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President condemns India for its shameless propaganda against CPEC

CPEC is another missed opportunity for India thanks to Hindu nationalists who are driven by xenophobia rather than reason.

CPEC has little value for India. India shares a 2500 KM boundary with China. India can trade with China at any point on the border.

But you guys by over reacting are spoiling everything for yourselves. So much limelight and controversies over a trade line is bad for trade. You guys are playing into India's hand.
CPEC is another missed opportunity for India thanks to Hindu nationalists who are driven by xenophobia rather than reason.
That's good for us. Let these hindu nationalists continue to show extreme hatred for Muslims and Pakistan. It will only increase the unity of Pakistanis and their love for Pakistan Army!

Every time these bharatis expose their extreme hatred for Islam and Pakistan they remind us Pakistanis exactly why our ancestors separated from them and exactly why we should continue to persevere in our struggle to remain strong against their attempts to undermine our peace and stability through the support of their terrorist proxies like TTP and BLA..
That's good for us. Let these hindu nationalists continue to show extreme hatred for Muslims and Pakistan. It will only increase the unity of Pakistanis and their love for Pakistan Army!

Every time these bharatis expose their extreme hatred for Islam and Pakistan they remind us Pakistanis exactly why our ancestors separated from them and exactly why we should continue to persevere in our struggle to remain strong against their attempts to undermine our peace and stability through the support of their terrorist proxies like TTP and BLA..

Don't talk foolish...Majority of Indians don't hate Muslims. Remember there are 180 m Muslims in India. CPEC is different because it passes through GB. And India will continue to forcefully highlight its concerns regarding CPEC in future too.
Don't talk foolish...Majority of Indians don't hate Muslims. Remember there are 180 m Muslims in India.
And so, what does that mean? You don't allow them to slaughter cows. And you elected a known murderer of Muslims as your current prime minister.

Anyhow, continue to show your hatred through electing hindu extremists. Its actually benefiting Pakistan through strengthening the resolve of the Pakistani people and increasing their love for their Army and Homeland. :tup:

CPEC is different because it passes through GB. And India will continue to forcefully highlight its concerns regarding CPEC in future too.
india's stance against CPEC shows that india does not desire the well being of the common Pakistani. Thus, once again, strengthening the unity of 200 million Pakistanis and their love for Army and Country. BTW, inda can do jack about CPEC being implemented regardless if its in GB or elsewhere.
Sometimes i feel Indian only come to this forum expecting free burnol.....

Modi envisions himself as some kind of Indian Fuhrer..he will have short term gains at the cost of long term disadvantages to Indian state..Germany never recovered fully from the damages inflicted by Nazi regime..

You do realize that (as feared or as a product of Godwin's Law) what it means if you say what the Nazis did to a certain section of their population might come true in India?

After all, it took 4 months for persecution of the Jewish people to start with a decree that anyone with Jewish ancestry was not Aryan(as these days the narrative anyone with the Muslim faith is not from Bharat) , and the first organized cleansing began in 1938. However,I doubt such a thing would happen.
For one, India is not so utterly uniform in thought process nor are the people there going to stand by for such extremist ideals......I hope.
You do realize that (as feared or as a product of Godwin's Law) what it means if you say what the Nazis did to a certain section of their population might come true in India?

After all, it took 4 months for persecution of the Jewish people to start with a decree that anyone with Jewish ancestry was not Aryan(as these days the narrative anyone with the Muslim faith is not from Bharat) , and the first organized cleansing began in 1938. However,I doubt such a thing would happen.
For one, India is not so utterly uniform in thought process nor are the people there going to stand by for such extremist ideals......I hope.

I am not talking about holocaust or Jew cleaning..such a thing is not expected in India..therefore no point to refer to it.
My emphasis is on the political evolution of ideology. Modi project himself in a prophetic image who can set all thing straight in India..this is a dangerous Messiah syndrome because to divert attention from local issues (and government own in-competencies) the favorite escape goat will be blaming the neighbors. Expect a more assertive and interfering India in the future. An ideal opportunity would be Indian geo political folly matched with a combined response from many Asia neighbors particularly China, CAR and Russia.

And so, what does that mean? You don't allow them to slaughter cows. And you elected a known murderer of Muslims as your current prime minister.

