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President Putin: I Support Israel

i am back... had great iftar.. yum yum @MOHSENAM :P

now back to topic:

so how it started ? Germany was killing innocent jew ppl in ww2, after ww2, they are promised to have safe home given by allied forces.

They picked palestine land and palestinian ppl welcomed them ( why europe gave jew state in its land ?). all good, so what went wrong ?
It started went wrong when those jew ppl declared indepentant state of their own within palestinian land. It is like migranted ppl from other parts of the world come to great land India for new hope, indian welcomed them. then suddenly those migrants called for indepentant land within India, surely you will be like WTF ! ! live as India, why seperate state ? death to you.
when Palestinian protested against new state, isralis started massacare against palestinian ppl, which leaded invasion of arab countries but israel survived.

after few years as result of 1956 suez crisis,Israel did Preemptive strike on Egypt without anyprovocation, the purpose was to demolish egypt force once for all and took control of suez cannel.
after few years it resulted another war between one side Syria, Jordan, Egypt and other side Israel. Egypt took control of suez cannel (in video it showed that Israel gave it to Egypt)

-------------- it continues
You really need to fire your history teacher.

There goes the idea of Gaza folks ordering the Crimea type referendum. :cheesy:

On a more serious note, the reason for this stance has a lot more to do with actions needed in Chechnya and in the Crimean conflict than with the origin of Israelis.

Would actually be a good idea with a referendum.
What will they do, when Putin tells them to stop firing missiles?

If they obey, blockade will stop, and everyone will live happily ever after,
and if they do not stop, it will take time to develop missiles which has
even a small chance to hit Israel from Eastern Siberia and can handle -65'C.
Your nurses being freed only shows how much relevant you are to the region- in other words whats holding up those nurses would have done for the cause of ISIS no matter how twisted their cause is-

Imagine thise nurses held up in Afghanistan-
We also know what you did to your fellow country men abducted by the Somalis-
So please spare us with your jingoism and stop trying to be relevant-
Mind it our nurses were kidnapped by ISIS.Why do you think they were even kidnapped at first place ??

And we ferried back thousands of Indians even from Somalia and stop imagining about hypothetical situations in Afghanistan. We will see it when time comes.

Spare me your bull crap before taking out your Pakistani brothers from Iraq.

And we will keep supporting Israel and you can either choose to let ************* threw you or use your stupid arguments.
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Mind it our nurses were kidnapped by ISIS.Why do you think they were even kidnapped at first place ??

And we ferried back thousands of Indians even from Somalia and stop imagining about hypothetical situations in Afghanistan. We will see it when time comes.

Spare me your bull crap before taking out your Pakistani brothers from Iraq.

And we will keep supporting Israel and you can either choose to let butthurt flow threw you or use your stupid arguments.

Indian nurses were kidnapped because they chose to stay there in a conflict zone Duhhhhhh-
Your use of profanities indicate you are out of saner arguments- so i call it a victory- put the trophy on my shelf with your name on it and move on- Cheers-
Discussed that allready,pls see above posts.Nation not region.

Discussed where ?
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region so which country was this region in & who were the people that lived in this region/land ?????

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For all the love and passion of Europe and America towards creation and subsequent expansion of jewish state,why don't they show same passion for the jewish inhabitants of Europe and create a jewish state for them in Europe.Wouldn't it dilute the pain of Holocaust.

I am sure that if Mecca was invaded by Alien Insects from Alpha Centauri,
Muslims of every kind could be converted to do pilgrimage to Novosibirsk - not.

Great Britain suggested Uganda as a Homeland, but the Jews which for two thousand
of years has been using the phrase "Next Year in Jerusalem", were not impressed.
They wanted to go back to the land of Israel, already at the beginning of the Zionist movement,
and Britain saw fit to support this.

