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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

Oh if you want to hear compliments, I can start a separate thread for that.

Sadly due to some Indian trolls and some Chinese trolls, sensible discussion doesn't get much farther.

India and China have a great opportunity in their hands. Both cannot afford to let go of this opportunity.

Together we could shape this century.

It is India that can't afford to let go of this opportunity. Without China's support they won't ever get into the P5.
It is India that can't afford to let go of this opportunity. Without China's support they won't ever get into the P5.

You are over-estimating the importance of UNSC to India. And you really need to work on your economics if you feel that China can afford to let go of this opportunity.
You are over-estimating the importance of UNSC to India. And you really need to work on your economics if you feel that China can afford to let go of this opportunity.

You are overestimating India's economy.

Brazil, Italy, Canada, etc. all have bigger economies than India, and are less hostile too.

If you don't want the UNSC seat then why is your government so desperate for it?
wat will india do to get the seat without veto power?
then where is the need of china as u mentioned?

India won't get the permanent seat, and they won't get veto power either.

All it takes is one veto to shut down a resolution.
You are overestimating India's economy.

I'm just being bullish about the future prospects of Indian economy. And if you're cynical about the future prospects of India's economy, then you once again need to brush up your concepts of economics, growth prediction, estimates etc.

Brazil, Italy, Canada, etc. all have bigger economies than India, and are less hostile too.

Sure they are. But India's fast growing middle class and humungous market potential gives it the edge. In 10-12 years, India will effectively be where China today is. If you choose to skip that reality, you're either being dishonest or ignorant. Pick one.

Our middle class alone is many times larger than the population of many of the countries you just listed.

If you don't want the UNSC seat then why is your government so desperate for it?

What is UNSC if not just a status symbol among the comity of nations. Wherever we Indians are today, it's not because of UNSC and neither will UNSC take us further into economic and social well-being in future.

It's just a status symbol. How can you possibly fail to spot that underlying truth?
India is a strategic partner for peace, once the far right upper class is removed. A surgical bombing strike on New Delhi to remove parliament and the prime minister would be enough.

Then we can talk peace with the Communist Party of India and set up a new golden age of India, the People's Republic of India.

Without gender, racial and caste equality, lower corruption, higher education levels and less corruption, India's growth will not last. Only Mao Zedong Thought and communism can save India.
India won't get the permanent seat, and they won't get veto power either.

All it takes is one veto to shut down a resolution.

and this is wat i m asking.......
u were stating the importance of china to india from many threads wrt that seat...
india is not foolish to think in advance abt the seat as guaranteed one....

in short..

india knows that to get seat for any of the new member is not possible.....,thats y india is not pleasing china too much..
India is a strategic partner for peace, once the far right upper class is removed. A surgical bombing strike on New Delhi to remove parliament and the prime minister would be enough.

Then we can talk peace with the Communist Party of India and set up a new golden age of India, the People's Republic of India.

Without gender, racial and caste equality, lower corruption, higher education levels and less corruption, India's growth will not last. Only Mao Zedong Thought and communism can save India.

in simple words.........

u r turning urself in to an funny troll..
specially ur initial lines
Come on Guys, there's no point in discussing this. If reform is going to happen India would surely get in no matter what Chinese members on this forum think. In reality India has more support than any other country in the world. 4 out of 5 countries openly pledged their support. China will have no option but to accept candidature of India if reforms does happen.

Let the Chinese troll. We'll have the last laugh.
India is a strategic partner for peace, once the far right upper class is removed. A surgical bombing strike on New Delhi to remove parliament and the prime minister would be enough.

Then we can talk peace with the Communist Party of India and set up a new golden age of India, the People's Republic of India.

Without gender, racial and caste equality, lower corruption, higher education levels and less corruption, India's growth will not last. Only Mao Zedong Thought and communism can save India.

Dude don't bring communism into this.
Sure they are. But India's fast growing middle class and humungous market potential gives it the edge. In 10-12 years, India will effectively be where China today is. If you choose to skip that reality, you're either being dishonest or ignorant. Pick one.

LOL, you're boasting about things that you "might" have in the future.

China's economy was 6 trillion in 2010. How long will it take India to reach that level? Certainly not by 2020.

List of countries by future GDP (nominal) estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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