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Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

Referendum in entire Kashmir ........Under supervision of UNO without any biased pressure

Indian Kashmir, Pakistani Kashmir, Chinese Kashmir......

Let Kashmiris decide what they want ......
Both countries leave it declare it as free Kashmir a country which should not be part of both countries. Leave it and live freely.

I will agree to it only if indipendent kashmir (p0k and cok) is secular.
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Religious groups: Indian-administered Kashmir

Kashmir Valley

Religious groups: Pakistani-administered Kashmir

Northern Areas
Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Source: Indian/Pakistani Government Censuses
Scenario one: The status quo
Kashmir has been a flashpoint between India and Pakistan for more than 50 years. Currently a boundary - the Line of Control - divides the region in two, with one part administered by India and one by Pakistan. India would like to formalise this status quo and make it the accepted international boundary. But Pakistan and Kashmiri activists reject this plan because they both want greater control over the region.
Scenario two: Kashmir joins Pakistan
Pakistan has consistently favoured this as the best solution to the dispute. In view of the state's majority Muslim population, it believes that it would vote to become part of Pakistan. However a single plebiscite held in a region which comprises peoples that are culturally, religiously and ethnically diverse, would create disaffected minorities. The Hindus of Jammu, and the Buddhists of Ladakh have never shown any desire to join Pakistan and would protest at the outcome.
Scenario three: Kashmir joins India
Such a solution would be unlikely to bring stability to the region as the Muslim inhabitants of Pakistani-administered Jammu and Kashmir, including the Northern Areas, have never shown any desire to become part of India.
Scenario four: Independent Kashmir
The difficulty of adopting this as a potential solution is that it requires India and Pakistan to give up territory, which they are not willing to do. Any plebiscite or referendum likely to result in a majority vote for independence would therefore probably be opposed by both India and Pakistan. It would also be rejected by the inhabitants of the state who are content with their status as part of the countries to which they already owe allegiance.
Scenario five: A smaller independent Kashmir
An independent Kashmir could be created from the Kashmir Valley - currently under Indian administration - and the narrow strip of land which Pakistan calls Azad Jammu and Kashmir. This would leave the strategically important regions of the Northern Areas and Ladakh, bordering China, under the control of Pakistan and India respectively. However both India and Pakistan would be unlikely to enter into discussions which would have this scenario as a possible outcome.
Scenario six: Independent Kashmir Valley
An independent Kashmir Valley has been considered by some as the best solution because it would address the grievances of those who have been fighting against the Indian Government since the insurgency began in 1989. But critics say that, without external assistance, the region would not be economically viable.
Scenario seven: The Chenab formula
This plan, first suggested in the 1960s, would see Kashmir divided along the line of the River Chenab. This would give the vast majority of land to Pakistan and, as such, a clear victory in its longstanding dispute with India. The entire valley with its Muslim majority population would be brought within Pakistan's borders, as well as the majority Muslim areas of Jammu.

BBC best bit ching Channel . . .
Same we will not give away. We can't compromise only on Siachin and AJK at least we need Kashmir valley
Why exactly you need Kashmir Valley ?

What exactly are your plans for the Valley ?

What past performances of Pakistan will lure Kashmiris to be a part of Pakistan ?

How would you feel if some drunkard Amritsari say "we need Lahore and Pindi" ? :D
Why exactly you need Kashmir Valley ?

What exactly are your plans for the Valley ?

What past performances of Pakistan will lure Kashmiris to be a part of Pakistan ?

How would you feel if some drunkard Amritsari say "we need Lahore and Pindi" ? :D
not worthy to reply

Never yours (look at where North is) and not a chance in hell that you could wrest it by force.
keep thinking in that way
Let kashmiris decide

Why Kashmir to give the special treatment as compared to other princess states after partition. After partition all princess states that were not part of British rule were told to join either India or Pakistan. Pakistan might be able to get J&K because the king was confused at that time because all roads were connected through Pakistan but she did the mistake by attacking which makes the King to sign the agreement with India and formally join Indian republic and it is internationally recognized. The Azad Kashmir pakistan occupied kashmir is the issue that is need to be discussed because the occupation is illegal.

Case closed
Why joint administration ?

Given our history & complete distrust we cannot trust each other at all. Doing anything jointly is quite out of the question.

It would be an open wound. Besides, India has invested a great deal in infrastructure in J&K soon we will have trains from Srinagar to Delhi . Why would India want to share it ?

You keep your part of Kashmir & we keep ours.

I realise the keenness of Pakistanis to gain official access into the valley , India is not keen to gain access to Muzaffarabad - at least not officially.

No noo .... Not Joint ...

Pak keeps G & B ( two regions)
India keeps jammu & ladakh ( two regions)

India & Pakistan Administered Kashmir ( two regions i.e AJK & Kashmir Valley) become independent, FORM one country

Why Kashmir to give the special treatment as compared to other princess states after partition. After partition all princess states that were not part of British rule were told to join either India or Pakistan. Pakistan might be able to get J&K because the king was confused at that time because all roads were connected through Pakistan but she did the mistake by attacking which makes the King to sign the agreement with India and formally join Indian republic and it is internationally recognized. The *** pakistan occupied kashmir is the issue that is need to be discussed because the occupation is illegal.

Case closed

Mohataram thtn Give Back Junagarh to Pakistan & make Hyderabad independent ..by this definition too ... thr Princes didn't seek joining India Either ... !

~Case Closed

Also I would like to Clear One Confusion ... By Act of Independence EVERY Princely state was Free to choose, India or Pakistan or Stay Independent (few tried but failed)... thr was NO this or THAT ....

the Prince Decision was Final,,, Until the Time INDIA decided to held Refrendums across states (in stark contradiction to Princes Decisions) .... So if u r Pointing out Kashmiries Seeking special treatment .. u r incorrect !!!!
no personal attacks....When somebody don't have reasonable arguments went personal.

When I lost the argument? kindly enlighten ......personal attack? you are mouth piece of him.

That's a very compelling argument on your part. Must have taken you ages to sew together that sentence.
Learn how to maintain a civil and fact based debate please, "are you mad" is hardly doing your failure to rebut ANY points justice and "full of crap" is hardly a very fulfilling mine of argument to justify where you stand.

Nothing compelling to wrote that post. I don't know about u but I can't sit simply throughout the day in PDF and giving reply. On topic: My stance in Kashmir is either getting P0K or status of quo. Practically former idea is not feasible by now so later would be best choice. Except first suggestion reamaning are crap .

Pakistan is crying about Kashmir and dying for peace talks with India not in other way around. Some countries invading others territory and conducting self styled plebiscite and annex to mainland such incidents taking place now. But Pakistan wants India to give up its own state after more than 6 decades, that never going to happen....

'Are you mad?' really hurt you means ok........next time trying to control it.
No noo .... Not Joint ...

Pak keeps G & B ( two regions)
India keeps jammu & ladakh ( two regions)

India & Pakistan Administered Kashmir ( two regions i.e AJK & Kashmir Valley) become independent, FORM one country

I cannot recall any disputed region in the world that is jointly administered by two contesting parties

Won't work

Independence too is not an option
I cannot recall any disputed region in the world that is jointly administered by two contesting parties

Won't work

Independence too is not an option

i don't know why thr is a confusion .... Azad Kashmir & Kashmir Valley are not two Competing entities ... if given a Chance both would be able to join together be an Independent country ... i.e. Kashmir

This way India would get some (Ladakh & Jammu), Pakistan would get some (Gilgit & Baltistan) .. while kashmiris get independence ...
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