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Post your non Anatolian Turkish ancestry

alright guys im working on turkmen spotters:-) but there is little info on internet :mad: i may not able to put pic of them :-) just gimme little more time :victory:
@ghara ghan @rmi5

Guys, i realized that you spend more time in Turkish section time than you spend in Iranian section.

Not that i'm disturbed, don't get the wrong idea. I enjoy your presence here. What i wonder is; are there any members disturbing you when you talk about Turkic affairs in Iranian section ?
@ghara ghan @rmi5

Guys, i realized that you spend more time in Turkish section time than you spend in Iranian section.

Not that i'm disturbed, don't get the wrong idea. I enjoy your presence here. What i wonder is; are there any members disturbing you when you talk about Turkic affairs in Iranian section ?
I saw a few people call @rmi5 a traitor. If I remeber correctly.
@Sinan @Kaan
There are a bunch of a$$holes in Iran section who hate me because of politics, religion, and ethnicity. Not only me, but also Abii who is a Persian, does not like to participate there anymore, because those a$$holes will bug him too. But, the ethnicity problem also adds between me and them. There are too many of them, like haman the Sadist, Mullah Mohsen, Uhuhu, Surenas the f***tard, Falon the racist douchebag, and that guy who uses a female account, and ...
@Sinan @Kaan
There are a bunch of a$$holes in Iran section who hate me because of politics, religion, and ethnicity. Not only me, but also Abii who is a Persian, does not like to participate there anymore, because those a$$holes will bug him too. But, the ethnicity problem also adds between me and them. There are too many of them, like haman the Sadist, Mullah Mohsen, Uhuhu, Surenas the f***tard, Falon the racist douchebag, and that guy who uses a female account, and ...

Don't mind them bro. You remind me @Ir.Tab. a lot. :)

I won't say you are welcomed in our section anymore as this section belongs to you as much as belongs to us. :)
Don't mind them bro. You remind me @Ir.Tab. a lot. :)

I won't say you are welcomed in our section anymore as this section belongs to you as it belongs to us. :)
Thank you very much, brother ;) Actually I have read some of @Ir.Tab. posts and threads, and I felt that my opinions are very close to him, and I enjoyed his posts. Even, some of those listed trolls accused me that I am @Ir.Tab. and @rmi5 is my new account, but, it is not true, and @rmi5 is the only account that I have in this forum ;) Unfortunately, he has left before I register here :(
So @rmi5 do you actually speak Turkish?

Another thing,
Your attitude towards the Turks and İranians were different when you first joined this forum.
Did your attitude change during your period at this forum, or was it always like this?
So @rmi5 do you actually speak Turkish?

Another thing,
Your attitude towards the Turks and İranians were different when you first joined this forum.
Did your attitude change during your period at this forum, or was it always like this?

How come, he had been always nice to us ?

Are you confusing him with somebody else ?
How come, he had been always nice to us ?

Are you confusing him with somebody else ?


I guess the word attitude was misplaced :). I actually ment political view.
You have to admit, he was a lot more pro Iran and less pro Turkey.

Didn't you notice that a lot more Iranian Turkic started to come out in this forum. In the past we only had @Ir.Tab.
So @rmi5 do you actually speak Turkish?

Another thing,
Your attitude towards the Turks and İranians were different when you first joined this forum.
Did your attitude change during your period at this forum, or was it always like this?

I can understand turkish a bit if people speak around me, but I cannot speak turkish. The other problem is that Azeri, or turkish alphabets are not taught in Iranian schools, and I cannot write turkish either :( but, I have started to learn the alphabet in my leisure time. Actually, my attitude about Iranians is not changed. Abii is like my best, and oldest friend in PDF who is a persian guy. My problem is with those a$$holes who try to ruin every thread and start childish trolling. Even, I have criticized Atatwolf, targon, and ASQ-1918 when they were too tough on Iranians, before. The same thing has happened on the other side, and I have criticized Iranians when they were bugging turks. I have always tried to walk on a rope and keep the balance between both sides. But, believe me that is much more difficult than what you think. :disagree:

I guess the word attitude was misplaced :). I actually ment political view.
You have to admit, he was a lot more pro Iran and less pro Turkey.

Didn't you notice that a lot more Iranian Turkic started to come out in this forum. In the past we only had @Ir.Tab.

Yeap... i remembered. Right after Haman trolled in the ANKA sticky topic and Rmi tried to stop him.. which ended with haman being banned. The day after, haman's ban was lifted. Than we had a chat with Rmi and Haman in the Iranian section. We learned that both of them were Turk.... Although they were ethnically Turks they seemed to be pro-Iranian ( nothing is wrong with it).

Correct ? :)

I guess the word attitude was misplaced :). I actually ment political view.
You have to admit, he was a lot more pro Iran and less pro Turkey.

Didn't you notice that a lot more Iranian Turkic started to come out in this forum. In the past we only had @Ir.Tab.

Dude, I am not pro mullah, but, it does not mean that I am not pro Iran. Even I think that being pro mullah means being anti-Iran, and as far as Turkey is concerned, I dislike AKP a lot, you can ask xenon54 about my opinion about AKP. :D But, still it doesn't mean that I am anti-Turkey ;) I am pro Turkey too ;) The same is true for Azerbaijan. I don't like Aliev, but, I am pro-Azerbaijan. ;)
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