran تیلرسون: روسیه انتخاب کند
تیلرسون: روسیه بین ایران و آمریکا، یکی را انتخاب کند
وزیر خارجه آمریکا در نشست گروه 7 گفته که روسیه باید از بین ائتلاف با آمریکا و متحدانش یا ائتلاف با بشار اسد، ایران و حزب‌الله، یکی را انتخاب کند.

U.S Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Alliance With Either U.S. Or Iran

Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Between Allying With Us or Iran in Syria
Russia must choose between partnering with the United States or the Iranian axis, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said at a meeting of the G7 nations in Italy on Tuesday. “We want to relieve the suffering of the Syrian people. Russia can be a part of that future and play an important role,” Tillerson explained. “Or Russia can maintain its alliance with this group [Iran, Assad, and Hezbollah], which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests longer term.”
Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Alliance With Either US Or Iran تیلرسون: روسیه انتخاب کند
تیلرسون: روسیه بین ایران و آمریکا، یکی را انتخاب کند
وزیر خارجه آمریکا در نشست گروه 7 گفته که روسیه باید از بین ائتلاف با آمریکا و متحدانش یا ائتلاف با بشار اسد، ایران و حزب‌الله، یکی را انتخاب کند.

U.S Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Alliance With Either U.S. Or Iran

Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Between Allying With Us or Iran in Syria
Russia must choose between partnering with the United States or the Iranian axis, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said at a meeting of the G7 nations in Italy on Tuesday. “We want to relieve the suffering of the Syrian people. Russia can be a part of that future and play an important role,” Tillerson explained. “Or Russia can maintain its alliance with this group [Iran, Assad, and Hezbollah], which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests longer term.”
Russia should think about how much Iran and Assad are worth to them, the west can drop the oil prices to a few dollars per barrel
This KHUSRA called Trump and his alike previous presidents,they were only good at invading poor and weak country.Poke one like Russia China or even pakistan directy and I swear they,ll keep on harvesting the results for centuries no matter how the war ends and to which sides favour.
Trump seems to rule out deeper US intervention in Syria

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump is appearing to rule out deeper American military intervention in Syria beyond retaliatory strikes if Syrian President Bashar Assad continues his assault on civilians with chemical weapons.

"Are we going to get involved with Syria? No," Trump told Fox Business News in an interview that aired Wednesday.

Trumps comments come less than a week after he ordered missile strikes on a Syrian airfield after US evidence indicated that Assad killed civilians using the nerve agent sarin.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Wednesday said that the president was not ruling out another attack on Syrian government installations if Assad continued to use chemical weapons against civilians.



Russia should think about how much Iran and Assad are worth to them, the west can drop the oil prices to a few dollars per barrel

US is not interested in toppling the Syrian gov't/regime. They have their interests secured in Kurdish territory. Israel controls Golan, opposition controls Idlib, and ISIS controls much of the east. Everyone rather keep it that way.

He's very wrong about Syria though, I'll bet the rebels are planning another gas attack.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem will visit Moscow from April 13-15 for talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday.

Maria Zakharova, a foreign ministry spokeswoman, also said that three-ways talks between the foreign ministers of Russia, Iran and Syria would take place on April 14 in Moscow.

(Reporting by Polina Devitt; Writing by Denis Pinchuk; Editing by Andrew Osborn)
Trump seems to rule out deeper US intervention in Syria

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump is appearing to rule out deeper American military intervention in Syria beyond retaliatory strikes if Syrian President Bashar Assad continues his assault on civilians with chemical weapons.

"Are we going to get involved with Syria? No," Trump told Fox Business News in an interview that aired Wednesday.

Trumps comments come less than a week after he ordered missile strikes on a Syrian airfield after US evidence indicated that Assad killed civilians using the nerve agent sarin.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Wednesday said that the president was not ruling out another attack on Syrian government installations if Assad continued to use chemical weapons against civilians.



US is not interested in toppling the Syrian gov't/regime. They have their interests secured in Kurdish territory. Israel controls Golan, opposition controls Idlib, and ISIS controls much of the east. Everyone rather keep it that way.
The entire show was somehow for internal consumption ....
Everyone around your country doesn't. Russia, Iran, North Korea and a few others don't make up everyone. If some hate us, majority call your country with a bad word starting with a "Tero"...use your imagination!

Well , there are difference between liking someone or pretend to like her due fear ... You simply rule with fear and use economic , media and your military power to silence others .... some many people and countries prefer to shout their mouth rather than face consequences of showing their real feeling toward you ...

you are just repeating one of main mistake of past empire in the world ... in your arrogance , you see yourselves above others and you think others like you ...

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