Arabs in the Palestinian Mandate were run over by a truck, known as mostly legal immigration,
followed by a legal decision in the UN General Assembly, followed by war, which
resulted in annexation of the remaining area intended for the Arabs by Jordan.
Indian nurses were kidnapped because they chose to stay there in a conflict zone Duhhhhhh-
Your use of profanities indicate you are out of saner arguments- so i call it a victory- put the trophy on my shelf with your name on it and move on- Cheers-

So were Shia and Sunni population. They can't just move on since they were not asked to.Hospitals are for humanitarian cause. There is nothing ethical or religious about that so they choose to stay.

Where did you see profanity in my arguments ??

Be honest , Ain't ********************** us being against terrorist Hamas whom you guys are supporting??
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Discussed that allready,pls see above posts.Nation not region.

Lol,i am a called "Dobrogean " because i am from Dobrogea region.There is no,never was a Dobrogean nation though.

Dogbrogean is in which country ? Romania so palestine was in which country ??
stop spreading your lies even in the british house of commons theres a 1189 freeze(sp) on the wall showing richard the lionheart going on crusade to PALESTINE do check it

"Palestine" has been known since Roman times. After "the Jewish War" 66-73AD,
Israel was renamed Syria Palaestine by the Romans.
The British were ruling the Palestine Mandate.

The term "Palestinians" is what is beeing debated, and that is what people is claiming is new.
Is there a fundamental difference between an Arab which is living in current Jordan
and living on the West Bank? That is the issue.
Some people would claim they are both "Syrian Arabs" and traditionally,
there is no such thing as a "Palestinian people". I tend to agree.

Based on the enemity between Palestinians and all other neighbours here on PDF,
which does not want to touch them with a 10 foot pole (Iranians excluded),
I would think they have earned their right to be separated from the others.

and the people of this region ,what where they called ?
Arabs, Christian Arabs and Jews. Non-Arab Christians in Lebanon as well.
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So were Shia and Sunni population. They can't just move on since they were not asked to.Hospitals are for humanitarian cause. There is nothing ethical or religious about that so they choose to stay.

Where did you see profanity in my arguments ??

Be honest , Ain't you butt hurt about us being against terrorist Hamas whom you guys are supporting??

And there is nothing glorious if you were able to get your nurses back- dont over act just because they let your nurses go free because you indians are not relevant there- whats difficult to comprehend?-

Lets be honest- aint you butt hurt that indians are just jumping up and down uselessly thinking they are the main players just because isis freed your nurses?- you mean nothing over there-
In Iraq or in Gaza conflict-
You do realize you dont even have to choose any sides in the conflict- thats how irrelevant indians are there- kindly accept the reality and stop sticking your butt where it has no value-
You try having your country constantly under attack from all its neighbours and your civilian areeas hit by rocket fire and see how you react.Some times i think that the Israelis are showing restraint.None of this would have happenned if the initial partition would have been accepted by the Arabs.

Of course they are showing restraint. Mostly precision bombing nowadays and often with pre-warning.
Whether the targets are legal or not, will have to be judged later in independent investigations.
Israeli opinion that homes of high-ranking officers are military targets will have to be judged
by experienced lawyers.

Dare to compare this type of bombing with the carpet bombing of let's say Caen in the Normandy Campaign,
where a friendly city was simply eradicated due to presence of an Waffen-SS division.
THAT is unrestrained warfare.

So it will happen by :sniper:
No, I think the Arabs will stay were they are.

buthurtt ? lol
May I add your English Teacher as well. Your spelling stinks!
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Lie.... Israel was the heartland of Jews and Muslim Invaders and oppressors occupied and sent the Jews away.... Keep that in mind.. Jews Civilization is 5000 thousand years old and Islam 1500-1700

Do not make up blatant bull shit.
Once this flu is over (by tomorrow, touch wood), I will go back to normal posting frequency :toast_sign:.
For all the love and passion of Europe and America towards creation and subsequent expansion of jewish state,why don't they show same passion for the jewish inhabitants of Europe and create a jewish state for them in Europe.Wouldn't it dilute the pain of Holocaust.

Maybe with Berlin as the capital. :sarcastic:
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