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Featured Prepared for airstrike against China: IAF Chief amid LAC tensions

If Pakistan can threaten 10 times bigger India why can't India threaten 4 times bigger China. This is something that baffles me about this place.
Because you're not "Pakistan". Pakistanis have balls unlike Indians who jumps off cliff at the sight of PLA.
@Figaro, the only thing this member is good at is, his English. :lol:
Besides I don't even read is garbage he spews out.
@Figaro is your fellow Chinese in a perpetual state of ranting at the Indians. He reads every one of my posts. :tup:
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He did not say IAF was prepared to defend Indian airspace.
He did not say IAF was prepared to shoot down attacking aircraft.
He said IAF was prepared to launch strikes against China.

From the simple English reading of his statement, he stated that India is prepared to launch an aerial first strike.

Earlier in another post, I think you showed you had problems with understanding the language. The brave Chinese AMBUSHED an Indian territory with 7x numbers; and to an unarmed, small contingent of Indian soldiers. Chinese did so AFTER they made sure to have SIGNED agreements with the Indians, which assured soldiers would be no more than 20 and be unarmed. Then, attacking with weapons, with 7x numbers, and in an area where the Indians have patrolled those areas for years.

The chief statements of being prepared for attacking China in any form would still be defending Indian territory. They don't act like wu mao's, CCP, and Globaltimes.

Now, if you want to believe he said he would attack you guys, so be it, have at it. You are still stuck in Doklum 2.0. They have the peeks and have neutralized your previous advantage. The Chinese military is left to whine, issue threats, do drills, and propaganda videos of drones sending food while being stuck in a Doklum like quagmire again! Reportedly now seen to be having problems with the one-child army having many soldiers seen put on stretchers, evacuated, and rushed to hospitals due to wintery conditions o_O
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Earlier in another post, I think you showed you had problems with understanding the language. The brave Chinese AMBUSHED an Indian territory with 7x numbers; and to an unarmed, small contingent of Indian soldiers. Chinese did so AFTER they made sure to have SIGNED agreements with the Indians, which assured soldiers would be no more than 20 and be unarmed. Then, attacking with weapons, with 7x numbers, and in an area where the Indians have patrolled those areas for years.

The chief statements of being prepared for attacking China in any form would still be defending Indian territory. They don't act like wu mao's, CCP, and Globaltimes.

Now, if you want to believe he said he would attack you guys, so be it, have at it. You are still stuck in Doklum 2.0. They have the peeks and have neutralized your previous advantage. The Chinese military is left to whine, issue threats, do drills, and propaganda videos of drones sending food while being stuck in a Doklum like quagmire again! Reportedly now seen to be having problems with the one-child army having many soldiers seen put on stretchers, evacuated, and rushed to hospitals due to wintery conditions o_O

So basically you admit that they are preparing for offensive action. That is the simple English reading of the situation.

You can type all these long rants to tap dance around simple, straight forward statements all day. All I know is the end result.
So basically you admit that they are preparing for offensive action. That is the simple English reading of the situation.

You can type all these long rants to tap dance around simple, straight forward statements all day. All I know is the end result.

English language, my friend. When you are prepared to defend your own territory, it is an 'defensive' move to defend one's own territory and not a move to attack China's territory or mainland.

Bottom Line: Either way, who really cares what your sensitivities are on this - because ONLY the ground realities matter.

You are stuck in Doklum2.0 quagmire, they have neutralized your earlier advantages, and now Chian is left with the wu mao patrol, CPP, GlobalTimes, and other Chinese mouthpieces issuing the SAME daily threats as they did in Doklum with NO change. Ironically, issuing threats to attack India.
Again i wish it was true as a Chinese columnist tweeted it a few days ago.
English language, my friend. When you are prepared to defend your own territory, it is an 'defensive' move to defend one's own territory and not a move to attack China's territory or mainland.

Bottom Line: Either way, who really cares what your sensitivities are on this - because ONLY the ground realities matter.

You are stuck in Doklum2.0 quagmire, they have neutralized your earlier advantages, and now Chian is left with the wu mao patrol, CPP, GlobalTimes, and other Chinese mouthpieces issuing the SAME daily threats as they did in Doklum with NO change. Ironically, issuing threats to attack India.

there is a change: 20 Indians lost their lives, probably due to their own incompetence rather than so called "spiked clubs" or whatever. In their confusion, the Indian army was humiliated with 60 senior officers captured (again due to their incompetence) and 1000 km2 of territory changed hands from India to China.

you might note how even Mike Pompeo doesn't say much about so called "Doklam 2.0 quagmire" the way he talks about South China Sea and such. The reason is simple: India has lost so utterly and completely it isn't even worth it for the US to get involved. Americans care so little, that even stories about Armenia or a school teacher getting sick in North Carolina is more important on the national news.

US never throws good money after bad if it can help it.
We, are all still waiting for this Indian offensive to begin against the Chinese from air , sea , land , and from outta space too :-(
We, are all still waiting for this Indian offensive to begin against the Chinese from air , sea , land , and from outta space too :-(

Best for Indian offensive to use sticks and stones and clubs. Because if even a bullet be fired at Chinese, Chinese not likely to fire bullets back.
Indians will see hundreds if not thousands of this in the sky facing and firing at them

And if India dare to use artillery and MLRS, what China will hit them with will make them wish they crawled to Beijing on hands and knees.
If the IAFs "preparedness" for airstrikes against China comes anything close to the ever touted "preparedness" of Indias starving "border" guards and "readyness" of Indian infrastructure buildups, Indians should be worried.

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