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Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

You're 16 ?
Damn, when I was 16, all I cared about was my out swing, my studies and good music.
Time changes rather quickly. I find PDF a great hobby and distraction from the stress of studies.
Social networks like Facebook are waste of time.
Time changes rather quickly. I find PDF a great hobby and distraction from the stress of studies.
Social networks like Facebook are waste of time.
This place is even a bigger waste of time. If you are really into it then go to the Historum forum, or one of the stackexchange sites depending upon your poison.
Let the people decide.

Kashmiri freedom fight is indigenous. Even if ib is formed u think those oppressed ppl will abandon arms? Do u even realize the ppl of valley have seen so much pain that they dont even care for pakistani support. They know they have to fight whether pakistan stands by them or not.
This is just in ur head that there will be peace in south asia. There will never be peace in south asia unless kashmir matter is resolved per kashmiris' and other ppl's wishes who inhabit the region, whether pakistan actively pursues the issue or not. Let it stay this way ,let ur massive number of troops sit their snd take a toll on treasury, let them commit suicide out of depression, and let the killng and rape of kashmiris go on as perhaps ur forces enjoy doing thsy but in turn also enjoy the killing of ur own troops by the freedom fighters.

Let it go on.
Let me put it this way, as long as india can afford it not an inch of its land is going anywhere. If losing a part of a nation is a price to pay for peace, well nobody wants peace then. If u think kashmir can get independence without outside support then keep dreaming.
This place is even a bigger waste of time. If you are really into it then go to the Historum forum, or one of the stackexchange sites depending upon your poison.
I hate history, and me coming from a military background has interest in defense related topics. But more importantly, I have interest in foreign affairs. Though, I should go play outside for maintaining my physical fitness, I being lazy find surfing the internet more preferable. PDF is a great site. It keeps me update of world news.
I think this is a great age to start learning from the experience of senior fellows and interact with rest of the world. Though PDF should only allow professionals to comment in most of the technical and important threads and restrain other people having little knowledge to comment(including me) so that this can become an informative forum unlike it's present form today.
Lets not detail this thread any further shall we?
Have a nice day.
I hate history, and me coming from a military background has interest in defense related topics. But more importantly, I have interest in foreign affairs. Though, I should go play outside for maintaining my physical fitness, I being lazy find surfing the internet more preferable. PDF is a great site. It keeps me update of world news.
I think this is a great age to start learning from the experience of senior fellows and interact with rest of the world. Though PDF should only allow professionals to comment in most of the technical and important threads and restrain other people having little knowledge to comment(including me) so that this can become an informative forum unlike it's present form today.
Lets not detail this thread any further shall we?
Have a nice day.

That was a calm and reasonable answer. You would have gathered, @Mad_Scientist, that tempers are flaring. Just be patient, wear these out, and we'll all get along at the end of the day.
I hate history, and me coming from a military background has interest in defense related topics. But more importantly, I have interest in foreign affairs. Though, I should go play outside for maintaining my physical fitness, I being lazy find surfing the internet more preferable. PDF is a great site. It keeps me update of world news.
I think this is a great age to start learning from the experience of senior fellows and interact with rest of the world. Though PDF should only allow professionals to comment in most of the technical and important threads and restrain other people having little knowledge to comment(including me) so that this can become an informative forum unlike it's present form today.
Lets not detail this thread any further shall we?
Have a nice day.
Sounds reasonable.
Since you are means India is not bound to UN resolution of referendum so that we to Shimla agreement. Indian helped mukti bahini so we are helping Kashmiri for freedom its up to Kashmiri people what they want union with Pakistan or independent Kashmir we have right to use every thing or any thing.

That UN resolution was not binding..legally, and it was Pakistan who failed to comply with the pre-conditions of a plebiscite. And then the Simla agreement signed by both India and Pakistan prohibited the entry of any third party in this issue..these are facts. Pakistan is already doing its covert terrorist activities for decades without any result, you can carry on with that with its consequences, both internal and external.

Do you know about the monkey trap? In that trap a poor monkey can put its hand to grab the cookie, but can't pull out its hand through the narrow hole without letting the cookie go. Pakistan is in a similar situation...it has invested so much in this Kashmir conflict in terms of resources and lives, it has wrecked its economy, lost half of its country, and filled its own home with hordes of uncontrolable indoctrinated jihadis that are now running like mad dogs all over Pakistan and biting their own people. Now maybe Pakistan wants to get out of this mess, but not empty handed, it needs to show its people that they have gained something out of all that loss, even a small piece of cookie will do..hence the demand for at least the valley.

What's in it for India? Nothing. If we agree to this demand, then we will only set a very bad example for us both internally and externally, there is no reason to assume that these hordes of jihadis will be willing to go unemployed after that, rather they will be emboldened by their victory and try to replicate their 'Kashmir model' again on us, most probably with Pakistan's support. We are not interested in creating a bad reference point.

