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Powering the Solar Revolution In Pakistan

@waz Insha'Allah I'll start constructing my house in 1-2 years and I will definitely be using a 5KW on grid solar system to power my home.
Any plans of having a tesla battery like solution(from whatever company) to store energy(for use in peak hours)?
yes, i have around 120+ hectares. lots of hills as well. My turbines - i have 2 set. I put it around 10m. Dont laugh.. i repurposed TV towers which are in their thousands in this place; then mounted it; it came in 2 sections of 5m. Digging the base was the mother... I dug up 0.5mx0.5mx1m

That sounds immense. I'm defiantly going to pay a visit if that's cool with you, when I come to S.Africa
Northern Pakistan should be dotted with wind turbines and dams. Pakistan is uniquely positioned to reap the benefits of renewable energy but it continues to invest in coal and other imported nonrenewable . Total madness.
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That sounds immense. I'm defiantly going to pay a visit if that's cool with you, when I come to S.Africa
bro... welcome...

Plenty of room.



Have two flats next to home as well for visitors with full kitchen and bathroom.

@Irfan Baloch - place for making large scale meals and braai.



If you want to go off on a trail and medicate or meditate :)
Any plans of having a tesla battery like solution(from whatever company) to store energy(for use in peak hours)?
I have no plans for that. I clearly stated that I will be using "on grid system" as I don't want to buy, maintain and replace batteries. All excess electricity will be sold to the government so instead of paying electricity bills the government will be paying me instead.
Brother looks incredible thank you. You're living the life, God speed with it all.
welcome... friends and family ... open door policy.

all meat is from our place. nothing from outside except fish which we catch as well. there is a small pond where i do tilapia.


Had it as a small pool which is fed from the springs but noone used it; so i decided to put in the fish... at least get something out of it. my cousins' kids come with their rods and get a blast... it is a way to get them into fishing. I then take the water from here and drip irrigate some of the fruit trees. natural fertilizer.
@Cookie Monster I am considering a hybrid system as well with one battery since you never know there maybe a blackout once in a while.
welcome... friends and family ... open door policy.

all meat is from our place. nothing from outside except fish which we catch as well. there is a small pond where i do tilapia.

Bro you're making me smile.
Bro you're making me smile.
bro... i meant to bring the smile.... here remove your rules from the world.

There is a mosque which i work at around 30km away - my late friend was imam there - Jamal. Man, i really miss him. He built an AIDS orphanage; also a clinic for one of the villages. The man had a heart of a lion. fearless... we used to call him South African Khan. The dude went in with medical and relief supplies when Rwanda was burning. He called me up and said, he saw allah giving him direction in a dream - "voice said to me - you are needed where people are dying, show that god is there when there is no light". 3 truck loads full.

When he came back after 3 months. He had changed. After 1 year he told me what happened. He said nothing but nothing had prepared him. But that he saw Shaitan walk amongst men. But his resolve to help got more stronger. Then when Bosnia happened, he did the same. took ambulances and trucks thru.

Alas, he had diabetes. never took care of himself. renal failure - dialysis did so much only but then he succummed to the will of god. Man, when I buried him, my friend too my heart with him.

I need to go visit his grave. Ramadhan is here. We need to prepare the mosque and also all supplies for the poor. We keep his mission alive. I used to say, noone will remember him why do this ... He said, my deeds will be counted by Allah not by men on this world. So, our circle of friends. we do his work still. We hope it remains this way when we go.

I will take you over to see his work. Spend time as we do a lot of renovation and building at the same time in various locations.

I was holding him when he was in his last days. I learnt to know the Koran then. He told me to read; I did and found when I read to him he was at peace.

But, I smile always when i go to visit him. He would never want anyone to be sad. Always would grab me from behind and wrestle me down.

Sorry bro... just writing memories and thoughts how we get profoundly impact by a handful of people. I will be sure to tellhim that more people know of him and are asking about whether the profound question - "Is it truly God's medicine".
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bro... i meant to bring the smile.... here remove your rules from the world.

There is a mosque which i work at around 30km away - my late friend was imam there - Jamal. Man, i really miss him. He built an AIDS orphanage; also a clinic for one of the villages. The man had a heart of a lion. fearless... we used to call him South African Khan. The dude went in with medical and relief supplies when Rwanda was burning. He called me up and said, he saw allah giving him direction in a dream - "voice said to me - you are needed where people are dying, show that god is there when there is no light". 3 truck loads full.

When he came back after 3 months. He had changed. After 1 year he told me what happened. He said nothing but nothing had prepared him. But that he saw Shaitan walk amongst men. But his resolve to help got more stronger. Then when Bosnia happened, he did the same. took ambulances and trucks thru.

Alas, he had diabetes. never took care of himself. renal failure - dialysis did so much only but then he succummed to the will of god. Man, when I buried him, my friend too my heart with him.

I need to go visit his grave. Ramadhan is here. We need to prepare the mosque and also all supplies for the poor. We keep his mission alive. I used to say, noone will remember him why do this ... He said, my deeds will be counted by Allah not by men on this world. So, our circle of friends. we do his work still. We hope it remains this way when we go.

I will take you over to see his work. Spend time as we do a lot of renovation and building at the same time in various locations.

I was holding him when he was in his last days. I learnt to know the Koran then. He told me to read; I did and found when I read to him he was at peace.

But, I smile always when i go to visit him. He would never want anyone to be sad. Always would grab me from behind and wrestle me down.

Sorry bro... just writing memories and thoughts how we get profoundly impact by a handful of people. I will be sure to tellhim that more people know of him and are asking about whether the profound question - "Is it truly God's medicine".
May Allah grant Jamal paradise. With all due respect I thought you were a Jew, is it ok for you to work in a Mosque?
May Allah grant Jamal paradise. With all due respect I thought you were a Jew, is it ok for you to work in a Mosque?
Yes i am. But here we dont consider religion as barriers.

Do you know - the architect of mosques in this next town and Mafikeng was my late uncle. The muslim committee decided they wanted him to design and oversee. In fact our burial grounds are in the same plot. Muslim and jews are buried in same area.
Yes i am. But here we dont consider religion as barriers.

Do you know - the architect of mosques in this next town and Mafikeng was my late uncle. The muslim committee decided they wanted him to design and oversee. In fact our burial grounds are in the same plot. Muslim and jews are buried in same area.
It is lovely to see God fearing Muslims and Jews getting along, after all we worship the same God.
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