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President Erdoğan calls on Muslims to unite

Don't bother with Indian charals. As u can see these maggots don't want fruitful discussion and always like to vent hatred. Indians have deep hatred towards muslims and they always feel some sort of unease when people talk abt muslim unity whether its political/economic or anything. All non-muslims does that infact. Not to mention they have a inferiority complex vis-vis muslims and they can't stand the presence of muslims in S.asia , a land they r made to believe was rightfully theirs.


Not all Indians are like him but his type is common amongst Indians on this forum and I know exactly how they are brother. ;)
Erdogan is better entertainment, Lieberman is just a noise maker.

For me North Korean leader is most entertaining. I love when I see random reports every 2 months of NK warning a volcano eruption is imminent in region. :lol:
from what i see it as is that without Muslims taking actions to stop bloodshed there wont be a end. look at afganistan look at iraq now syria ect... its true if muslims dont take no action against these problems there will be others that will and that what we been seeing for the past 60+ years. so lets stop other countries who have no business there and lets deal with this problem as a whole issue.
he meant sunni muslims and others are infadels ? lol
If you are Muslim, then please brother don't spread hatred between Muslims we already lost too much and its time to get United and progress together, for now at least agree on common points and leave conflicts for later to resolve peacefully....
Don't bother with Indian charals. As u can see these maggots don't want fruitful discussion and always like to vent hatred. Indians have deep hatred towards muslims and they always feel some sort of unease when people talk abt muslim unity whether its political/economic or anything. All non-muslims does that infact. Not to mention they have a inferiority complex vis-vis muslims and they can't stand the presence of muslims in S.asia , a land they r made to believe was rightfully theirs.

WHere did he say that?

Countries like Jordan or egypt r not Islamic, brother.
I know, that's why we are going to hire Bangalidishis to teach them Islam.
I know, that's why we are going to hire Bangalidishis to teach them Islam.

I don't think this statement relates to my post in any way what so ever. But anyway just saying- No u don't need to hire BDs but u have to hire muslim scholars whether arab , turk or bangladeshi to learn Islam. I am sure jordan also have many such scholars but most likely in jail for offending the pro-zionist monarcy. :)
Muslims countries in ME needs to solve their problem. US/Russia or EU only want to further their agenda. GCC monarcy apart from Qatar is not being helpful in this regard and KSA unfortunately is not the same as it once used to be. Syria's problem can only be solved by syrians with the help of regional muslim countries and that involves kicking that pagan assad out of power. SO far only Erdogan seem to have pragmatic ides regarding these issues. SO at the end of the day whether its syria, palestine, kashmir or arakan, without muslim unity these problem will never be solved. These r NOT arab, kashmiri or rohingya problems but muslim problems.
What a dumbshit u are....seriously u little fockers elected a mass murderer as your leader and come here to lecture us you curry head Indian.
Shame on you camel head.Shitty comment.We select on ability.People kill in the name of Allah & still you follow Islam..You gotta be amazed as Indian Muslims support this Butcher...
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