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Post your non Anatolian Turkish ancestry

I can understand turkish a bit if people speak around me, but I cannot speak turkish. The other problem is that Azeri, or turkish alphabets are not taught in Iranian schools, and I cannot write turkish either :( but, I have started to learn the alphabet in my leisure time. Actually, my attitude about Iranians is not changed. Abii is like my best, and oldest friend in PDF who is a persian guy. My problem is with those a$$holes who try to ruin every thread and start childish trolling. Even, I have criticized Atatwolf, targon, and ASQ-1918 when they were too tough on Iranians, before. The same thing has happened on the other side, and I have criticized Iranians were they were bugging turks. I have always tried to walk on a rope and keep the balance between both sides. But, believe me that is much more difficult than what you think. :disagree:

Mate you do know the latin alphabet, so how hard can it be to learn the Turkish alphabet?

Well, they are a bit racist yes. But to be honest I think it's more fear rather than pure racism.
They have a multiethnic society, much bigger than Turkey or any other country in the region.
They remind me of the old kingdom of Yugoslavia.
Yeap... i remembered. Right after Haman trolled in the ANKA sticky topic and Rmi tried to stop him.. which ended with haman being banned. The day after, haman's ban was lifted. Than we had a chat with Rmi and Haman in the Iranian section. We learned that both of them were Turk.... Although they were ethnically Turks they seemed to be pro-Iranian ( nothing is wrong with it).
Correct ? :)
That's correct. Actually that haman guy is a lier troll, and I don't trust him. He said that his father is kurd, and his mother is turk, and lives in Kermanshah, a kurdish city. Anyway, I don't wanna waste our time about that troll. So, in summary, yes, that is true ;)
Dude, I am not pro mullah, but, it does not mean that I am not pro Iran. Even I think that being pro mullah means being anti-Iran, and as far as Turkey is concerned, I dislike AKP a lot, you can ask xenon54 about my opinion about AKP. :D But, still it doesn't mean that I am anti-Turkey ;) I am pro Turkey too ;) The same is true for Azerbaijan. I don't like Aliev, but, I am pro-Azerbaijan. ;)

I can understand you very well, brother. :agree:

There are Turkish members who are labeling us as traitors because we are not pro-AKP.:disagree:

That's correct. Actually that haman guy is a lier troll, and I don't trust him. He said that his father is kurd, and his mother is turk, and lives in Kermanshah, a kurdish city. Anyway, I don't wanna waste our time about that troll. So, in summary, yes, that is true ;)

I didn't followed your arguments with haman. He had been nice to us all the time.

But the thing is, there should be a very good reason for him to be banned all time...and you not getting banned at all. :)
Yeap... i remembered. Right after Haman trolled in the ANKA sticky topic and Rmi tried to stop him.. which ended with haman being banned. The day after, haman's ban was lifted. Than we had a chat with Rmi and Haman in the Iranian section. We learned that both of them were Turk.... Although they were ethnically Turks they seemed to be pro-Iranian ( nothing is wrong with it).

Correct ? :)

Well probably. Let's take these two persons as a example.
Haman might be a ethnic Turk, but he was in no way pro Turk. I remember him talking ill about Turks and azerbaycan.Being pro-Iranian is of course not a bad thing. But some Azeris can't bare the thought of being pro-Turkic as well.

Rmi on the other hand does love Iran and Turks along with the respective countries of Turkey and Azerbaijan.
The same other ethnic Turk haman condemned him for this.

Iranian Azeris are weird :p
Mate you do know the latin alphabet, so how hard can it be to learn the Turkish alphabet?

Well, they are a bit racist yes. But to be honest I think it's more fear rather than pure racism.
They have a multiethnic society, much bigger than Turkey or any other country in the region.
They remind me of the old kingdom of Yugoslavia.
You know, they have been brainwashed from their childhood. So, they have some stupid perceptions from the world, which says that everyone needs to be from their ethnicity, religion, and have the same political view. Anyway, I don't blame them as much as I blame the ones who have brainwashed them. ;)
I dont think he meant to judge you, dear rmi5. And there is nothing wrong with change of attitude, view or whaatever you call. The important thing is that you eventually find whats right and wrong.
@rmi5 , I'm going to bust your balls with a last question.

Let's say Iran actually gets in to a war with Azerbaijan one day. Where would you stand.
Where would the Iranian Azeris stand in general.

Ooh p.s

Just to avoid misunderstandings. I like you. I have no intention of judging you.
It's just that I sometimes have this itching curiosity :)
I can understand you very well, brother. :agree:

There are Turkish members who are labeling us as traitors because we are not pro-AKP.:disagree:
I didn't followed your arguments with haman. He had been nice to us all the time.

But the thing is, there should be a very good reason for him to be banned all time...and you not getting banned at all. :)
Yes, he or Soheil never insult you in English language, since they are bunch of hypocrites, but they insult you, and Turkey a lot in Persian language, since they know that you don't know Persian language. :disagree: Dealing with these hypocrites is very difficult, but hopefully mods have found out about their hypocrisy, and misbehavior and ban them repeatedly. ;)

That I like you part sounds kind of gay now that I read it back :omghaha:

Yes, he or Soheil never insult you in English language, since they are bunch of hypocrites, but they insult you, and Turkey a lot in Persian language, since they know that you don't know Persian language. :disagree: Dealing with these hypocrites is very difficult, but hopefully mods have found out about their hypocrisy, and misbehavior and ban them repeatedly. ;)

I didn't know that..... we can't google translate Farsi when they use Latin alphabet..... snakes.
I dont think he meant to judge you, dear rmi5. And there is nothing wrong with change of attitude, view or whaatever you call. The important thing is that you eventually find whats right and wrong.

