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President may instruct army to target drone: Maulana Khalil

There is no need for drone attacks in Afghanistan since US can send Apache Gunships and Fighter Jets and Ground Forces to take these guys out.

Seriously, there needs to be some sort of skills test before people are allowed to become members here.

The Drones are there because the Taliban and Al Qaeda is there.

Carefully read what you typed and let me know if it makes any sense.

now look at bold part of your comments and then read again my comment ok let me write it again. (i thought my English is weak but yours is ....)

you said in your post that americans should send apachi's and fighter jets. i said they are not feeling even safe in there bases. recent base attacks on american bases show that they are not safe in there camps so how could they fight. they pay taxes to taliban to not attack their supply goods.
and you ask americans to fight talibans out in the middle.
khair you wont buy my points i know. you only listen to BBC (Bakwas Broad Cast) and CNN(Chu**a Nation News)
Wrong Bozo.

Taliban running around carrying guns, enforcing their own draconian laws, giving shelter to foreign terrorists, shooting at Pakistani soldiers, attacking civilians like that school girl is a violation of Pakistan's Sovereignty.

You would have failed the skill test as you don't even know the definition of Sovereignty. :lol:

which planet you are from?

where in Pakistan taliban are running on the roads enforcing their law?
any links to prove your claims?

Or another " Mercenary Fatwaa"?
Fazlu and other bunch of guys like him has no other statement to give these days. Politicians like these, instead of giving economic or energy plan to country are giving advice to confront USA.Our military can takeout drones, but who will face the aftermath of such incident?

A simple question to them is..who are you? Do you know where your economy stands today? Where are your foreign reserves kept? what will be needs of Pakistan after 10yrs...would that be economy, energy, water, unemployment or drones?

Drones and Terrorism never had a military solution, we need diplomatic or political solution. Negotiating with the trouble makers is the only way out.
There lies the problem. People don't look at economy and International pressure that can seriously affect the nation much more than expected.

One drone shot down may bring sanctions, which people don't think of.

Economic growth, power shortage, cancellation of loans, etc, all paints grim picture but people wants to make decisions based on emotions. There are many variables that are being ignored and any wrong decision can create much more trouble than what Pakistan is facing. Problem is people like you are not in huge numbers to make others understand the stark reality.
but sir i cant let these baboons propagate against ISI.
ISI is our first line of defence.

totally agree... Its now moraly duty to do so.

Do you guys even think before you say something? Good god man. You army is your defence, and that army needs to stay in civilian control and act according to the decisions of the government. The ISI maybe your first line of defence when it comes to intelligence, but if they are doing things that is undermining YOUR sovereignty, how can you support its every action? Pfft. Nationalism is blinding you.

These drone attacks are a severe violation of Pakistan's sovereignty. It should never be allowed to continue. But shooting them down is an act of war against the US, and the aftermath would be something Pakistan wont be able to handle. Instead you should use your strength, the ISI, to crush these Taliban forces. So that America doesnt have a reason to send the drones in the first place! But you cant. Why? Cuz probably the ISI is a government on its own backed by the army. And cant be controlled by civilians. Therein lies the problem.

i cant stop laughing .....
they cant stay safe in there camps and you ask them to send apachies and gunships........

what are USA generals and other officers doing in afghanistan??? you close your eyes when your masters do so:undecided:

They use drug proceeds to propel their foreign agenda for expanding american influence..not manipulating local elections.
we know what we say. we love our army. it defends my nation it doesn't matter how.
we dont wanna give these civil bitc**s the control of our nation. who are corrupt to their soles. :tdown:

They use drug proceeds to propel their foreign agenda for expanding american influence..not manipulating local elections.


yar kitni had tak gir sakty ho pakistani dushmani main......
it happened in 1990,91 not now. and who did it are now under court cases. so dont worry.
and one or two persons bad cant be blamed on all agency .\
which planet you are from?

where in Pakistan taliban are running on the roads enforcing their law?
any links to prove your claims?

Or another " Mercenary Fatwaa"?

Have you ever heard of North Waziristan? :rofl:

They even proclaimed their own state, the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan.

Islamic Emirate of Waziristan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What planet are you from or better yet, what have you been smoking to believe that there is no Taliban control in some areas of Pakistan. :lol:

now look at bold part of your comments and then read again my comment ok let me write it again. (i thought my English is weak but yours is ....)

you said in your post that americans should send apachi's and fighter jets. i said they are not feeling even safe in there bases. recent base attacks on american bases show that they are not safe in there camps so how could they fight. they pay taxes to taliban to not attack their supply goods.
and you ask americans to fight talibans out in the middle.
khair you wont buy my points i know. you only listen to BBC (Bakwas Broad Cast) and CNN(Chu**a Nation News)

I am not saying they should send Apache Gunships, fighter jets and ground forces.

I am saying that they DO send these forces to deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan. And those that are in Pakistan, they use Drones to take them out.

Attacks on bases are insider attacks and that hasn't halted US operations in Afghanistan.

Only a person with absolutely no knowledge on this subject matter would assume that due to Insider attacks USA cannot fly Apache Gunships, Fighter Jets or deploy combat troops to battle the Taliban. :lol:
...He said that election campaign in US proved that both Obama and Romney are making fun of Pakistan’s sovereignty as they want to fulfill their malicious intentions -

Under post-9/11 international law (UNSCR 1373) Pakistan has the binding sovereign obligation to eliminate terrorists, terror havens, terror-training camps, and terrorist financing from its territory. Pakistani troops are deployed in N. Wazirstan but the decision remains not to engage. Thus, Pakistan has forfeited its sovereign claims in this matter; Pakistan won't regain its sovereign rights until it decides to fight terrorists.
I am not saying they should send Apache Gunships, fighter jets and ground forces.

I am saying that they DO send these forces to deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan. And those that are in Pakistan, they use Drones to take them out.

Attacks on bases are insider attacks and that hasn't halted US operations in Afghanistan.

Only a person with absolutely no knowledge on this subject matter would assume that due to Insider attacks USA cannot fly Apache Gunships, Fighter Jets or deploy combat troops to battle the Taliban. :lol:

com'on ........ you must be kidding. :wave:

Attacks on base are insider attacks....... ok look at few you tube vids attacks on base. then talk here.
com'on ........ you must be kidding. :wave:

Attacks on base are insider attacks....... ok look at few you tube vids attacks on base. then talk here.

Most of those videos show Taliban attacking Pakistani Bases. :cheesy:
you look it through westerns glasses. its not your fault :what:

i have youtube banned in pakistan i would have posted them here for you.
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