Whenever I talk to a Pakistani on this issue, I always find you guys in 'demand' mode..ignoring the most important question: "What's in it for us"? Here many of you are threatning us with terrorist activities, in another thread another guy was threatning us with nukes, and went blank when asked to think about a realistic solution that maybe acceptable to us, here:
Kashmir A Nuclear Flash Point | Page 4

When will you understand that you cannot have your way in this issue, and it is wise for you to settle for what you already have without wasting your whole country over it. You have to let go the cookie.

I will pick Independence of Kashmir
There will never be peace in south asia unless kashmir matter is resolved per kashmiris' and other ppl's wishes
It is best for the well being if the Kashmiris.

Whose independence? Which Kashmiri people? Whose well being? Those Kashmiri Hindus, Shikhs, Buddhists, even Muslim Shias, Sufis aren't Kashmiri enough? Those bigots from the valley think that they are too pure to live with other Kashmiris and killing them and driving them out of the valley..independence my foot, all they want is to create an Islamic Sunni khilafat there, and we have no reason to comply.

And btw, they have caused enough miseries to other Kashmiris, and now karma is settling their debts...they have no reason to complain now.
Let me put it this way, as long as india can afford it not an inch of its land is going anywhere. If losing a part of a nation is a price to pay for peace, well nobody wants peace then. If u think kashmir can get independence without outside support then keep dreaming.
Read again my post never spoke of any 'outside ' support,i spoke of indigenous struggle, and secondly when was kashmir and by kashmir imean entire region of j and k ,ladakh part of india? If its india's part then why article 370 was put in place?

Again as i said u can forcefully hold it, keep losing ur men i dont care...iwill speak on issues that bother me,and so will other pakistanis,we will keep talking abt entire regions freedom. Rest lack of peace in india whether due to kashmir or any other reason and chopping of ur armymen like gajar mooli is leastest of my concerns. That is happening to them for decades..and will continue so ..,and here iam talking abt local freedom fighters., not any 'external imaginary pakistani ghosts'.
Whose independence? Which Kashmiri people? Whose well being? Those Kashmiri Hindus, Shikhs, Buddhists, even Muslim Shias, Sufis aren't Kashmiri enough? Those bigots from the valley think that they are too pure to live with other Kashmiris and killing them and driving them out of the valley..independence my foot, all they want is to create an Islamic Sunni khilafat there, and we have no reason to comply.

And btw, they have caused enough miseries to other Kashmiris, and now karma is settling their debts...they have no reason to complain now.

A single fake incident abt some gang killing a 3 year old and his father was such a source of joy for indians that they ran away with the news. Whilst it hasnt been ascertained yet who killed the family. No kashmiris will do this to each other. But when u indians support modi and with a shameless face jusify gujrat massacreany level of immorality could be expected of you.

Again i repeat if we are talking abt ppl of kashmir valley then who the hell on earth are u to speak on their behalf? Do u come from kashmir? Do u come from jammu or ladakh? No u dont. So keep ur emotional bull to urself.

If the right to speak for kashmir is only given to ppl who got ethnic roots in the valley then i think majority of u need to shutup and let those talk who have blood ties going back there or in other parts of the state.

Andthose that ucall bigots, they are 7 million of entire 12.55 million of kashmir and jammu population. Why their choice of freedom wont count. Yes those 5 million kashmiri muslims are all bigots who dont wnat to live with india?
And no they hadnt driven out any pandits.it was the governor jagmohan who had convinced the pandits to leave the valley. No true kashmiri will ever block the resettlement of those ppl. But india always kept that issue pending to use it as a lame excuse against settling kashmir and jammu dispute.

And keep that foot stocked in ur mouth to prevent u from talkin gibberish , u are a nobody here when it comes to the jk state.

And just shutp if u talk abt karma, then be prepared to pay for decacdes of tens and thousands of killings of innocent kashmiris and rapes of their women.
And if u are so concerned abt karma then fear the kunan poshporu's karma on urself and other extremist nobodies here who like to poke their nose in this conflict's discussion.

Did you notice that the State of Jammu and Kashmir was entirely a creation of the Dogras?

"....and ur men are still dying at the hands of freedom fighters."

Have you noticed that not one terrorist returns alive?
Terrorists return??
I am talkin abt local kashmiri fighters. And whosoever u call terrorists , we call those local fighters 'freedom fighters', they never take up arms and start their fight with wish to return alive. So dont worry abt their lives. Freedom needs sacrifices ,and they are giving them. U shudnt worry abt their losses,ideally count ur own armymen lost in this guriella warfare,dont bother with the rest.
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I thinl musharraf gormula as explanined my his foreign minister kasuri is best way forward.it privides win win for both sides and doesnt ask them to retract from their displayed stances.... ...
It has 4 pts.
2.self governance in each part
3.irrelevant borders
4.jt mecanism.for working
This formula had acceptance of both countries..it is sellable to both publics
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