Dear friends, blasphemy law is an insult to islam in the very name of islam or rarther an insult to god in his very name.
God did not ask anyone to protect him, he can take care of himself. Those who claim to stand for god, do they think that they are better at protecting god from his own creation? Are they more than god? How silly of these people.
In the quran allah teaches the prophets and their followers how to argue their cases using their brains and not how they should kill each other in the name of god.
In time of prophet of islam when he was in makkah, was he not insulted every now and then because he stood for fairness and justice amongst people? The arrogant chiefs of makkah insulted him by calling him by various names and even was harmed physically yet he did not sought bloodshed of anyone. He was very forgiving. Not only that but if any of his companions tried to take any action against anyone who insulted him, he stopped them straight away.
Why did he do that? Because he claimed that he was sent as a mercy for all. Now if a person who stands for soicial justice and fairness for all (and that is what he taught his followers as well) and yet his followers execute anyone in his name for the same reason what will that prove? Are these people therefore not trying to prove that they are better than the companions of the prophet? The companions of the prophet gave their lives for him yet did not react to those who insulted the prophet.
The quran tells us that people used to make fun of the quran right in front of the prophet himself and his companions yet all muslims used to do was walk away or they used to try to change the subject. This is teaching of the quran for muslims ie do not react to actions of such people as have no sense. In fact in 25/63 muslim are told there is no point in getting into arguements with foolish poeple just walk away 25/63.
The quran does not stop people from arguing their cases against each other in a civilised manner. This is the context in which the quran itself criticises beliefs of other religions and likewise nonmuslims always have been arguing their cases against islam. The idea is always to try and reach the truth or the right position regarding an issue or thing.
The quran repeatedly tells prophet to go on jihad with nonmuslims by way of the quran ie use mind making arguments to convince people. Islam is not about conquering the world by sword but about trying to explain islam to poeple as to what it stands for and then let people freely make up their own minds. It is because some muslims rulers have been fooling muslims with help of their corrupt mullahs that is why some rulers used them to expand their own kingdoms in the name of religion.
There is no compulsion in religion as for as the quran is concerned in its own context.
Blasphemy law is creation of less knowledgeable muslims who have been made fool of by corrupt mullahs and their friends the corrupt political leaders to create divide between people so that they could use and abuse the people and rule them.
If people were united, they will become a huge problem for these mullahs and politicians because they will demand to see what they have been doing for them and the country. Since they have no answers they try to make people fight with each other instead so that the while people fight with each other they could continue what they have been doing ie stealing from the people what little they had or have.
It is time we people became a bit more sensible and saw where these leaders of our are leading us rather than letting them lead us to the slaughter house like sheep. Eevn if this lady is released, this law must be repealed just like hudood ordinance. These laws are brought in by corrupt rulers to frighten people into submission so that they could abuse them easily. So many women behind bars have been abused by prison guards and at police stations by policemen etc. Who is responsible for all this? What life have these women after they have been locked up in police cells and prison cells? We must protest about these like things in our country till they stop. Laws should be based on social justice and fairness not on whims of mad mullahs. If at all possible these mullahs should be locked up in prison and taught the quran properly and must not be let out till they know the quran properly.
Kindly read my other posts as well to see where I asm coming from.
regards and all the best.