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President Putin: I Support Israel

So have u done to Baluchistan, does that make to sail in the same boat as us ?

Stop talking like an ignorant & dumb...Balochistan, Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, South Tibet, Tamil Elam can not be compared with occupied/disputed territories like IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir or Palestine.

Hey forgot China and Russia ??

What happen to China & Russia?
Stop talking like an ignorant & dumb...Balochistan, Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, South Tibet, Tamil Elam can not be compared with occupied/disputed territories like IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir or Palestine.
You my friend are an emotional guy, while you talk about Muslim brotherhood, Egypt, jordon and turkey say otherwise
Be rational sometimes, instead of shout slogns death to israel, concentrate on solving the matter.


You Indians are ready to sell your everything for Israeli weapons .

Believe me , Its not worthy .
I knew it. Knew it very well.

Putin and the current Russian elite including the people waiting in the pipeline to be pumped are...Are actually slaves. Slaves of money.

Russia can't do shit to Israel. Not because of the US. But because the money is in Israel's hand. Similarly Pakistan can't do shit. The elite will go bankrupt if that were to happen.
1. no israelies bought that land from paletenians and UNO , turkey, arab leuge(or whatever it was called then) & britain over looked the entire process
2.israelies onli declared what UNO , Turkey and british & Arabs agreed to but as soon as british went arabs ganged up and attacked the state of israel onli to get there asses whooped
3.well had israelies not premtivli striked each israeli would have been massacrred had the combined armies of arab nation gatherred
4.well before that you forgot to mention the terror campaign carried owt by arabs
5.even after allthis you failed to mention 2000 peace declaration at washington

point is if you dont use the chances given to you and make most of it and live in peace and carry forward the hate and revenge campaign this is what the result comes owt and all the world looses sympathy towrds you

but good luck keep the fire burning ;)

Bollywood movie
You Indians are ready to sell your everything for Israeli weapons .

Believe me , Its not worthy .

Our government's stance is still neutral but believe me there is more to it than weapons.
LOL...what a brainfart....Europe has centuries old nations (even further than that).....The Palestinian term was coined after 1947 .It would have worked out if the Arabs wouldn't have attacked Israel in 1948,now they lost what they had back then.....As i often said,tough luck.

what do you mean by palestinian term was coined after 47 ??
what do you mean by palestinian term was coined after 47 ??

Did you ever heard about a "Palestinian nation" before that ?.I sure didn't.There was an international partition between Arabs and Jews and the Arabs decided to attack.It didn't work out so well for them.
Yes we do know that but can you expect any responsible country to support terrorist org like Hamas ??

Even none asked Putin for his support.

I guess this thread is about giving support without being asked . :lol:

Putin bhai is the president of Russia man-
For all the love and passion of Europe and America towards creation and subsequent expansion of jewish state,why don't they show same passion for the jewish inhabitants of Europe and create a jewish state for them in Europe.Wouldn't it dilute the pain of Holocaust.

God didn't promise the Jews Poland.:-)
Putin bhai is the president of Russia man-
Whole world knows India is much closer to Israel than Russia.So if he can then we too can to do our bit to contribute in thread about giving support to Israeli cause without being asked. :lol:
Did you ever heard about a "Palestinian nation" before that ?.I sure didn't.There was an international partition between Arabs and Jews and the Arabs decided to attack.It didn't work out so well for them.

yes heres a couple


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