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Power of the Turkish Armed Forces ( Weapons - News and Updates )

the destruction of Turkish forces at Watiya ? only one HAWK System .... nothing else
HAWK,KORAL and I remember Korkut too,probably. But HAWK and KORAL for sure. Don't try to downplay this.
The Egyptians were ready to march in Libya ? so funny
maybe only for TOBRUK which is near of Egyptian border
but not for MISRATA and TRIPOLI which are 1.000-1.200 km away from Egypt
Why on earth would they gather big forces to the border,just to go to Tobruk? Sissi was about to get involved with big forces and all the big ones decided to have the GNA and the LNA agree on a ceasefire before things got out of hand.

Turkish UCAVs destroyed 2 PANTSIR in Al Watiya Airbase and GNA captured Al Watiya Airbase from LNA
still Turkish Forces are in Al Watiya Airbase
1 Pantsir was found in Al Watiyah,it was slightly damaged and was captured and given to American forces later.
Egyptian Army can not match with even 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Egyptian soil SINAI

btw not GNA , but HAFTAR declared jihad in Libya ...
GNA are the islamist "Muslim Brotherhood" rogues here. They are the culprits.
We dont care about anyone
Hitler didn't care about anyone either,he kept invading countries and making enemies constantly. And look where he ended up.
even Greece took S300 Air Defense Systems
And it's your fault that we got the S-300s. Those systems were going to Cyprus,but since you threatened with war,a solution was found that we would take them instead and install them on Crete.

in 2000s Greeks : We have superior weapons Leopard2-HEL , AH-64 Apache , Type-214 , AEWC , Mirage-2000 , F-16 block52+ , PATRIOT , S300 , SCALP , EXOCET

in 2020s Turks : Ok Yorgi , We have also superior weapons AKINCI , BORA , TRG-300 , SOM , ATMACA , Boeing E-7T AEWC , ADA class stealth Corvette , KORAL , S400 , etc
You are STILL not getting it: We didn't brag about all that. We always had to defend against a bigger enemy. One who had 3-5 times more equipment and men than us. The slight technological advantage and quality in weapons and systems,was what kept the balance between Greece and Turkey.
Now you try to make it look as if our guys were bragging back then. And that's bull. You've been the ones bragging the last 8-10 years about your programs and future acquisitions. Just like you've been doing in this forum for ages.
HAWK,KORAL and I remember Korkut too,probably. But HAWK and KORAL for sure. Don't try to downplay this.


but only HAWK and Sentinel Radars

Why on earth would they gather big forces to the border,just to go to Tobruk? Sissi was about to get involved with big forces and all the big ones decided to have the GNA and the LNA agree on a ceasefire before things got out of hand.

LNA , The UAE and Egypt lost
and they so scared of Turkiye backed GNA to reach TOBRUK

They should say thanks to Russia who stoped Turkiye backed GNA in SIRTE-JUFRA line
( Russia deployed dozens of Fighter Jets including MIG-29 , more PANTSIR and S300 Air Defense Systems , EW Systems , land based anti-ship Missiles , etc in Libya to protect SIRTE-JUFRA line )

then SISI has started to get involved in Libya

1 Pantsir was found in Al Watiyah,it was slightly damaged and was captured and given to American forces later.

9 PANTSIR were destroyed between 17 may and 20 may 2020

-- 2 PANTSIR in Al Watiya
-- 3 PANTSIR in Terhune
-- 1 PANTSIR in Sukai Ahad
-- 1 PANTSIR in Viske
-- 2 PANTSIR in Sirte


PKK was kicked by Turkish Army in Turkish soil
therefore PKK attacks from İran,İraq and Syria

A total of 18,296 terrorists have been neutralized by Turkish Armed Forces - Turkish Police Special Forces since July 24, 2015

on the other hand , Egyptian Army can not match with 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Egyptian soil SINAI
Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIS terrorists in Syria

GNA are the islamist "Muslim Brotherhood" rogues here. They are the culprits.

GNA was formed under the terms of the Libyan Political Agreement, a United Nations–led initiative
and recognized the GNA as the sole legitimate executive authority in Libya

on the other hand HAFTAR is nothing but traitor warlord who wants to give muslim Libya to christian France-Russia

and HAFTAR declared jihad with salafist jihadis mentality and killed Libyan People

Hitler didn't care about anyone either,he kept invading countries and making enemies constantly. And look where he ended up.

