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Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

Convert LOC to IB and rest in peace.
Or else demand for P-O-K will rise and Pakistan might lose even what is in its control as of now.
the thing is many in IOK wants to join Pakistan but no one in so called Azad Kashmir wants to join India .
the thing is many in IOK wants to join Pakistan but no one in so called *** wants to join India .

We never denied anyone migrating to Pakistan, if they want to be in Pakistan, they are most welcome to leave.
As far as P-O-K is concerned, let them first connect to main stream media, you will automatically see what they want.
As of now they are behind curtained media and you regular anti india campaign is keeping them scared. Once they will be able to access open media, their view point will change.
What about establishing a condominium (India - Pak) or tridominium (India - Pak - China) over the territories.
I know it's rare in international law for 2 or more than 2 sovereign powers to jointly administer a territory but it could help. Of course such a solution assumes that the problem is of a political nature and may not work if socio-religious aspects are taken into account. Nevertheless, it does have it's own merit.
We never denied anyone migrating to Pakistan, if they want to be in Pakistan, they are most welcome to leave.
As far as P-O-K is concerned, let them first connect to main stream media, you will automatically see what they want.
As of now they are behind curtained media and you regular anti india campaign is keeping them scared. Once they will be able to access open media, their view point will chang

As far as Azad Kashmir goes. in my post i said there could be minority who wants independence but no one wants to join India. Our media have access to Kashmir. we never had to block internet and cellular access in Kashmir . like u guys do to avoid humiliation by Kashmirs
This is hilarious on so many levels. Chinese allowing a vote?!! That too on a referendum?!! And the referendum is to decide which country people will go to?!!

You are so naive. You expect people to bend to unreasonable/trivial pressures for what? choice? compulsion? And this is the funniest of all - maintaining prestige?!!

Being naive is OK. But expecting others to be naive is for lack of a better phrase, just plain stupid. A part of the Pakistani naivity seems to be this plebiscite business - without even realizing a bit about what happen next - except that Kashmir has better chance of becoming Pakistan. And they expect India(let alone Indians the citizens) be so naive.

For a negotiation, two partners have to have a win-win agreement at the end. With respect to J&K India and Pakistan have nothing to offer except that Pakistan gets something for not poking its nose in J&K. On the other hand, India and Kashmiri separatists have something to talk about Kashmir.

Personal attack.
Personal attack.
Personal attack.
More personal attacks.

Ah finally, the post. Okay, so China. Yeah, although they may be an authoritarian regime at home, the Chinese play a very even handed game when Foreign Policy objectives are involved, They can easily blockade the Filipinos in their ports without sparing a sizable part of their fleet, but they don't do that because the Chinese govt is more rational than you think.
I wasn't saying that this is going to go down inevitably on so and so date, I think you have not bothered to follow the context of the post and maybe taken a swig too many. The discussion I was having with the member in question came down to what would China do if, and that's a very big if, India and Pakistan decided to go ahead with the plebiscite. We were delving in an alternate narrative for the Indo-Pak relationship and when China was brought into the equation, I voiced my opinion that the Chinese would not let this opportunity slide and they would endorse the plebiscite to avoid passing a point of prestige to India and Pakistan in the region alone.
I would have personally wanted to infract your post since it is not in the best of spirits and totally detached from the context of the discussion at hand but since it is in response to my post, I feel it will be dictatorial of me to pass judgement. I therefore leave it in the hands of more capable moderators to judge.
LOL, bhangee nation with psychotic inferiority complex cannot even seize a small piece of land from a country 6 times smaller. The bhangees can only look good by comparing themselves to a 6 times smaller country......all ratios in their favor but still impotent against a tiny country. Got your arses whipped senseless each and every time, only glory you can claim is '71, and even then, it was by riding coat-tails of others and against a country involved over 1000 miles away from its main territory. Is there any bhangee on here who wants to debate me? Aaja aaja, mein hoon pyar tera :D

My simple solution to Kashmir problem is for India to withdraw entirely from the land it is currently occupying. Once this is done, we have more issues, such as the land you are also occupying in what is currently known as "India" proper.
The solution that would suit us would be merger of Kashmir with Pakistan. The solution suiting Kashmiris of Srinagar and IOK would be independence-most do not want to be with us-just want freedom. Azad Kashmir is different, they want merger with Pakistan. Different groups of people in Kashmir want different things. Though the budhists may be loyal to India many sikhs of Kashmir are supporting Kashmiri independence. So its an intricate, delicate situation
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LOL, bhangee nation with psychotic inferiority complex cannot even seize a small piece of land from a country 6 times smaller. The bhangees can only look good by comparing themselves to a 6 times smaller country......all ratios in their favor but still impotent against a tiny country. Got your arses whipped senseless each and every time, only glory you can claim is '71, and even then, it was by riding coat-tails of others and against a country involved over 1000 miles away from its main territory. Is there any bhangee on here who wants to debate me? Aaja aaja, mein hoon pyar tera :D

My simple solution to Kashmir problem is for India to withdraw entirely from the land it is currently occupying. Once this is done, we have more issues, such as the land you are also occupying in what is currently known as "India" proper.

