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Prence Saud Al-Faisal-- We will stand by Syrian people whatever it takes

what it takes? it will take the crowns sitting on these saudi princes' heads and these heads sitting on their shoulders to truly convince russians and chinese that saudis' instigation of terrorism in syria wasn't done at the request of angloamericans and jews. as long as these saudi royals and royalists are still in power and still count on angloamerican and zionist support to stay in power, russia and china can have no reason to believe that saudis' funding of terror and civil war in syria wasn't just another ameircan and jew plot to further their influence in the middle east and just another saudi sellout of arab interests.

Why in the world do we need to convince anyway? I don't mean to be rude or anything ,but we could care less about convincing an X or Y state.

KSA decided to arm the rebels ages ago.

In fact, We started arming them on our own with or without the knowledge of the ANGLOAMERICANS AND THE JEWS. And just so you know, Israel itself wants Assad to remain in power. Basically, Assad has been a very good boy to them.

We do things on our own, take it or leave it.
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