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President Putin: I Support Israel

There goes the idea of Gaza folks ordering the Crimea type referendum. :cheesy:

On a more serious note, the reason for this stance has a lot more to do with actions needed in Chechnya and in the Crimean conflict than with the origin of Israelis.
and you are a "ELITE MEMBER":hitwall:
But people like you are an embarassment to the human kind just like the extremist takfiri muslims. You feel no pity on thousands of dead palastinians because your islamophobia doesn't let you. And presenting 1 israeli casualty against 1000 Palestinian deaths as legitimate.
But yes, one terrorists state supporting state terrorism of another natural allies I get it. Shame on you and your type of Inhumans
It will be really a hard time for Hamas if Russia support Israel. Russia can stop funding and weapon supply to Hamas using its influence in Iran and other Islamic state.
Russia can't use its 'influence' on Iran to stop anything, we are not like some neighbors to get orders from outside.
i am back... had great iftar.. yum yum @MOHSENAM :P

now back to topic:

so how it started ? Germany was killing innocent jew ppl in ww2, after ww2, they are promised to have safe home given by allied forces.

They picked palestine land and palestinian ppl welcomed them ( why europe gave jew state in its land ?). all good, so what went wrong ?
It started went wrong when those jew ppl declared indepentant state of their own within palestinian land. It is like migranted ppl from other parts of the world come to great land India for new hope, indian welcomed them. then suddenly those migrants called for indepentant land within India, surely you will be like WTF ! ! live as India, why seperate state ? death to you.
when Palestinian protested against new state, isralis started massacare against palestinian ppl, which leaded invasion of arab countries but israel survived.

after few years as result of 1956 suez crisis,Israel did Preemptive strike on Egypt without anyprovocation, the purpose was to demolish egypt force once for all and took control of suez cannel.
after few years it resulted another war between one side Syria, Jordan, Egypt and other side Israel. Egypt took control of suez cannel (in video it showed that Israel gave it to Egypt)

-------------- it continues

1. no israelies bought that land from paletenians and UNO , turkey, arab leuge(or whatever it was called then) & britain over looked the entire process
2.israelies onli declared what UNO , Turkey and british & Arabs agreed to but as soon as british went arabs ganged up and attacked the state of israel onli to get there asses whooped
3.well had israelies not premtivli striked each israeli would have been massacrred had the combined armies of arab nation gatherred
4.well before that you forgot to mention the terror campaign carried owt by arabs
5.even after allthis you failed to mention 2000 peace declaration at washington

point is if you dont use the chances given to you and make most of it and live in peace and carry forward the hate and revenge campaign this is what the result comes owt and all the world looses sympathy towrds you

but good luck keep the fire burning ;)
Ah I was wondering when Russia was going to try the same strategy China is doing with South Korea. Suddenly hold out your hand in friendship to an old adversary and try and weaken their US relationship.
But people like you are an embarassment to the human kind just like the extremist takfiri muslims. You feel no pity on thousands of dead palastinians because your islamophobia doesn't let you. And presenting 1 israeli casualty against 1000 Palestinian deaths as legitimate.
But yes, one terrorists state supporting state terrorism of another natural allies I get it. Shame on you and your type of Inhumans
tune to emo.jpg
1. no israelies bought that land from paletenians and UNO , turkey, arab leuge(or whatever it was called then) & britain over looked the entire process
2.israelies onli declared what UNO , Turkey and british & Arabs agreed to but as soon as british went arabs ganged up and attacked the state of israel onli to get there asses whooped
3.well had israelies not premtivli striked each israeli would have been massacrred had the combined armies of arab nation gatherred
4.well before that you forgot to mention the terror campaign carried owt by arabs
5.even after allthis you failed to mention 2000 peace declaration at washington

point is if you dont use the chances given to you and make most of it and live in peace and carry forward the hate and revenge campaign this is what the result comes owt and all the world looses sympathy towrds you

but good luck keep the fire burning ;)
1. prove it.
2. prove it.
3. so are you telling me that USA should do preemptive strike on India without any provocation just because you are poteintial check mate of USA ? LOL
4. tell me more :D
5. how about peace process where Kasmiris say take jammu to yourself and we take kasmir as seperate state, two state solution :D
1. prove it.
2. prove it.
3. so are you telling me that USA should do preemptive strike on India without any provocation just because you are poteintial check mate of USA ? LOL
4. tell me more :D
5. how about peace process where Kasmiris say take jammu to yourself and we take kasmir as seperate state, two state solution :D
well i gave al the links i could if your paranoia and prejudiced attitude dosent wants to beleave it keep dreaming who cares ;)
Great video!
Really puts the Israe-Palestine conflict in perspective.

Can you explain to me mohsenam why Iran supports Hamas and is anti-Israel? How does the Israel-Palestine conflict affect Iran?
Are the people there Shia?
And why can't such a tiny jewish state exist in european mainland where jews have lived for centuries ?
Don't worry Allah is with them,Everyone has to die some day.Israelis are getting permanent residence for hell .........Congrats to them,they know better than us.
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