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Post your non Anatolian Turkish ancestry

Being blond or having blue eyes does not necessarily mean that a person has non-Turkish blood. for example, some of my cousins have exactly the same appearance as you have mentioned, and we have nothing to do with greeks ;)

The thing is.... let me describe you my Grandfather. He had a slightly darker skin than average Turk's and had a sharp facial ourline. (Trait of Egyptians) and he had deep, dark green eyes.

Remember how Ottoman Kadı names my ancestor Ali as "Black Lion" that's because he had a dark skin and pitch black hair.

You guys should be proud that you know your history that well. The CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, Muhtar Kent, once said - according to an article I read - that "You have to know where you come from in order to know where you are going.". He has got a point. I wish I knew mine as good as you guys do :cheers:

Mate, i take pride in both my lineage and my nation. All of them were heroes, there is no nation on earth that i would rather be than being a Turk. :smokin:
. . .
I suspect there might be Arab or African mixture too though, due to my pysical appearence
believe me you are real turkmen . here we have same type of turkmen as you are it's not weird at all never let others take down your guard your turkmen that all the matters :)

They are from what is now known as Turkmen Sahra(golestan province).
Thèy came during Ottoman era.``
ty for info i know there are lot of iranian turkmens whom have turkish husband/wife it's very great that we are so kind and friendly to each other :yahoo::agree:

My ancestry is from a clan called Mansırlı. There is a clan with the same name among the Shahseven Yarcanlı tribe of Saveh (Iran), I don't know if they are related.
dude we have sarli but no mansirli :D , yarjan/yarjan ali is also a name among turkmen idk if it was helpful for you :D

Ataturk was also going to marry one of my ancestors
dude you get very bad lucky than :lol:
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she's blond with blue eyes..... when i say "Okay than, how can you explain your hair and eye color ??"She can't :) I think at a point they took brides from both Greeks and Egyptians
dude we have a lot of blond turkmen here let me explain it this way
we have asian look turkmen (not much but they little look like them ) we have ME type i guess this is @Targon type we have Caucasoid type we have Scandinavian type the good thing about turkmen is you can have every type you like that very great advantage my grandmother was blonde hair/green eye turkmen my sister is same with green eye my mom has golden eye some of my cousins are blonde some of them ME type believe me if every time some tells us you are not turkmen cuz bla bla today there wasn't any turkmen remain . i rather trust my eye than BS in internet don't put your mom under force she is turk by all means

Mate, i take pride in both my lineage and my nation. All of them were heroes, there is no nation on earth that i would rather be than being a Turk. :smokin:
They write a book about nogays in Turkey. Even our names are listed in the book.

Şeker Köyü Ankara'nın Şereflikoçhisar ilçesine bağlı Şeker köyü Ankara'ya 106 km, Şereflikoçhisar'a 42 km mesafede bulunmaktadır. 2008 yılı itibarıyla köy nüfusu kışın 250 kişi (70 hane) civarındayken, bu sayı yazın 500'ün üzerine (140 hane kadar) çıkmaktadır. Konya'dan gelerek köye yerleşmiş tek bir hane haricinde köyün daimî halkının tamamını Nogaylar oluşturmaktaydı. 2004'te Hatay tarafından gelmiş ve köyde işçi olarak çalışmakta olan 4 hane Afganistan muhaciri Özbek de yaşamaktaydı. Ekonomik ve sosyal sebeplere bağlı olarak, 1960'lardan itibaren köy halkından pek çok kişi işçi olarak Avrupa ülkelerine gitmiştir. Bu göçler ilk olarak Almanya ve Avusturya'ya yönelmişken, daha sonra Hollanda üzerinde yoğunluk kazanmıştır. Diğer Nogay muhacir köyleriyle kıyaslandığında, en fazla Şeker köyünden kimseler Avrupa ülkelerine çalışmaya gitmiş olup Hollanda'nın muhtelif şehir ve kasabalarında yaşamaktadır. Şeker köyünden Avrupa'ya göçler 2000'li yalların ortasına kadar devam etmiştir. 2008 yılı itibarıyla, tamamına yakını Hollanda ve Almanya'da olmak üzere, Türkiye dışında köy halkından en az 120 hane yaşadığı hesaplanmaktaydı. Avrupa'dakilerin yanı sıra, Ankara, Konya ve İstanbul'a yerleşmiş çok sayıda Şeker köylü Nogay bulunmaktadır. Daimî olarak (yaz kış) Şeker köyünde yaşayan Nogay aileleri şu soyadlarını taşımaktadır: Aday, Aktan, Aktaş, Albay, Altıntaş, Caner, Çelik, Çetin, Çimen, Dağtekin, Demiroğlu, Dinç, Erbay, Eren, Giimüştaş, Güneş, Ilıkkan, Işık, Kale, Karakaş, Karaman, Karataş, Kaya, Kızıltaş, Kurtul, Kuyucu, Oğuz, Okçu, Özat, Özkan, Polat, Soycan, Şen, Tosun, Yaman, Yıldırım ve Yılmazer. Bunlara ilâveten, Açıkel, Aypay, Demir- soy, Güner, Gürcan, Kara, Kavaldı, Kayabaşı, Koç, Özbek, Özer, Sarpdağ, Taşdemir, Taşkır, Tektaş ve Tümer soyadı aileler, köy dışında yaşamakla birlikte Şeker ile olan irtibatlarını sürdürmekte ve hiç olmazsa yaz aylarında gelip gitmektedirler. Köyde yaşamakta olan ailelerin hepsinin köy dışına göç etmiş kolları bulunmaktadır. Köy hakkında detaylı bilgi Doç.Dr. Hakan KIRIMLI'nın Türkiye'deki Kırım Tatar ve Nogay Köy Yerleşimleri adlı kitabında bulunmaktadır.