Please don't mistake this for a joking forum although it does come close at times by its intellectual level :-)
Ah finally, the post. Okay, so China. Yeah, although they may be an authoritarian regime at home, the Chinese play a very even handed game when Foreign Policy objectives are involved, They can easily blockade the Filipinos in their ports without sparing a sizable part of their fleet, but they don't do that because the Chinese govt is more rational than you think.
You are wrong about my thinking. The chinese are in fact very rational and that is why they will not let any vote or anything resembling a vote in any territory they control which include parts of J&K. It will have a domino effect on their polity.

I wasn't saying that this is going to go down inevitably on so and so date, I think you have not bothered to follow the context of the post and maybe taken a swig too many. The discussion I was having with the member in question came down to what would China do if, and that's a very big if, India and Pakistan decided to go ahead with the plebiscite. We were delving in an alternate narrative for the Indo-Pak relationship and when China was brought into the equation, I voiced my opinion that the Chinese would not let this opportunity slide and they would endorse the plebiscite to avoid passing a point of prestige to India and Pakistan in the region alone.
I would have personally wanted to infract your post since it is not in the best of spirits and totally detached from the context of the discussion at hand but since it is in response to my post, I feel it will be dictatorial of me to pass judgement. I therefore leave it in the hands of more capable moderators to judge.
The problem for China is that they would have to conduct plebiscite in land which they control. Which they would reject rightaway. Especially because noone is asking them to conduct one. China did not worry about prestige when they propped up North Korea. They won't bother even offering their occupied Kashmir into the crucible.

As far as China is concerned, the land which they have is theirs. You can see the same attitude in their other conflicts. Pakistan is the only country which did not experience this Chinese stance, if only because they simply gave away what China wanted.

I may have been a little undiplomatic, but naiveté it was to expect India to give away territory. My post was in the context of the conversation. I might have vented on you over the general attitude in Pakistani circles, military(they even expect India to give away whole of J&K no questions asked) or civilian where they expect somehow that India should lose J&K part of whole and without even bothering with the sanctity of Kashmiri unity, all along pretending to have Kashmir's best interests in mind. For example, I haven't seen one Kashmiri nationalist(who are supposed to be the majority in the valley) who will accept partition of J&K. And even many pro-Pakistani separatists(on both sides of LoC) would hate partition. Even the ones who might accept partition do so tactically only as a prelude to gain the rest of J&K later.

Once this fact becomes clear and Kashmiris have to make a hard choice between unity and accession to Pakistan, whatever support Pakistan has will become diluted. That is the secret behind the ambiguity that Pakistan maintains regarding the issue and it explains all the below actions:

1) Asking for a non-binding decades old plebiscite which anyway gives only two options to J&K people.
2) Claiming J&K for itself before the international community while calling independence as an option before Kashmiris.
3) Giving away territory that China asked for and then inserting a inconsequential clause that once sovereignty of J&K is decided, border will be renegotiated(Good luck for anyone doing that with China)
4) Erasing any sense of realism from the conversation in Pakistan and in separatist circles as to what the final solution should be. So much so that no one thinks it is illogical to expect India to cede territory now given the leverage each side has. When there is no logic, there is no need to explain the hard choice either.
Quite frankly, both Pakistanis and Indians today carry some version of concocted history that seems to be based either out of school book or the popular propaganda accounts. Neither wants to or is interested in being intellectually honest and both nationalities thrive on egoistic accounts that suit their narrative. A swarm of both pseudo-"liberal" or extreme intellectuals gain popularity and are adored by the masses or by our erstwhile masters.

Neither side is yet to throw up a person who actually talks of the human tragedy that it was, the actual requirements of economic and social autonomy that were there, and what compromises are necessary to move forward. Both nations are under leadership that believes in pride and/or has a voter base that would skin it alive if it does anything less than act belligerent and bellicose against the other.

