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Predictions abt Pakistan & World Future By Dr. Nazir Ahmad Qureshi -A Saint

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Jan 21, 2011
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Dr. Nazir Ahmad Qureshi was a Famous Spiritual Personality of Pakistan (Lahore). He foretold many future events and repeatedly mentioned about a Great Leader...

Below is Urdu article but If anybody interested, see Original Scan of Article from Sunday magazine and its English Translation at below link
Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah): Patriotic Leadership Is Coming In Pakistan (Future Predictions By Dr. Nazir Ahmad Qureshi)

There is one thing weird about history and the future , both are unbelievable in some ways. I would like to see it happening , a glimmer of hope is greater than the collective hate mongering .

---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

Isn't fortune telling haram in Islam? Just askin'.

Don't know about that , but trolling in Def.pk is HARAM for sure !
Heard these things. esp the 1 st 3 lines when I was very young..word for word.
But it is one of those things that you totally discard or you believe.
Predictions, graves, saints .. etc etc etc ....

IT is because of these things that we are in a state that we are.

These things have NO plane in our lives and religion AT ALL.

Please abstain from such threads in future.
Predictions' Part of Above Article is translated below:

Dr. Nazir Ahmad Qureshi said on 28 December, 1979 that Russian army will go back after losing from Afghanistan. After Russian defeat and division, American superiority & superpower era will be short. America has 50 States and it will be divided into 50 States. Independence movement in Poland was on peak in those days. Dr. Sahib said, Poland will not get freedom now but due to afghan resistance, Poland and Eastern Europe will get freedom. Kabul is an ant who will swarm up inside trunk of Russian elephant and make it fall. After Russian defeat and splitting, Resistant Mujahideen govt. will not be established. Combined Governments of fighters and non-fighters elements will remain in Afghanistan until the Govt. of ‘Danday Wali Sarkar (Patriot Nationalist)’ will be established in Pakistan. They will establish Islamic regime in Afghanistan replacing previous Govt. then they will also approach to central Asian Islamic countries.

Dr. Sahib told “Pakistan will become superpower one day” but before this extreme disaster will occur in Pakistan. Law and Govt. will disappear from country. Killings and destruction will become routine things, murderers will kill anybody. No case will be entered. Whole country will be in lawlessness situation. but “Danday Wali Sarkar” will establish Govt.’s writ in days. This ‘Sarkar’ will not get foreign aid, they will successfully run the system by using country’s resources and by bringing back the money of looters. They will seal borders and they will control media. Foreign interference will be finished in Pakistan. Said ‘Sarkar’ will work (hang) more and talk less. They will eradicate money looter and corrupts/traitors. There will be peace, stability and rule of law in Pakistan. There will be justice everywhere. And mosques will not give different Azan (i.e. Harmony in different Sects). But before appearance of this ‘Danday Wali Sarkar’, parliament will become fish-market. Prime ministers keep on changing. Political bargaining will be on peak. Kashmir will become some sought of sovereign state that will swing its affiliation between Pakistan and India. At last ‘Danday Wali Sarkar’ will finally affiliate Kashmir with Pakistan. New Government of Pakistan will manage Afghan matters according to Pakistan’s interests . To finish Indian interference in this region, "Danday Wali Sarkar" will do successful war with India. Pakistani flag will hoist on Red Fort India. But due to international pressure Pakistan will leave Delhi but Ajmer Sharif and Bathinda will become part of Pakistan. After first war, there will be Pakistan supportive Sikh Khalisa govt. in Indian Punjab whose existence will depend on Pakistan’s”Danday Wali Sarkar”. In south India, Muslims, low cast nations and other minorities will unite and make a new independent state. South Indian Hindus will do extreme cruelty and tyranny on U.P.’s Muslims. Pakistan’s "Dande Wali Sarkar" will do another war with India. After which Indian govt. and state will be finished forever from universe.
Dr. Sahib also told about the deaths/end of rules of Nehru family and Bhutto family. Whatever he said about Iran, Iraq and Sadam Hussain, it has already become true.
Dr. Sahib said, democratic governments will end from the world . Non-democratic governments will come in America and Europe. In Middle East, a great empire will be established which will finish Israel finally.
Dr. Sahib repeatedly said, Pakistan will remain and patriotic nationalists will become its inheritors who will implement Zia’s peace policy in this region....As Iqbal rightly said

