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President Putin: I Support Israel

Whole world knows India is much closer to Israel than Russia.So if he can then we too can to do our bit to contribute in thread about giving support to Israeli cause without being asked. :lol:

Why do you have to bring whole world in to float your indian boat- your opinion alone will not carry much weight I agree-

Again we are talking about relevancy- lets bring the whole world shall we- the whole world knows Russia has more stakes and influence in that region than india could ever have- so india support Israel or pdf indians support israel it is not relevant here at all- and i bet ya whole world apart from indians whose fantasy world revolve around india only knows about that aswell-
Why do you have to bring whole world in to float your indian boat- your opinion alone will not carry much weight I agree-

Again we are talking about relevancy- lets bring the whole world shall we- the whole world knows Russia has more stakes and influence in that region than india could ever have- so india support Israel or pdf indians support israel it is not relevant here at all- and i bet ya whole world apart from indians whose fantasy world revolve around india only knows about that aswell-

Neither will your opinion, so why don't you stop supporting terrorist Hamas ??

And yes our support is relevant and very well placed as far as views on forums are concerned. If one goes by your silly logics then even existence of defence forums is not worth it.

It's how opinions are developed and formed . We have democratic country and our governments lends it's ear to our views.

One more thing we certainly have more influence than you in middle east as was quite evident when we took out our stranded nurses while you can't.

Now stop being cocky and butt hurt about our support for Israel.
its so sweet to see , how indians are licking Israel A$$'s , even they share nothing with them , these jews will kick your A$$ when they will finish using you and your country... yeh apne baap ke saage nai tu tmare kia hon gay :rofl::rofl:
I think, it has to do with FSA with Arab supports in Syria crisis. Russia are not pleased with Arabs cowards.


Support for Operation Protective Edge, Israel's military effort to stop Hamas' incessant rocket attacks against Israel's civilians, is coming directly from the Kremlin.

"I am closely tracking what is happening in Israel," Russian President Vladimir Putin remarked in a meeting on Wednesday with a delegation of Chief Rabbis and representatives of the Rabbinical Center of Europe.

The purpose of the meeting, according to the Kremlin, was to discuss joint efforts to prevent the rewriting of history, the fight against neo-Nazism and neo-fascism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.

"It is important to discuss the subject of the Holocaust of the World War II era. There are Holocaust survivors among the rabbis, they have their personal, dramatic stories," Rabbi Alexander Boroda, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, told Interfax-Religion.

Boroda was seated across from Putin during the meeting, alongside Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, Israel's Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau and others.

At one point during the meeting, Rabbi Yosef commented that "hours before I flew here, a rocket landed near my house in Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish nation."

"It goes without saying there is great anxiety among my children and grandchildren who were forced to enter bomb shelters, for no fault of their own," he said, adding that it is "hard to describe the emotional damage that is being done to them. All this is just for the crime that they were born to the Jewish nation."

The Chief Rabbi concluded by asking the president to use his power "to bring a stop to the violence. There cannot be a situation where people use religion to slaughter the innocent."

Most of the Israeli population is currently living under the threat of rocket fire. Life between sirens, in and out of bomb shelters, has become the daily reality for millions of Israelis.

Hamas terrorists in Gaza have fired more than 200 rockets at Israel since Operation Protective Edge began on Monday, July 7 – and over 650 rockets since the beginning of 2014.

According a news report, Putin replied by asking Rabbi Yosef to pass along a message to Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Russia is a true friend of Israel and of the Prime Minister.

"I support Israel's battle that is intended to keep its citizens protected," he said about the Israel Defense Forces' operation to restore quiet to the region and stop Hamas terrorism.

"I also heard about the shocking murder of the three teenagers," Putin added about the kidnapping and murder of Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrach and Gilad Shaar, three Yeshiva students in Israel. "This is an unconscionable act and I ask that you bring my condolences to the families."

Also in attendance were Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands Binyomin Jacobs; Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen, head of the rabbinical court in Paris, France; Rabbi Yisroel Lichtenstein, head of the Federation of Synagogues Beth Din in England; Rabbi Moshe Lazar of Milan, Italy; Rabbi Michael Shmerla, head of the rabbinical court in Strasbourg, France; Rabbi Yitzchak Niazov, Rabbi of the Bukharan Jewish Community in Vienna, Austria; Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel, Director of Chabad Lubavitch Educational Center in Berlin, Germany; Rabbi Yaakov David Shmal, dayan of Machazikei Hadas in Antwerp, Belgium; Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Director of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe.

As part of their trip to Moscow, the Rabbis will attend a special ceremony marking the anniversary of the release of the Frierdiker Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, from Soviet prison.
Neither will your opinion, so why don't you stop supporting terrorist Hamas ??

And yes our support is relevant and very well placed as far as views on forums are concerned. If one goes by your silly logics then even existence of defence forums is not worth it.

It's how opinions are developed and formed . We have democratic country and our governments lends it's ear to our views.

One more thing we certainly have more influence than you in middle east as was quite evident when we took out our stranded nurses while you can't.

Now stop being cocky and butt hurt about our support for Israel.

Your nurses being freed only shows how much relevant you are to the region- in other words whats holding up those nurses would have done for the cause of ISIS no matter how twisted their cause is-

Imagine thise nurses held up in Afghanistan-
We also know what you did to your fellow country men abducted by the Somalis-
So please spare us with your jingoism and stop trying to be relevant-
jews,sorry i stand corrected.
No problem with jewish state as long as basic human rights are not voilated and geneva convention too.But Israel has different plans by just deciphering the two lines on their flag.
Did you ever heard about a "Palestinian nation" before that ?.I sure didn't.There was an international partition between Arabs and Jews and the Arabs decided to attack.It didn't work out so well for them.
Palestine as a region,not a nation.Palestine was under Jews,Romans,Byzantines,Arabs,Turks,British than Jews again.No Palestinian nation ever.

Palestine as a region,not a nation.Palestine was under Jews,Romans,Byzantines,Arabs,Turks,British than Jews again.No Palestinian nation ever.

and the people of this region ,what where they called ?
jews,sorry i stand corrected.
No problem with jewish state as long as basic human rights are not voilated and geneva convention too.But Israel has different plans by just deciphering the two lines on their flag.

You try having your country constantly under attack from all its neighbours and your civilian areeas hit by rocket fire and see how you react.Some times i think that the Israelis are showing restraint.None of this would have happenned if the initial partition would have been accepted by the Arabs.
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