Turkiye just protect itself from bandit countries USA-France and their terrorists FETO , PKK/YPG

İnvaders = USA-France

And it's your fault that we got the S-300s. Those systems were going to Cyprus,but since you threatened with war,a solution was found that we would take them instead and install them on Crete.

why on Crete ? Soviet S300 to NATO Country Greece
hypocrite USA and NATO

You are STILL not getting it: We didn't brag about all that. We always had to defend against a bigger enemy. One who had 3-5 times more equipment and men than us. The slight technological advantage and quality in weapons and systems,was what kept the balance between Greece and Turkey.
Now you try to make it look as if our guys were bragging back then. And that's bull. You've been the ones bragging the last 8-10 years about your programs and future acquisitions. Just like you've been doing in this forum for ages.

Greece has one enemy ( Turkiye )
Turkiye has military doctrine to fight in 3 fronts at the same time ( Greece,Armenia and Syria )

even I hate ERDOGAN's Syrian policy ....... We spent over $50 billion for 3,6 million of Syrian Refugees

( $50 billion = 200 Fighter Jets , 10 Destroyers , 20 Frigates , 10 AIP Submarines and 5.000 Ballistic-Cruise-Anti-Ship and AD Missiles )

S400s deployed in Turkiye
SOM and ATMACA Missiles in service
4 Boeing E7-T AEWC in service
KORAL Radar EW System in service
AKINCI UCAV in mass production
BORA Ballistic Missile in service
TRG-300 guided MLRS in service
ADA class stealth Corvette in service

Type-214TN class AIP Submarine will be in service in 2022
TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship will be in service in 2022
ISTIF class stealth Frigate will be in service in 2022

and many more advanced weapons until 2023
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LNA , The UAE and Egypt lost
and they so scared of Turkiye backed GNA to reach TOBRUK
You actually believe that?

KK was kicked by Turkish Army in Turkish soil
therefore PKK attacks from İran,İraq and Syria
Sure buddy,whatever you say :rolleyes1:

Turkiye just protect itself from bandit countries USA-France and their terrorists FETO , PKK/YPG
Poor eternal victim! Always protecting,never invading :(

why on Crete ? Soviet S300 to NATO Country Greece
hypocrite USA and NATO
Well the Cypriots bought the S-300PMU1 but Turkey threatened with war. The Russians wanted to escort system to Cyprus with navy ships and protect it,but Turkey insisted if the Cypriots installed the S-300s on the island,they would go to war. So the Greek-Cypriot government,the mainland government,Russians and I guess Americans and NATO,discussed and found a solution that they would be instead put on Crete and avoid the fuss. The Cypriots instead just got Tor-M1 and Buk M1-2s.

The article's interesting
You actually believe that?

then why HAFTAR urgently asked for a ceasefire ?

without Russia , İran and ASSAD lost against FSA in Syria
without Russia , The UAE,Egypt and HAFTAR lost against GNA in Libya

Well the Cypriots bought the S-300PMU1 but Turkey threatened with war. The Russians wanted to escort system to Cyprus with navy ships and protect it,but Turkey insisted if the Cypriots installed the S-300s on the island,they would go to war. So the Greek-Cypriot government,the mainland government,Russians and I guess Americans and NATO,discussed and found a solution that they would be instead put on Crete and avoid the fuss. The Cypriots instead just got Tor-M1 and Buk M1-2s.

I know about S300 story

in the end of the day , NATO country Greece has Russian S300 and TOR-M1 AD Systems

USA doest sell PATRIOT to Turkiye and still says no S400s to Turkiye
first remove Russian S300 and TOR-M1 AD Systems from Greece
without Russia , İran and ASSAD lost against FSA in Syria

without Russia , The UAE,Egypt and HAFTAR lost against GNA in Libya
Without Russia,UAE,Egypt Haftar would have smashed the GNA who would have had no Turkish and Qatari help.

SA doest sell PATRIOT to Turkiye and still says no S400s to Turkiye
They did offer you Patriot,after you got the S-400s though. But the deal with Putin was done.
What can I say,Americans are weird sometimes.

