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President Erdoğan calls on Muslims to unite

He wants to unite with ISIS.

just like how Pakistan are good friends with taliban and ttp right? or how paksitan was portrayed as hiding OBL? or how Pakistan army and isi have affiliations with taliban? or how faisal masjid has a open donations for LET right in the front gates?
trust me buddy if erdogan wanted to be good friends with ISIS he would have made it very clear. but from what i can see paksitan is a sympathetic state for any terrorist organization? @Solomon2 . < maybe he is right? .....

before you open you`re mouth about other look at the flag that you bear in you`re display and think for a second.
is there a chance muslim broterhoods will came to the power again in egypt ? if it happens muslim world goes to union
is there a chance muslim broterhood will came to the power again in egypt ? if it happens muslim world goes to union
huh ? muslim world will get united if MB gets power in "egypt" ? are u from outer space ?
He is a great leader, not afraid to speak his mind. And in today's world that means alot.
huh ? muslim world will get united if MB gets power in "egypt" ? are u from outer space ?
muslim brothers have organizations a lot of in the muslim world from morroco to malezia and they are very effective in politics in that countries also MB are alternative to Assad government
is there a chance muslim broterhoods will came to the power again in egypt ? if it happens muslim world goes to union

Given a chance of fair polls islamic parties will always do very well in the muslim world specially in ME Insha'Allah. MB in egypt is far from over IMO. They have survived almost a 100 years of persecution and i think they will survive this sisi regime too Insha'Allah.
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Yes, but you are not part of this unity.
personally i would prefer stop being muslim than being a MB if no choice

and by the way if you ask people to unite with MB then you'll never see unity
unity is only possible if we respect each other ... and in ME it is very very very far to happen
Don't bother with Indian charals. As u can see these maggots don't want fruitful discussion and always like to vent hatred. Indians have deep hatred towards muslims and they always feel some sort of unease when people talk abt muslim unity whether its political/economic or anything. All non-muslims does that infact. Not to mention they have a inferiority complex vis-vis muslims and they can't stand the presence of muslims in S.asia , a land they r made to believe was rightfully theirs.

Those comments from some ignorant Indians are just normal for their frame of thought. They have a very huge problem with one Muslim country, so just the thought of a united Muslim world of 50 or so powerful countries is beyond their imagination an contradicts their own deepest wishful thinking, it just makes them shiver at the thought. Maybe it is in their genes now, you can add the Usraelis to them and many Judeo-Christian controlled countries.
One can clearly see their bias, India is majority Hindu fanatics if it comes to religion, the proof is Modi's election to power he is a 1000 times more fanatic and a100 times worst than the late Egyptian Morsi.
The others are the hypocrites our Koran and prophet warned us about.
Sane people should just retreat into safe havens, Muslim world, especially mid east is in very deep sh.t that if you try to recover it, you will ruin yourself. Let them kill each other. There is nothing worth uniting in there.

Our limited involvement in Syria and Iraq is already caused many problems for us, and this lunatic wants to even further involve for his retarded idiology, the thing he forgots, majority of his voters does not share the same ideology, if he tramples logic and brings further damage and aggression to people, he will go down, what people cares about is themselves, not ISIS not Assad.
personally i would prefer stop being muslim than being a MB if no choice

and by the way if you ask people to unite with MB then you'll never see unity
unity is only possible if we respect each other ... and in ME it is very very very far to happen
Your faith is so shaky, you should not take the name of Hussein.
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