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President Donald Trump dropped a rare F-bomb in an interview with Rush Limbaugh about Iran

Not that he was 100% sane to begin with, but clearly his mental status is diminishing, perhaps the glucocorticosteriod dexamethasone has a part to play in this. Given he is considerably behind on the polls, I take it he will act more deranged the closer he gets to the elections.
Not that he was 100% sane to begin with, but clearly his mental status is diminishing, perhaps the glucocorticosteriod dexamethasone has a part to play in this. Given he is considerably behind on the polls, I take it he will act more deranged the closer he gets to the elections.

3 dominating factors to this a-hole's hatred of Iran and the first and foremost is his anti-Muslim bigotry that is quite well known. That has to be the #1 driving force for his hatred in this case and the 2nd is his blind and foolish unwavering support of Israel and anything Israeli and obviously there is a link towards Iran in that respect and 3rd -- which might actually supersede the 2nd place reason -- is his unabashed need to overturn anything and everything created by the Obama administration and that is, or course, the JCPOA deal.

That's pretty much it, but watching his seemingly unhinging happening in the last few days and since the debate where he acted like a numbskull and the polls and him catching COVID-19 and the flack he's gotten from that because of his dismissive attitude about the virus etc. is actually good to see, because we can only hope that it leads to his removal and the end of this horrific nightmare we're all living though!
3 dominating factors to this a-hole's hatred of Iran and the first and foremost is his anti-Muslim bigotry that is quite well known. That has to be the #1 driving force for his hatred in this case and the 2nd is his blind and foolish unwavering support of Israel and anything Israeli and obviously there is a link towards Iran in that respect and 3rd -- which might actually supersede the 2nd place reason -- is his unabashed need to overturn anything and everything created by the Obama administration and that is, or course, the JCPOA deal.

That's pretty much it, but watching his seemingly unhinging happening in the last few days and since the debate where he acted like a numbskull and the polls and him catching COVID-19 and the flack he's gotten from that because of his dismissive attitude about the virus etc. is actually good to see, because we can only hope that it leads to his removal and the end of this horrific nightmare we're all living though!

The good news is going by all of these polls, he is behind in double digits, even in some of the "swing states", but regardless we should not get content and Americans needs come out and to vote this clown out of the office. Even some of these democrats that prefer Sanders over Biden need to vote for Biden regardless of how the feel about him. They need to realise one thing, not voting should be seen as a vote for Trump. I am confident he will be defeated, and I look forward to see what happens to him after he leaves office.
Trump has my support in this. Iran really has not shown itself to be a civilized nation. Someone needs to put their foot down. Hope he fixes them permanently and the rest of the world can give a sigh of relief (after the mandatory I hate Trump speeches).
Inappropriate Language
President Donald Trump dropped a rare F-bomb in an interview with Rush Limbaugh while talking with the conservative radio host about Iran.

During the second hour of his marathon Limbaugh appearance Friday, the president predicted that Iran would enter into a new nuclear pact with the U.S. if he were to win the election, and warned of severe consequences if they do not.

“They know if they do anything against us, they’ll pay a thousand fold,” Trump said. “They’re going to have a thousand fold difference.”

At that point, the syndicated radio feed cut out. But viewers who were able to access the premium video feed of the Limbaugh show heard what Trump said next.

“And Iran knows that, and they’ve been put on notice. If you **** around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are gonna do things to you that have never been done before.”

Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal in 2018. He argues that sanctions against the country have hampered their nuclear program.

Listen above, via The Rush Limbaugh Show.
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Why issue this threat? What did Iran do that he's even talking about Iran.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Welcome to US politics.
The truth is NOTHING.
In fact Saudi is a greater threat. WTC is destroyed by Saudi terrorists and Osama bin Laden is a Saudi citizen.
Iran is the named enemy created by Trump administration.
I’m not a physician, but Trump appears to be unhinged. Or on the way to becoming unhinged.

Don't say that @KAL-EL he’s the greatest president this country has had in a along time, even George Washington would’ve been proud to take a shit in Trumps dumpster.

Still voting for this Fruit Loop!

TRUMP 2020
All about who is the most popular...whoever is the rowdiest.
All election debate has 4 corners, Iran, China, Russia and Israel. Now you can guess the rest.
:no: :no: :no:
Demagogues like Trump ans Mike Pompeo will used FEAR and THREAT as their weapons to intimidate all opponents although it has failed in the case of Russia and China. Even smaller nations like Iran and North Korea are ignoring them.
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