Do you know they nagged for years that we shouldn't have M48A5 tanks on Cyprus as part of the ELDYK while your tanks there only M48T1s and M48T2s?
Yes,they didn't want us to have any American equipment on the island.
10 Offshore Patrol Ships

Designed to perform anti-surface warfare, effective uninterrupted reconnaissance, surveillance and patrol duties in the open sea and on the coast

The first Ship will be delivered in May 2023

1x 76mm Gun
8x HİSAR air defense Missiles
8x ATMACA Anti-Ship Missiles
4x UMTAS Missiles
2x (with 6 Rockets) Roketsan DSH (Submarine Defense Warfare) Rocket Launch System
2x 25mm STAMP
YAKAMOS Hull Mounted Sonar System
ASELSAN MAR-D Search Radar
LPI Radar
Fire Control Radar
Electro-Optical Sensor
Torpedo Countermeasure System


Perhaps in this century, we can see the revival of many past empires, for example the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire.
ASELSAN Miniature Bomb

Weight : 250 lb
Range : 100 km
Seeker : IIR

UCAVs will carry ASELSAN Miniature Bombs to hit even moving Targets

TUBITAK-SAGE GÖZDE and GOKCE laser guided Bombs

Laser seeker
Range : 28-37 km

to hit even moving targets with speed of 50 km/h

TRLG-122 new 122mm caliber missile with laser seeker capability

Roketsan's 122-mm TRLG-122 Missile was developed to provide effective firepower against high-priority targets at ranges between 13–30 km

The TRLG-12 is guided thanks to an Inertial Navigation System and Semi-Active Laser Seeker

weight of 76 kg
warhead weighting 13.5 kg


if TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile air launched goes 150 km
and AKINCI UCAVs will carry 150 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missiles
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you post all these 'developments' but fail to mention that nearly all turkish developments require a high amount of western parts to make it functional. Majority of these developments never materialise into anything. That is why Turkey doesn't even have a indigenous jet fighter while far smaller nation like Sweden can build their own indigenous Grippen fighter jets
you post all these 'developments' but fail to mention that nearly all turkish developments require a high amount of western parts to make it functional. Majority of these developments never materialise into anything. That is why Turkey doesn't even have a indigenous jet fighter while far smaller nation like Sweden can build their own indigenous Grippen fighter jets

Your anti-Türkish propaganda wont work

1 ) Turkiye has over 700 military projects ... if Sweden has its own 4th gen Fighter Jet
then Turkiye has its own Naval Industry , UCAV technologies , Helicopters , Electronic Warfare technologies , Missile technologies , AESA Radars , all weapons for Army and many more

2 ) Yes so-called indigenous Grippen Fighter Jet

except Engine no any critical parts from the West
and Turkiye develops Engines not to be dependent on western parts

Turkish TF-2000 class Destroyer project more indigenous project than Swedish GRIPEN Fighter Jet
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Turkish TF-2000 class Destroyer project more indigenous project than Swedish GRIPEN Fighter Jet
And that's a good thing? :P
you post all these 'developments' but fail to mention that nearly all turkish developments require a high amount of western parts to make it functional. Majority of these developments never materialise into anything. That is why Turkey doesn't even have a indigenous jet fighter while far smaller nation like Sweden can build their own indigenous Grippen fighter jets
Finally someone said it! 👏
And that's a good thing? :P

Greeks can not develop even Radar , Missiles for Warships :P

on the other hand , Turkiye will be 3rd NATO State to use its own systems on own designed 8.500 tons TF-2000 class Destroyer after USA and France

-- National Design and Production
-- National Naval Gun
-- National VLS
-- National IFF
-- National E/O Systems
-- National laser warning System
-- National X and KU band Satellite communications
-- ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
-- ADVENT Combat Management System
-- 450 km CAFRAD Multi-function/illumination/Fire control/Long range Radar complex
-- ALPER LPI Surface Radar
-- HISAR-O and SIPER surface to air Missiles
-- STAMP 25 mm
-- UMTAS Missile
-- ATMACA network enabled anti ship Missile
-- GEZGIN Land attack cruise Missile
-- LEVENT Rolling Airframe Missile
-- NAZAR Laser Electronic Warfare System
-- ORKA Leightweight Torpedo
-- TORK Hard-Kill Torpedo Countermeasure System
-- HIZIR Soft-Kill Torpedo Countermeasure System
-- HIZIR-LFAS Low Frequency Towed Active Sonar
-- FERSAH Hull Mounted Sonar

ISTIF class Frigate

TF-2000 class Destroyer

Finally someone said it! 👏

"" nearly all turkish developments require a high amount of western parts to make it functional ""

He is lying

only Engines ....... and Turkiye develops Engines not to be dependent on western parts
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Greeks can not develop even Radar , Missiles for Warships
And does that mean that 100% indigenous Turkish systems are quality? :P And I mean about the truly 100% indigenous systems researched by Turks and produced solely by them.

He is lying

only Engines ....... and Turkiye develops Engines not to be dependent on western parts
Oh come on man! Every time someone disagrees with you,you accuse them of lying.

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