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President Erdoğan calls on Muslims to unite

I don't think AKP is evil, and if Erdogan was speaking as a Turkish nationalist he should say whatever he needs to. But why does he have to play the Muslim card, like he's concerned for all Muslims?

The problems of the Muslim world stem from the massive power play in the region - and Mr Erdogan is up to his neck in it. I don't like him acting like he's some holy saint.

He didn't say anything wrong and that seem to be itching your twisted sorry self.

The problem with the muslim world are dalals and hypocrites who suffer from an inferiority complex.
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If the Prophet could unite the most fractured and tribal people on earth then it can be done again...even easier now that he has left us with the blueprints on how to do so. How are they too different ? Sectarianism can be resolved with knowledgeable discourse and debate, nationalism is the poison you westerners fed us and once we find the antidote that will no longer be the issue and ideological conflicts have a way of petering out eventually.
just like how Pakistan are good friends with taliban and ttp right?
Don't try to divert topic here, we are sending TTP kharjis to Hell....

how paksitan was portrayed as hiding OBL?
Raid on OBL at Abbotabad was a False Flag Operation....
Seymour Hersh Says Story of Osama bin Laden Raid is ‘One Big Lie’ | TIME.com
Pulitzer winner Seymour Hersh: Bin Laden raid 'one big lie' - Washington Times
Report: Bin Laden Already Dead | Fox News

how Pakistan army and isi have affiliations with taliban?
Yes we had affiliation with Native Afghans who were fighting against Soviets which was called Seven Party Alliance and not even a single person from this alliance is against Pakistan and Afghanistan....
Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

paksitan is a sympathetic state for any terrorist organization?
Yes we have little sympathy left for you and your master country USA....

before you open you`re mouth about other look at the flag that you bear in you`re display and think for a second
There is nothing wrong with any ones flag who is going to reply you, because flag represent peoples of different nation not a mind set like you....

And don't try to poison this thread with your diversionary views about Unity of Muslim countries....
Erdogan have spoke and a lot of stupids making a drama. So what if the muslims world have to unite? Stop fighting each other is the message.
If the Prophet could unite the most fractured and tribal people on earth then it can be done again...even easier now that he has left us with the blueprints on how to do so. How are they too different ? Sectarianism can be resolved with knowledgeable discourse and debate, nationalism is the poison you westerners fed us and once we find the antidote that will no longer be the issue and ideological conflicts have a way of petering out eventually.

There's a reason why Islam forbids nationalism, racism and tribalism. It clogs the mind from reason & logic and replaces that with over inflated ego and false pride. All sorts of atrocities can be justified under such pretext. No wonder its a trait of the age of ignorance. What's interesting is that westernes and their admirers in the muslim world foam at the mouth saying the world is a global village and getting smaller but on the other hand they cringe at hint of little cooperation between the muslim world.

The global village think is also a very shitty illusion, a nice tool of exploiting muslim lands. Technology will always be kept between them and muslims will be denied sensitive technologies and will always be exploited. Their markets will always remain protected where as muslims will fight between themselves in the name of western imposed agendas but they (westerners) do cooperate between themselves unconditionally.
ISIS apologist worshiper called for whaaat ?

unity ? ahah .

Brother if you have bitter experience with current leader ship of Turkey then we don't have any problem in representing your country or other Strong Muslim Country as a leader of Muslim Unity....
We just need a leader ship who get the responsibility of Unity of Muslim Countries....
And please try to understand if we cannot get united in just a simple discussion then it will be like helping those hands who are filled with blood of innocent peoples of Muslim Countries....
How is he ISIS apologist? And this coming from a country that backs blood thirsty vermins such as assad and maliki?

Please brother don't forget we are talking about Muslim Unity and this is just a simple forum....
If you want it to be real then at least start from level 1....
Please brother don't forget we are talking about Muslim Unity and this is just a simple forum....
If you want it to be real then at least start from level 1....

Brother I don't want start a sectarian thread and PDF doesn't allow religious discussions. But to be blunt, i just want to say division between shias and sunnis r not mere political. The theological difference is at the fundamental level and irreconcilable. I don't think erdogan meant iran when he called for unity. Sorry if i hurt some people's feelings. No need to quote this post.
Muslim world will unite after all Muslim states are democratic.
Brother democracy is an illusion...even Socrates was against it. It just fragments societies even further by advocating for multiple parties. With multiple parties in play, time and resources get wasted on trying to get into power instead of actually governing and leading the people. No we Muslims need to look to our principles and develop a method of government that will lead us into the future.
Erdogan is a troll :lol:
we need to ban him in this forum :lol:
Brother I don't want start a sectarian thread and PDF doesn't allow religious discussions. But to be blunt, i just want to say division between shias and sunnis r not mere political. The theological difference is at the fundamental level and irreconcilable. I don't think erdogan meant iran when he called for unity. Sorry if i hurt some people's feelings. No need to quote this post.
I don't know if the differences between Shia and Sunni are irreconcilable...but even if it turns out that they are perhaps we should learn to live and work together for the sake of the One God we both worship. Or perhaps it is time for Muslims to have a Council of Nicea moment.
The problems of the Muslim world stem from the massive power play in the region - and Mr Erdogan is up to his neck in it. I don't like him acting like he's some holy saint.
Brother your comment shows that you have some different point of view with Mr Erdogan....
But this also shows that you are worried for the Unity of Muslims....
And this is because you are also the part of Muslim Unity....
Ok, you go to Iraq and Syria and tell people to stop fighting :azn:

No, they can talk with each other:-). The problem is why are people making a big problem. I didnt thought that Erdogans speak wil hurt people out side Turkey.
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