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President Putin: I Support Israel

Someone had opened a thread "If Indian are Islamophobic"
India will lick your **** if you kill a muslim, as you can see here they are all pretending to be Israelis since their thin legs have no power to kill any muslim

Relevance to the subject ?

Since you have brought it up.. Muslims die in larger numbers at the hands of fellow muslims .... Maybe the rest of the world feels " Why fix something that isn't broke ' ?
tell me something I don't know, kuffars (as states) are meant to side by one another against muslims

Constantly calling people kuffars,infidels,etc,trying to impose a foreign ideology on them is a great way of making them band together.That's why you'll have Christians (catholics,protestants,evanghelists,orthodox),Hindus,Buddhists,Atheists,Jews supporting Israel.Tough luck.
2 Super powers took their sides clearly.

Pakistan supports Palestine and warned Israel to face their anger.
Russia supports Israel.

Whose support really matters here?

And BiBi already said in the Parliment that Israel would never bow down to the International pressure.. Until and unless Hamas don't stop firing rockets at its Citizen Israel won't stop giving them the taste of their own medicine
everyone supports israel expect for the rogue muslim regimes of course (which do not matter)any ways !go Israel !!kill the terrorists !!!

Its Simple Stop Firing rockets... Stop Storing Rockets in the Civilian Houses and Schools, Stop Using the Civilians as Shield

And the Most Important one If hamas has any care about their owwn citizen stop firing rockets, because everytime you fire a rocket its not hurting Israel but Hamas and Gaza Civilians.... Does Hamas care about that???? Big NOOOOOOO

Cuz Palestinians have lived in their hometowns and israelis have occupied them. And another thing is Islamic duty.

Lie.... Israel was the heartland of Jews and Muslim Invaders and oppressors occupied and sent the Jews away.... Keep that in mind.. Jews Civilization is 5000 thousand years old and Islam 1500-1700
All sane people support Israel against the terrorist Hamas who keeps using civies as human shields while firing rockets (a cycle which repeats every 2 years) to gain sympathy and funding :coffee:
[quote="Owl of Abott, post: 5906047, member: 158808"...palestine ....[/quote]

No such place. NEVER was.:coffee:
Its Simple Stop Firing rockets... Stop Storing Rockets in the Civilian Houses and Schools, Stop Using the Civilians as Shield

And the Most Important one If hamas has any care about their owwn citizen stop firing rockets, because everytime you fire a rocket its not hurting Israel but Hamas and Gaza Civilians.... Does Hamas care about that???? Big NOOOOOOO

Lie.... Israel was the heartland of Jews and Muslim Invaders and oppressors occupied and sent the Jews away.... Keep that in mind.. Jews Civilization is 5000 thousand years old and Islam 1500-1700

The Romans expelled the Jews.
well that is your view cause you dont want to listen to other side well guess what dosent realli matters and to those whome it matters are taking care of it its onli you cant do anything cause you are wrong and its not middle ages that you can bully the world any longer
i am back... had great iftar.. yum yum @MOHSENAM :P

now back to topic:

so how it started ? Germany was killing innocent jew ppl in ww2, after ww2, they are promised to have safe home given by allied forces.

They picked palestine land and palestinian ppl welcomed them ( why europe gave jew state in its land ?). all good, so what went wrong ?
It started went wrong when those jew ppl declared indepentant state of their own within palestinian land. It is like migranted ppl from other parts of the world come to great land India for new hope, indian welcomed them. then suddenly those migrants called for indepentant land within India, surely you will be like WTF ! ! live as India, why seperate state ? death to you.
when Palestinian protested against new state, isralis started massacare against palestinian ppl, which leaded invasion of arab countries but israel survived.

after few years as result of 1956 suez crisis,Israel did Preemptive strike on Egypt without anyprovocation, the purpose was to demolish egypt force once for all and took control of suez cannel.
after few years it resulted another war between one side Syria, Jordan, Egypt and other side Israel. Egypt took control of suez cannel (in video it showed that Israel gave it to Egypt)

-------------- it continues
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