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Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

There will be solution even you all discuss this issue for 1000 years. The only solution and foremost solution once for all is the KABADI MATCH between India, Pakistan and China who ever wins can take the Kashmir.

Mission accomplished, Cut the crap and end the endless discussion.
Dear Zebra you are posting on seriouse debatable issue on the thread and your above post easily qualify for a troll post. Mods are on mood of zero tolerence against trolls.
Well it depends on how you see this. If you think that it is a troll than kindly tell mod but the intension was to bring some smile in the face of the people in this serious discussion.

Well it have some meaning, reason you have given several points in your first post but you have totally ignore the problems will be there while implementing. e.g if kashmir is declared independant who will decide this the people of kashmir, the people of Jammu, the people of ladakh in Indian kashmir, or the people of gilgit or the people of mujafrabaad, and how the people of pakistan reacts or the people if india reacts or how both countries leaders have to take this decission while saving their seats or even the implification of the policies of the China for the pakistani in the changed context.
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Well it depends on how you see this. If you think that it is a troll than kindly tell mod but the intension was to bring some smile in the face of the people in this serious discussion.

Well it have some meaning, reason you have given several points in your first post but you have totally ignore the problems will be there while implementing. e.g if kashmir is declared independant who will decide this the people of kashmir, the people of Jammu, the people of ladakh in Indian kashmir, or the people of gilgit or the people of mujafrabaad, and how the people of pakistan reacts or the people if india reacts or how both countries leaders have to take this decission while saving their seats or even the implification of the policies of the China for the pakistani in the changed context.
Dear Zebra i am the same ordinary member like u mods will respond to u as they responds to me but Kashmir is a sensitive issue past 6 decades we are laughing and crying over the same issue lets discuss something wiser and i believe u have the potential to bring something wiser instead of a troll joke.
Hold a Referendum. No other solution.

Either that or just declare Kashmir in its entirety as a sovereign, independent state. Both solutions would benefit Pakistan is different ways and would be natural. Pakistan's stance on Kashmir is the most principled one, not a stance that clings onto delusions and propaganda
Hold a Referendum. No other solution.

Either that or just declare Kashmir in its entirety as a sovereign, independent state. Both solutions would benefit Pakistan is different ways and would be natural. Pakistan's stance on Kashmir is the most principled one, not a stance that clings onto delusions and propaganda
But they will not cauz they know the possible outcome so last 6 decades they are avoiding this most plausible solution.
Dear Zebra i am the same ordinary member like u mods will respond to u as they responds to me but Kashmir is a sensitive issue past 6 decades we are laughing and crying over the same issue lets discuss something wiser and i believe u have the potential to bring something wiser instead of a troll joke.
Dear @Ifrit I am sorry if I hurt you earlier in another thread, it was the response to your post, so leave aside everything back and if you are interested in really a realistic solution of the Kashmir that the only thing which is valid would be the one which will be settle on the discussion table of India and Pakistan without any third party involvement with open mind.

I have spend my 13 years in Srinagar, J&K and have seen the best part aka without the event of any terrorist activities and the worst part when the terrorism was on the extreme. I have lived in Srinagar, Jammu, udhampur, have seen Leh, baramulla, anathnag (also called islamabad by some kashmiri), traveled in the beautiful and dangerous Jammu-Srinagar, Srinagar-Leh, Leh-Manali Highway. I had lot of kashmiri friends and we used to play crickets too much and had cricket matches daily with the trophy of the winner taking the leader ball which was used in the match. I have seen how beutiful places does the kasmir valley have and why it is called the heaven on the earth with exotic gardens like Nishat, Shalimar, places like Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Dul Lake, Religious places like Shankracharya, Kheer Bhawani. Have seen how this place was turned bad with the so called state sponsered terrorism when Pakistan started supporting some distrated youth and created the havoc here. What you know about the problem ? What you know about the situation ? What you know about the people getting killed either by terrorist/police/army? When we study at the school on sunday the captured terrorist were allowed to meet their relatives in the football ground of the school and we could see from our houses how they sit with there relatives, have meal on the green grasses of the ground. I had seen how Rubia Sayeed was abducted and Indian Govt decided to released 5 terrorist to save their political leader's daughter to give the moto of getting independence with the guns. I still remmember the so bomblastic energetic speech of Behazir Bhutto "KASHMIR KA HAR BACCHA BACCHA KAHEGA AAZADI AAZADI AAZADI". I have seen how the poor illeterate young people (even Afghans who could barely speak hindi and kashmiri not at all)apeared in the valley been send by their AKKA with the promise of giving 3 lakh to their parents if they get SHAHADUTT fithing to the cause of the muslim because the picture in their mind was the muslims in problems and everyday their sisters and daughter are getting rapped and in another word india have made kashmir the hell. Only to find out by them that its all untrue, the Indian Kashmir is more prosperous than the kashmir in pakistan hand, the big, green gardens of apples, peaches, nuts, lavishing its beuty with the empty houses left by the kashmiri pandits so big and beutiful with red roof tops only seen in the movies where it is picturised in Switzerland. Do you know before the terrorism phase in kashmir the cases reported in any police station was close to zero. No murder, no theft, nothing serious crime only the reports that was reported was only small quarrel. Army was totally absent, every one could roam around anywhere any time without even locking house with any lock. Even today if you go by the stastics the people killed in terrorist activities or the clashes between security forces is even less than 10% of the Bihar but the news in international world flies like the sky is the limit.

