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Featured Prepared for airstrike against China: IAF Chief amid LAC tensions

Should avoid civilian loss of life though. Those Chinese, especially in border areas crave to move to India.

This is I said many times before and I still say now that these delusional Indians are seriously out of this world. They have been completely brain washed to the core by their extreme nationalism, problem is they have nothing to be proud of as their country remains a backward hole so the only way to propel themselves to the next level is by creating extreme fake contents like this piece of absolute garbage here.

WHO THE HECK in the right mind want to move to india? I rather die than to step foot in that undeveloped crap hole. What is the matter with this Indian? It's such a shame that these delusional Indians completely loss their honor, they have not one bit of honor in them at all.

Sometime I think God is doing us a favor here by splitting Pakistan out of that hell hole.
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noted: Will take that account when we read your comments and your inability to comprehend English language posts. Thanks. 8-)
Hmm I wonder why india remains a poverty stricken even with their “superior” command of English and that is taken into consideration they have been independence for MORE THAN 70 YEARS.
I think your inability to comprehend the English language is in play again. Knowing the English language is not a superior trait. It's about having the ability to comprehend English language posts. :wave:

600 million Chinese make less than $140/month despite being 2nd highest GDP, and China is still not considered a 'developed' country.

Uhh looks like I hurt another indian feeling, did I mention anything about China is a developed country? Poverty is still a problem in China and that’s an undeniable fact. But that is how typical extreme nationalism hindu respond, when you hurts their feeling, they will find something irrelevant to steer away from the topic.

Looks like the only point you can be proud of from you lots is your pride in your superior English. Hah!

The facts remain my little Indian friend, india is an absolute loser. That’s why you lots need to troll around the internet with fabricated low-quality fake contents to make your enemy looks bad and to make yourself feels good. But go around, reality hurts, you got nothing that you can be proud of. Sorry if I hurt your feeling though, NOT!
I think your inability to comprehend the English language is in play again. Knowing the English language is not a superior trait. It's about having the ability to comprehend English language posts. :wave:

600 million Chinese make less than $140/month despite being 2nd highest GDP, and China is still not considered a 'developed' country.

It’s natural that you Indians would know English more since they were under centuries of English occupation since they surrendered so easily
Its like Rwanda threatening USA with strikes!

Do these guys wake up every morning thinking how to embarrass their nation?
If Pakistan can threaten 10 times bigger India why can't India threaten 4 times bigger China. This is something that baffles me about this place.
A good comedy show.....

After losing two fighters to PAF, IAF gave it up all to such an extent Modi had to publicly admit the failure for not having Rafaels!!! What'll they do this time??? Jump back into Modi's lap?!?!

Learn from 3m strong Armenians to fight till the end.....
That doesn't sound right. Since when India started advertising its military operations on twitter?

If IAF was actually planning an operation, don't you think it will be secretive? And when IAF is advertising like an upcoming feature film then it is understood that they want Indians to be more Indians.
Sir, IAF has no intention of airstriking China, nor can it ever dream of such a thing. This statement is authentic though and it is designed PURELY to project Modi's fake power and win him votes from deluded sanghees (and "moderates") who actually need such propaganda to sustain their fragile egos.

IAF's only role these days is as an expensive public relations committee for BJP.
hahahahha when a bunch of jokers leading the state forces whether Army or the Airforce... kaka you can't even handle the Pakistan Air Force in Modern battlefield (the world has witnessed on 27 Feb 2019). So China is completely a different game, beyond your imagination. PLAAF is too powerful. You can only fool your public with fake SIR-G-KAL strikes drama even still justifying your failures. Till today, you've completely failed to present single evidence about 2016 and 2019. You can't even REACT when Pakistan Airforce shot-down your jets, bomb your military installations (admitted by your MEA and Tri-Chiefs in their official press-conf). Fighting with China ..... all I can say.... RIP
I think Modi should use his brilliant mind to come up with some insane idea like the cover of cloud and strike China. I bet Modi will become Amar. Go for it India world is watching you.
If Pakistan can threaten 10 times bigger India why can't India threaten 4 times bigger China. This is something that baffles me about this place.

10 times bigger in size in what sense? The firepower comparison , there is not much in there since Pakistan occupy the place of fourth biggest nuke power only behind Russia, US and China.

Now if Pakistan start threatening US, then it would sound silly. This is exactly what your comparison is to China.
@krash This whole thread is polluted by Pakistani trollers. This is what you call pollution man.
No serious discussion. This forum is becoming cheaper than facebook trolling bcz of bs moderation.
A serious reader come here to read some productive but they only see abusing and trolling.
These trollers don't even know the consequences of war between India and China in the whole region, and they are allowed to make fun of serious situation.
I remind you Pakistan can't be untouch of serious consequences of war between India and China. Be serious guys.
@waz @WebMaster
@krash This whole thread is polluted by Pakistani trollers. This is what you call pollution man.
No serious discussion. This forum is becoming cheaper than facebook trolling bcz of bs moderation.
A serious reader come here to read some productive but they only see abusing and trolling.
These trollers don't even know the consequences of war between India and China in the whole region, and they are allowed to make fun of serious situation.
I remind you Pakistan can't be untouch of serious consequences of war between India and China. Be serious guys.
@waz @WebMaster

Nothing new.... any thread about India be it a new procurements plan, some weapons tests related thread instead of some meaningful defense discussions it's ended with bashing and trolling...... no serious discussion......
10 times bigger in size in what sense? The firepower comparison , there is not much in there since Pakistan occupy the place of fourth biggest nuke power only behind Russia, US and China.

Now if Pakistan start threatening US, then it would sound silly. This is exactly what your comparison is to China.

And what about France and UK??? Are you trying to say Pakistan is a bigger nuclear power than France and UK???
who start it ? obviously your airforce chief.

I'm saying any thread about India.... not only this thread.... nobody comes to have any serious discussion about Indian military..... seems everyone comes to just bash and troll....

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