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President Erdoğan calls on Muslims to unite

personally i would prefer stop being muslim than being a MB if no choice

and by the way if you ask people to unite with MB then you'll never see unity
unity is only possible if we respect each other ... and in ME it is very very very far to happen
Your faith is so shaky, you should not take the name of Hussein.
Your faith is so shaky, you should not take the name of Hussein.
Islam has been much corrupted by liars , manipulators, haters
this is the Islam you choose, the fake one
i prefer to get away for this Islam if one day it becomes the only Islam possible (unity so called)
get what i mean? ;)
This is rich coming from the man who seeded revolt in Egypt, pushed for war in Syria, alienated the Arabs by supporting MB and alienated Shia's by facilitating ISIS in Iraq.

Basically, when he says Muslims should stick together he means to impose his kind of Muslims in power everywhere.

He proved that he is like all politicians, their words don't match their actions.

Yes turkey and other countries r funding rebels and rebels doesn't only mean ISIS. In such a volatile chaotic scenario inflamed by iran and a lunatic vermin like Assad, extremist like ISIS will naturally gain roots as history has shown. But there is no convincing proof of Erdogan and turkey supporting ISIS, infact far from it, he is calling for a regional alliance to kick that faggot assad out, one of the root causes of extremism and at the same time deal with the ISIS threat. Kerry seem to be fumbling since 2 faced US is getting a new friend in Iran. WHy should turkey take part in this anti-ISIS-coalition when the root cause of this threat which is that maggot assad, a lunatic which killed over 200 K syrians is not being dealt with?

Btw any x,y,z rebel, an american TV journalist or kurdish security chief (pkk scums) r not any proofs. Piss tv can come up with more better stories than these.

And calling genocidal maniacs like Assad and maliki , vermins is sectarian to U? The fact that u are bothered abt that shows who the sectarian one here.
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Islam has been much corrupted by liars , manipulators, haters
this is the Islam you choose, the fake one
i prefer to get away for this Islam if one day it becomes the only Islam possible (unity so called)
get what i mean? ;)
worst union is better than clutter. think now islamic countries situation beside MB can be transformed nobody born superman :-)
Islam has been much corrupted by liars , manipulators, haters
this is the Islam you choose, the fake one
i prefer to get away for this Islam if one day it becomes the only Islam possible (unity so called)
get what i mean? ;)
I do get what you mean, but those corrupt people are not Islam. Islam is an inner thing and is against deviance, it belongs to muslims in there hearts. One can not leave his Isam because another Muslim is bad or perceived to be bad .
This is rich coming from the man who seeded revolt in Egypt, pushed for war in Syria, alienated the Arabs by supporting MB and alienated Shia's by facilitating ISIS in Iraq.

Basically, when he says Muslims should stick together he means to impose his kind of Muslims in power everywhere.

He proved that he is like all politicians, their words don't match their actions.
your comments are fantasy who will ensure the union . west have union and is raping muslim world for 100 years as economic and political . is akp in the power in that times yeah akp is evil others are angel ?
Shame on you camel head.Shitty comment.We select on ability.People kill in the name of Allah & still you follow Islam..You gotta be amazed as Indian Muslims support this Butcher...

You need to be careful with your words here, you could respond by mentioning politicians just like he did....
But don't use your harsh words for religion and don't relate those ISIS and TTP to Islam and Muslim....
If you don't know about Islam then you should not relate any thing with Islam....
Sane people should just retreat into safe havens, Muslim world, especially mid east is in very deep sh.t that if you try to recover it, you will ruin yourself. Let them kill each other. There is nothing worth uniting in there.

Our limited involvement in Syria and Iraq is already caused many problems for us, and this lunatic wants to even further involve for his retarded idiology, the thing he forgots, majority of his voters does not share the same ideology, if he tramples logic and brings further damage and aggression to people, he will go down, what people cares about is themselves, not ISIS not Assad.

Good and sane post.:tup:
personally i would prefer stop being muslim than being a MB if no choice

and by the way if you ask people to unite with MB then you'll never see unity
unity is only possible if we respect each other ... and in ME it is very very very far to happen
dafaq did I just read
I don't think AKP is evil, and if Erdogan was speaking as a Turkish nationalist he should say whatever he needs to. But why does he have to play the Muslim card, like he's concerned for all Muslims?

The problems of the Muslim world stem from the massive power play in the region - and Mr Erdogan is up to his neck in it. I don't like him acting like he's some holy saint.
Why do some people fear Muslim unity ? Is it because you have wronged us in the past or are wronging us now and thus fear the vengeance that will be brought upon their heads ? Do they fear that with Muslim unity their nationalist agendas will crumble ? Is it the fear that with the unification of Muslims the shaky constructs that they have as a means to accrue power will become puny ?
I don't think AKP is evil, and if Erdogan was speaking as a Turkish nationalist he should say whatever he needs to. But why does he have to play the Muslim card, like he's concerned for all Muslims?

The problems of the Muslim world stem from the massive power play in the region - and Mr Erdogan is up to his neck in it. I don't like him acting like he's some holy saint.
Perhaps he is concerned for all Muslims...you do get such people you know.
Why do some people fear Muslim unity ? Is it because you have wronged us in the past or are wronging us now and thus fear the vengeance that will be brought upon their heads ? Do they fear that with Muslim unity their nationalist agendas will crumble ? Is it the fear that with the unification of Muslims the shaky constructs that they have as a means to accrue power will become puny ?

Muslims are too diffrent to ever unite in a common political goal especially now in the times of secterian, nationalist and ideological conflicts.
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