Where anything from the other side is taken with salt as instinct, mistrust is to an extent that they are prepared to argue over the color of the sky even if it is the same; I see little possibility of a solution other than a damning conflict that reinstills the human cost that many on both sides have forgotten about war.

Please share with us the concocted history bits from pakistani side.

2) Claiming J&K for itself before the international community while calling independence as an option before Kashmiris.
Dude do u indians ever do any research before u write anything? Pakistan didnt turn her own administered regions gb and jk as her constitutional parts ...how on earth she will lay 'her' claim on entire state.

For god's sake read some history and note the diff in both states, that is india and pakistan's stance. Since day one india has been screaming jk is mine ...whilst Pakistan alwys said let the populace of the entire region decide for themselves.
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We never denied anyone migrating to Pakistan, if they want to be in Pakistan, they are most welcome to leave.
As far as P-O-K is concerned, let them first connect to main stream media, you will automatically see what they want.
As of now they are behind curtained media and you regular anti india campaign is keeping them scared. Once they will be able to access open media, their view point will change.
I feel like banging my head on the wall. Do you have any evidence or any proof of what you are stating. Let me give an example of a remote area where i am from. We only have antenna, no cable. Some Pakistani channels, many Indian channels. Some which are not shown rest of the country. Please stop spreading lies, you have no idea what you talk about and people start posting. Literally feel like banging my head on the wall. As far as Gilgit city or other parts are concerned, yes there is cable again the same case as i stated earlier, in fact people enjoy Indian dramas. but in recent times Pakistani content has be on the top of the list. Again please don't spread misinformation. @unleashed is in Gilgit he can back me up. What they want is BTW to get a provincial status.

As far as *** goes. in my post i said there could be minority who wants independence but no one wants to join India. Our media have access to Kashmir. we never had to block internet and cellular access in Kashmir . like u guys do to avoid humiliation by Kashmirs
In fact the local media is quite popular and powerful too.
I feel like banging my head on the wall. Do you have any evidence or any proof of what you are stating. Let me give an example of a remote area where i am from. We only have antenna, no cable. Some Pakistani channels, many Indian channels. Some which are not shown rest of the country. Please stop spreading lies, you have no idea what you talk about and people start posting. Literally feel like banging my head on the wall. As far as Gilgit city or other parts are concerned, yes there is cable again the same case as i stated earlier, in fact people enjoy Indian dramas. but in recent times Pakistani content has be on the top of the list. Again please don't spread misinformation. @unleashed is in Gilgit he can back me up. What they want is BTW to get a provincial status.

In fact the local media is quite popular and powerful too.

WAJsal, calm down...
What Indian channels do you see over normal antenna in Azad Kashmir? Most probably DD Kashmir or Doordarshan. Content of these channels are very moderate.

Once the local people will access of more global information, the perception about India and Indians at large will change.
Enjoying Indian Drama is one thing and then associating or comparing your life with it starts the change in attitude about life and the situation nearby.
oh come on dude.. no one enjoying indian dramas these days..
pakistani and turkish dramas are popular in GB
I was talking about back in the days when Indian dramas were very popular all over the country.
WAJsal, calm down...
What Indian channels do you see over normal antenna in ***? Most probably DD Kashmir or Doordarshan. Content of these channels are very moderate.

Once the local people will access of more global information, the perception about India and Indians at large will change.
Enjoying Indian Drama is one thing and then associating or comparing your life with it starts the change in attitude about life and the situation nearby.
When someone has no idea what he/she is talking about i will lost my calm. India is generally hated more in GB than other parts. Comparing lives? with Kashmirs in IOK, and your case dies right here. My friend economically, socially and in other fields GB is doing very well. Infrastructure wise-due to current efforts the region is doing much better economically, i would urge you to do an independent research, will help. in comparison, or in general GB is an example for the rest of the country.
Pakistani corner | Page 192
I can provide more statistics, no body wants to join India, on the other hand people want to get a provincial status and become a proper part of Pakistan. Speaking of livelihood generally Indians and Pakistanis are not doing well, with India just behind, how can you come up with such and evaluation that by comparing their lives.....? i don't really understand.
WAJsal, calm down...
What Indian channels do you see over normal antenna in ***? Most probably DD Kashmir or Doordarshan. Content of these channels are very moderate.

Once the local people will access of more global information, the perception about India and Indians at large will change.
Enjoying Indian Drama is one thing and then associating or comparing your life with it starts the change in attitude about life and the situation nearby.
Nope i like Ali Bhat still my opinion of india is same
The 30,000 post 90 refugees give a really perception to Azad Kashmiris about India but that doesnot mean i dont like Alia Bhat :D
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