I dont gonne give my name:-). Unfornutally they are too late to understand our history, because the oldest of our people are dead. My grandfather who died in the age of 92 the last one of his time. Ther is no exact history of our village because its never written. So i write your history before the dead of the elders.

Thanks to Ottoman Empirer AbdulHamid Khan who save the nogays of russian imperiallism and settled al over Turkey.
dude we have a lot of blond turkmen here let me explain it this way
we have asian look turkmen (not much but they little look like them ) we have ME type i guess this is @Targon type we have Caucasoid type we have Scandinavian type the good thing about turkmen is you can have every type you like that very great advantage my grandmother was blonde hair/green eye turkmen my sister is same with green eye my mom has golden eye some of my cousins are blonde some of them ME type believe me if every time some tells us you are not turkmen cuz bla bla today there wasn't any turkmen remain . i rather trust my eye than BS in internet don't put your mom under force she is turk by all means

The same is true for our side. some of my cousins are even blonde, some other are not, and look caucasian or middle-eastern. I, myself, have a pale skin with caucasian appearance, and my hair is a bit brownish, and my sibling has the same appearance but her eyes is more slanted than me.
They write a book about nogays in Turkey. Even our names are listed in the book.

I dont gonne give my name:-). Unfornutally they are too late to understand our history, because the oldest of our people are dead. My grandfather who died in the age of 92 the last one of his time. Ther is no exact history of our village because its never written. So i write your history before the dead of the elders.

Thanks to Ottoman Empirer AbdulHamid Khan who save the nogays of russian imperiallism and settled al over Turkey.

I recognise some names as well from who I know.
The same is true for our side. some of my cousins are even blonde, some other are not, and look caucasian or middle-eastern. I, myself, have a pale skin with caucasian appearance, and my hair is a bit brownish, and my sibling has the same appearance but her eyes is more slanted than me.
dude i guess it's same for all of us from istanbul to ashgabat :cheers: i myself have little more slanted eyes than other sibling but it's like asians my hair is not light but i cant tell it's black too. i have little red hair among my hairs it's show it self in sunny days usually we have very light hair when we are children but when we grow up we change i have pic of my first day of my school in that pic i have light brown hair :agree: that was old good days were i was called as sweet kid but today my sister's call me narekhar ! :lol::omghaha: i have tall up to 190 something between 190-195 and i have very long arms . i can slap in your face from distance :D and my hands is big enough to grape your head ! it's perfect for volleyball or boxing :victory::chilli: my shoes size is 46 :wave:

let's not talk about this racial issue there is no Turk race :-). we are turks no matter what race we are that's all the matters :)
dude i guess it's same for all of us from istanbul to ashgabat :cheers: i myself have little more slanted eyes than other sibling but it's like asians my hair is not light but i cant tell it's black too. i have little red hair among my hairs it's show it self in sunny days usually we have very light hair when we are children but when we grow up we change i have pic of my first day of my school in that pic i have light brown hair :agree: that was old good days were i was called as sweet kid but today my sister's call me narekhar ! :lol::omghaha: i have tall up to 190 something between 190-195 and i have very long arms . i can slap in your face from distance :D and my hands is big enough to grape your head ! it's perfect for volleyball or boxing :victory::chilli: my shoes size is 46 :wave:

let's not talk about this racial issue there is no Turk race :-). we are turks no matter what race we are that's all the matters :)
From the genetic point of view, there is only 3 races, Asian, white(Caucasoid), and black. We, and also Iranians, and other people who originate from central Asia, have a mixed feature between Europeans, Asians, and Middle-Easterners. Actually that is not a surprise, since our geographical location is in the among these regions. Is your shoe size 46? :o: how do you find shoes? since, mine is 43-44, and it was usually the biggest size that every store in Iran had. :( Anyway, I am also a big guy. Actually, I remembered @Sinan 's picture, and I am almost twice as him. :lol:
Anyway, it was very interesting for me that almost all turkish members have some connection to outside of Turkey and to Oghuz Turks who live in Iran and central asia. It was very informative.
From the genetic point of view, there is only 3 races, Asian, white(Caucasoid), and black. We, and also Iranians, and other people who originate from central Asia, have a mixed feature between Europeans, Asians, and Middle-Easterners. Actually that is not a surprise, since our geographical location is in the among these regions. Is your shoe size 46? :o: how do you find shoes? since, mine is 43-44, and it was usually the biggest size that every store in Iran had. :( Anyway, I am also a big guy. Actually, I remembered @Sinan 's picture, and I am almost twice as him. :lol:
Anyway, it was very interesting for me that almost all turkish members have some connection to outside of Turkey and to Oghuz Turks who live in Iran and central asia. It was very informative.

How big are you.... :woot: I'm 1.82 cm and 80 kg ?

Also, i think you are mistaken about about shoe sizes or maybe we use different standarts.

I think 42 is average for guys in Turkey. Mine is 43 and most of my friends who has height around 1.90 has 45-47 foot size.
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Is your shoe size 46? :o: how do you find shoes? since, mine is 43-44, and it was usually the biggest size that every store in Iran had. :(
you too have problem to finding a shoes ?:( it's pain in A$$:pissed: i can buy anything i like i just enter and tell gimme biggest shoes you have than exit with empty hands :laughcry: some time i use 45 but it's very rare to find 45 for my legs i know some guys whom sell shoes they find my shoes for me they are good guys :D

How big are you.... :woot: I'm 1.82 cm and 80 kg ?
182:o: waaaaaaaahahahhahahhah . küçük sinan :lol::rofl::omghaha::pop:(just joking bro) last time i remmber in high school i was 189 but i grown since . i guess im 190-193 and 100KG (don't mistake me with fat guys i change betwen 94-100 KG) :big_boss: it's said david batista is about 110-120 KG :D
How big are you.... :woot: I'm 1.82 cm and 80 kg ?
Actually, I am a bit taller, and my shoulder width, and my weight is about 50-60% more than you. :lol: The good point for me has been that no one in school, or everywhere else ever dared to bully me. Actually I was a peaceful kid, but I remember that once in school, some 5th grade student , who was the most a$$hole bully of our school, was bullying my fellow 3rd graders, and then I kicked his a$$ in a way that he was just crying and running around the school.:lol:
Actually, I am a bit taller, and my shoulder width, and my weight is about 50-60% more than you. :lol: The good point for me has been that no one in school, or everywhere else ever dared to bully me. Actually I was a peaceful kid, but I remember that once in school, some 5th grade student , who was the most a$$hole bully of our school, was bullying my fellow 3rd graders, and then I kicked his a$$ in a way that he was just crying and running around the school.:lol:
bro it seems we both are much alike :lol:
you too have problem to finding a shoes ?:( it's pain in A$$:pissed: i can buy anything i like i just enter and tell gimme biggest shoes you have than exit with empty hands :laughcry: some time i use 45 but it's very rare to find 45 for my legs i know some guys whom sell shoes they find my shoes for me they are good guys :D
Not a problem at all. :lol: but, I had the same problem with jeans in Iran. Anyway, hopefully, there is no problem in USA, since people are really overweight here. :)

bro it seems we both are much alike :lol:

:enjoy: :agree:

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