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President may free condemned Christian woman

An interesting and valid point. You know Mr. Hamdani's email address is included, if you like do also include him in the conversation.

I don't like behind-the-scenes conversations. Public discussion is fine.
I think he reads the forum also.
Blasphemy case: Death convict Aasia freed​

Death convict Aasia BiBi of Ittanwala, who was alleged of saying blasphemous remarks about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), has been released and shifted to an unknown location, Dunya News learnt on Monday.
Aasia Bibi (45), resident of Ittanwali, Nankana district, Punjab, was sentenced to death following an allegation under the blasphemy law. Her only crime was that she was going to fill a pot of water when other women in the field said she could not touch the pot, and filed a complaint against her accusing her of committing blasphemy.
On Saturday, she handed over her mercy appeal to Governor Punjab Salman Taseer meant for President of Pakistan Asif Zardari, who while using his discretionary powers can condone her.
Aasia pleaded that she never said anything blasphemous and the accusations are leveled against her due to some personal grudges.
The blasphemy law of the land has been used by Muslims to indict people from other religions. This is also a tool of personal enmity. Human rights groups are lobbying and advocating the repealing of this law, but no one has given it much consideration. All the minorities living in Pakistan have equal rights, but due to inhumane laws like this one they don`t feel secure.

Dunya TV - Pakistan | Blasphemy case: Death convict Aasia freed
Take note of the Extra Ordinary Media coverage this story is getting. Isnt it too much for a Christian. What about the Muslim Women in Europe who get segregated for wearing a weal. Anyways if the President did Pardoned her , His image might improve Internationally , but it could also invite a wrath from Religious Fanatics backed by Political Opportunists.

Official: Pakistan Christian innocent... - Google News
Pakistani President frees Christian woman facing death for blasphemy

by Christian Today reporterPosted: Monday, November 22, 2010, 14:31 (GMT)

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has today freed a Christian mother-of-two facing execution for supposedly committing blasphemy.

Asia Bibi had already spent the last year and a half in prison after Muslim colleagues on the fruit farm where she worked accused her of blasphemy following a dispute between them over their different faiths.

She was arrested in June 2009 in her home village of Ittanwalai, west of the Punjab provincial capital of Lahore, and prosecuted under Section 295 B and C of the Pakistan Penal Code, which carries a mandatory death penalty.

She became the first Christian woman in Pakistan to be handed the death sentence during a court hearing on November 8.

The 45-year-old was freed not long after President Zardari pardoned her today in the face of pressure from the international community.

The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS), which provides free legal support to persecuted Christians in Pakistan, welcomed news of Bibi’s release.

It was among the many Christian and human rights groups to condemn the rulings. It maintains that the charges laid against Bibi were false and warned that there would be similar cases in the future unless Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws were repealed.

Nasir Saeed, Coordinator of CLAAS in the UK, said: “This is the only acceptable outcome to what has been a travesty of justice from the outset. Asia Bibi should never have been charged with blasphemy, let alone found guilty and sentenced to death.

“The ordeal faced by her and her family is unimaginable to most people outside of Pakistan who are largely unaware of the abuse and discrimination faced by the tiny Christian minority there.

“The blasphemy laws smack in the face of democracy and human rights and only reinforce the notion that Christians and other religious minorities in the country are somehow inferior and less human.

“We are relieved and overjoyed at Asia Bibi’s release but so long as the blasphemy laws remain in place there is no telling when another innocent Christian will face being executed because of something they said.

Pakistani President frees Christian woman facing death for blasphemy | Christian News on Christian Today
So she gets pardoned. That may solve her problem. Does it solve Pakistan's problem? What if this woman didn't attract media attention? What happens next time, will a trial and execution be carried out by the mob whose leaders cannot be touched? And even if another case garners equal public attention, can Pakistan afford such distractions while millions suffer from housing and electricity shortages, corruption, and injustice?
So she gets pardoned. That may solve her problem. Does it solve Pakistan's problem? What if this woman didn't attract media attention? What happens next time, will a trial and execution be carried out by the mob whose leaders cannot be touched? And even if another case garners equal public attention, can Pakistan afford such distractions while millions suffer from housing and electricity shortages, corruption, and injustice?

No one here is denying that the law needs amending. No one in the country with a mild sense of justice thinks the law makes a lot of sense.
No one here is denying that the law needs amending. No one in the country with a mild sense of justice thinks the law makes a lot of sense.
That may be so. But what is written at PDF is just private opinion. Which Pakistanis here have committed to pursue a course of public action to remedy the situation? Lectures in mosques? Letter-writing campaigns? Organize demonstrations? Or even an expat making a speech in Hyde Park?
That may be so. But what is written at PDF is just private opinion. Which Pakistanis here have committed to pursue a course of public action to remedy the situation? Lectures in mosques? Letter-writing campaigns? Organize demonstrations? Or even an expat making a speech in Hyde Park?

Actually i did write a letter to the PM and to the Pakistani Ambassador in Pakistan. I agree with you more needs to be one. But i don't think Pakistanis are sitting idle.

I mean there is always asma jahangir ;)
Take note of the Extra Ordinary Media coverage this story is getting. Isnt it too much for a Christian. What about the Muslim Women in Europe who get segregated for wearing a weal. Anyways if the President did Pardoned her , His image might improve Internationally , but it could also invite a wrath from Religious Fanatics backed by Political Opportunists.

So getting segregated for wearing a veil and being given a death sentence over a blasphemy that never occured is the same thing in your opinion.

A segregated women will probably be segregated in a certain place and can go about her life in normal fashion but this particular christian women has spent a year in jail becuase of false allegations. She has been tortured and harrassed, imagine the physical and emotional turmoil endured by this women and her family.

Amazing how similar the two things are.
Actually i did write a letter to the PM and to the Pakistani Ambassador in Pakistan. I agree with you more needs to be one. But i don't think Pakistanis are sitting idle.
I suppose that if you consider your ruling class does a good job of representing your interests, you have nothing to complain about when you appeal to them for help. But what if they don't? How much time will you give them to change? Another fifty years?

I mean there is always asma jahangir ;)
Don't know what this means.
Yes, Mullah jeez said that they will retaliate.

You know, danda fasad, Mullahs fav past time.

Our mullah brigade has also threatened to start a civil war if anyone dared to touch that "Great humanitarian law". Imagine!
Our mullah brigade has also threatened to start a civil war if anyone dared to touch that "Great humanitarian law". Imagine!

It takes a lot or prerequisites to start a civil war, Public Support and arms and ammunition to name a few. Do the mullahs have access to all of these? The most important being public support.
It takes a lot or prerequisites to start a civil war, Public Support and arms and ammunition to name a few. Do the mullahs have access to all of these? The most important being public support.

Well i seriously doubt that they have the ability to do that but they can definitely cause some mayhem.
What alarms me is their utter disregard for their country, not their intentions.:frown:
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