Not only there are kashmiri muslims but even the muslim guzars, which are the best people i have seen in my life. They are very helpful though they are poor, illeterate, but the role in political leadership is nil. Why Kashmir is the center of the J&K why not Jammu its because the political leadership is dominated by kashmiri and who are left behind are Dogras, gujjars, ladhakhi, peoples.

So in conclusion the only thing that is left is the time when Pakistani people will understand the simple facts :

1. Terrorism cannot have two faces i.e bad terrorist or good terrorist, but one face terrorist.
2. You cannot make talk and sending terrorists at the same time.

Leave aside their love of the Huriyaat. Contained their ISI, Army's plans to destabilize India because to hurt india they are hurting Pakistan in greater extend and sit on the discussion table to find the valid, realistic solution.

Otherwise Lage Raho
Dude do u indians ever do any research before u write anything? Pakistan didnt turn her own administered regions gb and jk as her constitutional parts ...how on earth she will lay 'her' claim on entire state.

For god's sake read some history and note the diff in both states, that is india and pakistan's stance. Since day one india has been screaming jk is mine ...whilst Pakistan alwys said let the populace of the entire region decide for themselves.

You should do some research. Please... you are missing even the basic facts. Listen to what Bhutto says about J&K.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Speech about the Kashmir Issue - On The Other Side Of The Rainbow

And yet people like you keep making naked arguments that Pakistan is a saintly nation and does not claim J&K to itself. Pakistan's stance is clear to the whole world except Pakistanis.
You should do some research. Please... you are missing even the basic facts. Listen to what Bhutto says about J&K.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Speech about the Kashmir Issue - On The Other Side Of The Rainbow

And yet people like you keep making naked arguments that Pakistan is a saintly nation and does not claim J&K to itself. Pakistan's stance is clear to the whole world except Pakistanis.
Dude whatever bhutto said or not....kashmir never was and it still isnt made pakistan's part thru constitution. The state has a self governance system in place. Paksitan cud have also merged it , like india did to jand k but that wud have weakened our stance so it wasnt done. Cmon thats a common knowledge! now u are going to argue on legal statuses whose proofs sit in documents?

So ur denying will make gb a fifth province of pakistan....something gb ppl have been demanding for long and pakistanhas been postponing due to kashmir issue?
Dude whatever bhutto said or not....kashmir never was and it still isnt made pakistan's part thru constitution. The state has a self governance system in place. Paksitan cud have also merged it , like india did to jand k but that wud have weakened our stance so it wasnt done. Cmon thats a common knowledge! now u are going to argue on legal statuses whose proofs sit in documents?

So ur denying will make gb a fifth province of pakistan....something gb ppl have been demanding for long and pakistanhas been postponing due to kashmir issue?
Don't divert the topic of discussion between me and Akhelios. Pakistan claims J&K for itself or not. It does as per what Bhutto does.

And let us put off the discussion about the 'self-governance' system of GB or Azad Kashmir. It is 'self'-governance only in the convoluted sense that Kashmiris are Pakistanis and hence it is 'self'-governance. The proofs sit in documents. UN speeches are treated as documents. You can check the transcripts of what Bhutto said. There is the instrument of accession.

Proofs sit in documents and yet you people argue Pakistan does not claim J&K for itself. Have some conscience when you say Pakistan doesn't want J&K. That is not the official stance of Pakistan.

GB is not officially part of Pakistan yet. You are indeed not granting state status to GB, to use them as bait for whole of J&K. This is only a stop gap until the dream of getting whole of J&K is fulfilled.

India's stand is consistent. J&K signed accession with India. And it was made a state after J&K assembly agreed to it with some safeguards.

Pakistan's stand:
With the world: Kashmir is ours
With Kashmiris:
among them with nationalists: We support Kashmir's right for self-determination. We support independence.
with Islamists: Kashmir is Pakistan. You are our people.
with others: don't care
With India:
Kashmir is disputed territory. Let us sit and talk peacefully.
Your story better suit to India already annexed many small countries like Hyderabad, Goa etc and trying same with Kashmir since 1947 but fail to succeed still lakhs of army there to protect their rule time is not far when toll on army makes it break down and India will divided into many micro nations.

to say Hyderabad, Goa and Junagadh are countries in any sense is ridiculous
it is fair to say India annexed them
Make Kashmir a new state or otherwise bleed India through Kashmir continues!
But they will not cauz they know the possible outcome so last 6 decades they are avoiding this most plausible solution.
Correct your facts...
It's Pakistan who is not following UN resolution on Kashmir
So if referendum is not taking place in Kashmir it's Pakistan to be blamed
Well the Chenab formula was supposedly the compromise.

Hindu majority areas of Jammu would go to India while the rest muslim majority regions of Kashmir would go to Pakistan.

But of course the greedy Indians even rejected this compromise.

Correct your facts...
It's Pakistan who is not following UN resolution on Kashmir
So if referendum is not taking place in Kashmir it's Pakistan to be blamed
Actually it is India which is not following the UN resolution.

Hold a plebiscite and get it over with. Even Nehru promised the world a referendum would take place in Kashmir, but that never happened.
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