Anyhow, continue to show your hatred through electing hindu extremists. Its actually benefiting Pakistan through strengthening the resolve of the Pakistani people and increasing their love for their Army and Homeland. :tup:

india's stance against CPEC shows that india does not desire the well being of the common Pakistani. Thus, once again, strengthening the unity of 200 million Pakistanis and their love for Army and Country. BTW, inda can do jack about CPEC being implemented regardless if its in GB or elsewhere.

Pakistan should formally annex GB, Kunjerab pass aka the narrow neck which lies between Pakistan and Tajiskistan via Afghanistan or force the Afghan government to turn it into a free zone. Issue Azad Kashmiri passports to IOK residents. It should also take a step ahead in Kashmir issue by voluntarily declaring Azad Kashmir as a free dependency (much like the British crown state). Which would not only give momentum to the Kashmir cause but will completely sent India off balance.
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And so, what does that mean? You don't allow them to slaughter cows. And you elected a known murderer of Muslims as your current prime minister.

Anyhow, continue to show your hatred through electing hindu extremists. Its actually benefiting Pakistan through strengthening the resolve of the Pakistani people and increasing their love for their Army and Homeland. :tup:

india's stance against CPEC shows that india does not desire the well being of the common Pakistani. Thus, once again, strengthening the unity of 200 million Pakistanis and their love for Army and Country. BTW, inda can do jack about CPEC being implemented regardless if its in GB or elsewhere.

People elect the government. People include both Hindus and Muslims and also people of other religion. People didn't elected Modi to discriminate people based on religion but to deliver on economic growth and jobs to people. If he cannot deliver on economic growth and jobs, he too will be history just like Congress.

Cows are sacrosanct to Hindus. Hence the ban. Pork too is not available freely, because it offends Muslims.

India's stance on CPEC is clear. We have nothing do with any China-Pakistan's cooperation. India has objection on CPEC because it passes through GB. Is this hard to understand?
Don't talk foolish...Majority of Indians don't hate Muslims. Remember there are 180 m Muslims in India. CPEC is different because it passes through GB. And India will continue to forcefully highlight its concerns regarding CPEC in future too.
oye mind your filthy indian tongue will ya... and don't give me BS about you love muslims and shit half your peoples time here is spent on how to justify muslims of sub continent as some arab aliens... as far as muslims in india go we know how they are treated...
1-ban on food
2-denial of job
3-racism, EVEYWHERE
4-can't get a good place to live cuz mighty hindus
to name a few
You do realize that (as feared or as a product of Godwin's Law) what it means if you say what the Nazis did to a certain section of their population might come true in India?

After all, it took 4 months for persecution of the Jewish people to start with a decree that anyone with Jewish ancestry was not Aryan(as these days the narrative anyone with the Muslim faith is not from Bharat) , and the first organized cleansing began in 1938. However,I doubt such a thing would happen.
For one, India is not so utterly uniform in thought process nor are the people there going to stand by for such extremist ideals......I hope.

You are right...Indians don't like extreme positions. BJP burnt its fingers hard with AAP coming to power in Delhi when some elements from sangh parviar tried to impose its ideals on the majority and when BJP failed to control such elements

oye mind your filthy indian tongue will ya... and don't give me BS about you love muslims and shit half your peoples time here is spent on how to justify muslims of sub continent as some arab aliens... as far as muslims in india go we know how they are treated...
1-ban on food
2-denial of job
3-racism, EVEYWHERE
4-can't get a good place to live cuz mighty hindus
to name a few

FK off and don't quote me.

I am not talking about holocaust or Jew cleaning..such a thing is not expected in India..therefore no point to refer to it.
My emphasis is on the political evolution of ideology. Modi project himself in a prophetic image who can set all thing straight in India..this is a dangerous Messiah syndrome because to divert attention from local issues (and government own in-competencies) the favorite escape goat will be blaming the neighbors. Expect a more assertive and interfering India in the future. An ideal opportunity would be Indian geo political folly matched with a combined response from many Asia neighbors particularly China, CAR and Russia.