Honestly, at the beginning of my joining to the forum, I thought that you were tough on them without any logical reason, and I got mad at you, but after some time, I understood that you were right about them, and then I understood your position about them better. I agree with you about the change as well. correcting our views is a sign of being mature, and do not correcting them means being dogmatic, stubborn and childish. ;)

@rmi5 , I'm going to bust your balls with a last question.

Let's say Iran actually gets in to a war with Azerbaijan one day. Where would you stand.
Where would the Iranian Azeris stand in general.

Ooh p.s

Just to avoid misunderstandings. I like you. I have no intention of judging you.
It's just that I sometimes have this itching curiosity :)

That's an ultra difficult question for me to answer. Actually I have roots from both Northern Azerbaijan, and Iran, and it would be something like asking a person that what you would do if your parents engage in a fight and war, and on which side you will be. Specially, at this condition that I don't like any of the governments in Baku, or Tehran. :disagree: I don't really know. I need to think about it.
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@rmi5 , I'm going to bust your balls with a last question.

Let's say Iran actually gets in to a war with Azerbaijan one day. Where would you stand.
Where would the Iranian Azeris stand in general.

Ooh p.s

Just to avoid misunderstandings. I like you. I have no intention of judging you.
It's just that I sometimes have this itching curiosity :)
actually, since i joined this site and met wonderful bros like Rmi5 and Ghara ghan from Iran i began to wonder what would happen IF there was a war between Turkey/Azerbaijan and Iran and IF Ghara ghan and Rmi5 were forced to enlist in the Iranian army, then i would feel really shitty. even if this is just a fantasy, i am sure there are many other Turkic guys serving in the Iranian army.

@rmi5 do you think the Turkics in Iran in general have a sense of 'blood is thicker than water' when it comes to dealing with other Turkics or do you think Turkics in Iran are in general loyal to Iran due to religion or another factor that i overlooked?
I didn't know that..... we can't google translate Farsi when they use Latin alphabet..... snakes.
Yup, They were doing the same when they wanted to insult me. They were telling me the worst insults in Persian language and they were trying to make me angry, and insult them back in english, and then report it to mods. :disagree: please ignore those a$$holes, they don't really worth the waste of our time. :disagree:
Dude, I am not pro mullah, but, it does not mean that I am not pro Iran. Even I think that being pro mullah means being anti-Iran, and as far as Turkey is concerned, I dislike AKP a lot, you can ask xenon54 about my opinion about AKP. :D But, still it doesn't mean that I am anti-Turkey ;) I am pro Turkey too ;) The same is true for Azerbaijan. I don't like Aliev, but, I am pro-Azerbaijan. ;)

@Sinan @olcayto @xenon54 @T-123456 - Hes far too Pro-Everyone - Somethings fishy ! :undecided:
@rmi5 dude i give up there is a lot of world,asia.iran turkmen champions we have i cat give them all :(we are %5 of iran populations we we face a lot of Discrimination but we were successful:-) i can just give name , all of them were in national team

عبد الصادق گرگانی , abdul sadegh gorgani running
عبدالعظیم آرخی abdullah arrakhi national champion of full boxing
ايوب آرخي , ayub arrakhi national champion of running
نور محمد آنه قره جه , nur mohammad anna gharaje running
عیسی ارمشی . isa arnashi (they are from famous armashi family)
ابراهیم ارمشی , ibrahim armashi (they are from famous armashi family) (one of the younger generation of this family was my dude in high school he go to turkey for boxing )
اسمائیل غراوی ش . ismail gharavashi footal
شهاب یانپی . shahab yampi footbal
فـــــرجـــاد بهمنش .
دانقطار یاقوتی shot put/javelin throw champion
صلاح الدین اونق . saladin onagh goal keeper of national team footbal
فرهاد قائمی . farhad ghaemi natonal team volleyball
میكائیل یولمه . mikaeil yolme national team volleyball
میکائیل تاجر mikaeil tajer national team volleyball
آزمون ها (famous family of turkmen spot a lot of them enter volleyball national team boxing sport ) sardar azmoun (national footbal) khaliz azmoun "The Emperor" volleyball are two of them
، دوجی ها (famous family of turkmen spot a lot of them enter volleyball boxing team sport ) bay mohamad davaji was one of them
، کوزه لی (famous family of turkmen spot a lot of them enter volleyball boxing team sport ) habib kuzali was one of them
، صحنه ها (famous family of turkmen spot a lot of them enter volleyball boxing team sport ) behnam sahne and his father was two famous of them
،سن سبلی ها(famous family of turkmen spot a lot of them enter volleyball boxing team sport ) (عثمان پدرام ابراهیم مهران سن سبلی ) osman pedram ibrahim mehran san sibili are famous members

@rmi5 dude see these pages im really lazy to put more name or info or pic i hop you impress by our capability althogh we are just 5% of iran

معرفی ورزشکاران قهرمان ترکمن

TurkmenStudents.com - ورزش در ترکمن صحرا - اخبار ورزشي - اخبار

ورزشکار ممتاز ترکمن در تهران » سلام گنبد

فرهاد قائمی - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
میکائیل یلمه - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
میکائیل تاجر - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
بای محمد دوجی - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
سردار آزمون - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
حبیب کوزه‌لی - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

i wish we were more famous :( no one know us :(
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