Allama Iqbal's couplet from Book Armaghan-e-Hijaz
(Poem: Hazrat-e-Insan, See Here)

The Nature’s veil is translucent if one is willing to see:
Far too visible are the angel’s faint smiles.

---------- Post added at 11:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 AM ----------

^ predictions
Dr. Nazir Ahmad Qureshi said on 28 December, 1979 that Russian army will go back after losing from Afghanistan. After Russian defeat and division, American superiority & superpower era will be short. America has 50 States and it will be divided into 50 States. Independence movement in Poland was on peak in those days. Dr. Sahib said, Poland will not get freedom now but due to afghan resistance, Poland and Eastern Europe will get freedom. Kabul is an ant who will swarm up inside trunk of Russian elephant and make it fall. After Russian defeat and splitting, Resistant Mujahideen govt. will not be established. Combined Governments of fighters and non-fighters elements will remain in Afghanistan until the Govt. of ‘Danday Wali Sarkar (Patriot Nationalist)’ will be established in Pakistan. They will establish Islamic regime in Afghanistan replacing previous Govt. then they will also approach to central Asian Islamic countries.

Dr. Sahib told “Pakistan will become superpower one day” but before this extreme disaster will occur in Pakistan. Law and Govt. will disappear from country. Killings and destruction will become routine things, murderers will kill anybody. No case will be entered. Whole country will be in lawlessness situation. but “Danday Wali Sarkar” will establish Govt.’s writ in days. This ‘Sarkar’ will not get foreign aid, they will successfully run the system by using country’s resources and by bringing back the money of looters. They will seal borders and they will control media. Foreign interference will be finished in Pakistan. Said ‘Sarkar’ will work (hang) more and talk less. They will eradicate money looter and corrupts/traitors. There will be peace, stability and rule of law in Pakistan. There will be justice everywhere. And mosques will not give different Azan (i.e. Harmony in different Sects). But before appearance of this ‘Danday Wali Sarkar’, parliament will become fish-market. Prime ministers keep on changing. Political bargaining will be on peak. Kashmir will become some sought of sovereign state that will swing its affiliation between Pakistan and India. At last ‘Danday Wali Sarkar’ will finally affiliate Kashmir with Pakistan. New Government of Pakistan will manage Afghan matters according to Pakistan’s interests . To finish Indian interference in this region, "Danday Wali Sarkar" will do successful war with India. Pakistani flag will hoist on Red Fort India. But due to international pressure Pakistan will leave Delhi but Ajmer Sharif and Bathinda will become part of Pakistan. After first war, there will be Pakistan supportive Sikh Khalisa govt. in Indian Punjab whose existence will depend on Pakistan’s”Danday Wali Sarkar”. In south India, Muslims, low cast nations and other minorities will unite and make a new independent state. South Indian Hindus will do extreme cruelty and tyranny on U.P.’s Muslims. Pakistan’s "Dande Wali Sarkar" will do another war with India. After which Indian govt. and state will be finished forever from universe.
Dr. Sahib also told about the deaths/end of rules of Nehru family and Bhutto family. Whatever he said about Iran, Iraq and Sadam Hussain, it has already become true.
Dr. Sahib said, democratic governments will end from the world . Non-democratic governments will come in America and Europe. In Middle East, a great empire will be established which will finish Israel finally.
Dr. Sahib repeatedly said, Pakistan will remain and patriotic nationalists will become its inheritors who will implement Zia’s peace policy in this region....As Iqbal rightly said

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