Pakistan should formally annex GB, Kunjerab pass aka the narrow neck which lies between Pakistan and Tajiskistan via Afghanistan or force the Afghan government to turn it into a free zone. Issue Azad Kashmiri passports to IOK residents. It should also take a step ahead in Kashmir issue by voluntarily declaring Azad Kashmir as a free dependency (much like the British crown state). Which would not only give momentum to the Kashmir cause but will completely sent India off balance.

We don't make any difference between what you call AJK and GB. Azad Kashmir in India means both the areas. And no what ever antics you do in Azad Kashmir will not effect India's position on Kashmir.
As long as both China and Pakistan have the capability to incinerate you, nothing is going to change. Modi's unilateralism is going to earn more harm to India than ever. Unilateralism only works for regions where hegemony of a state has been established and remains uncontested. India will NEVER have that luxury.
You are mistaken about the country which wants hegemony in the region. India is the only country which can obstruct this Chinese dream. Whether India will be able to stop Chinese expansionist designs, only time will tell but polarisation has begun and Pakistan has already lost all options but to side with China. If China starts helping you by becoming generous which is against her basic nature then Pakistan can reap the benefits of this friendship. If China starts using you just for her defense and economic gains then it will be a deja vu kind of situation for Pakistan.
President condemns India for its shameless propaganda against CPEC
President says Pakistan fully capable to confront all challenges

  • INP
  • June 15, 2015, 2:56 pm

ISLAMABAD – President Mamnoon Hussain has said that Pakistan is fully capable to confront all challenges it is facing with the support of its people and the armed forces.

Addressing convocation of 'National Security and War Course' at National Defence University at Islamabad on Monday, he said that the government was making sincere efforts for the revival of economy and ensuring internal security through flushing out terrorists.

The president condemned India for its shameless propaganda against the proposed China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project but urged the people to not over react on it and stand by the government to rebut it in proper way. He said the nation must stand by with the government and armed forces to overcome the challenges being faced by the country.

He said many other countries have also reservations on this corridor which are baseless and of no value as the government is committed to complete it with all seriousness as the project is of vital importance for bright future of Pakistan. He said that the nation and the armed forces have rendered great sacrifices for the defence of the country and they will be successful to make Pakistan a peaceful and prosperous country.

The president said that the government was committed to materialize the dream of peace and prosperity of the people but unity of the nation is vital to achieve this goal.

How shameless propaganda of India? oes Indian comes to Pakistan to do any propaganda? Indian media are also banned in Pakistan. SO what is Indian propaganda? Even I have not seen any propaganda in India.

I think that some wise men's caution are propogated as Indian propaganda. I have heared some voices of caution in Pakistan media.
You do realize that (as feared or as a product of Godwin's Law) what it means if you say what the Nazis did to a certain section of their population might come true in India?

After all, it took 4 months for persecution of the Jewish people to start with a decree that anyone with Jewish ancestry was not Aryan(as these days the narrative anyone with the Muslim faith is not from Bharat) , and the first organized cleansing began in 1938. However,I doubt such a thing would happen.
For one, India is not so utterly uniform in thought process nor are the people there going to stand by for such extremist ideals......I hope.

People don't have to stand by....it won't be a Waffen SS style special ops to sniff Jews out.....but hey we have glimpses of state resources being used abusively in Kashmir and Punjab region of India. Simply put, it would more be like local small riots, burning and vandalism.....with the state looking the other way and the majority of the working people doing what they do best: carry on with their daily life.
And so, what does that mean? You don't allow them to slaughter cows. And you elected a known murderer of Muslims as your current prime minister.

Anyhow, continue to show your hatred through electing hindu extremists. Its actually benefiting Pakistan through strengthening the resolve of the Pakistani people and increasing their love for their Army and Homeland. :tup:

india's stance against CPEC shows that india does not desire the well being of the common Pakistani. Thus, once again, strengthening the unity of 200 million Pakistanis and their love for Army and Country. BTW, inda can do jack about CPEC being implemented regardless if its in GB or elsewhere.
This is a Dharmic state, expecting to be allowed to slaughter cows is equivalent to allow drawing Mohammad images in a Muslim state.

The people of the Dhamic faiths do not like the slaughter of cows, therefore it will be banned. The process of individual states banning it has started, it will be completed soon in all the states.

If you think that allowing Muslims to do anything they want without regard for the sentiments of the majority is an indicator for tolerance, then we are happy to be intolerant in your definition.

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