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Possible Sale of Tejas, to three countries

Hopeful thinking to build PR - the bigger issue is getting enough in service for the IAF.
Argentina has skipped fighters already and it is wary of assets that could be compromised by the British (who have their own “assets” in the Indian government and bureaucracy)
Egypt might bite but it comes down to what else is provided to them - although the cooperation in the late 60s and 70s with the link between the Marut and Helwan might still flower.
Botswana could be a sale if India completely finances everything purely for a PR stunt.
Hopeful thinking to build PR - the bigger issue is getting enough in service for the IAF.
Argentina has skipped fighters already and it is wary of assets that could be compromised by the British (who have their own “assets” in the Indian government and bureaucracy)
Egypt might bite but it comes down to what else is provided to them - although the cooperation in the late 60s and 70s with the link between the Marut and Helwan might still flower.
Botswana could be a sale if India completely finances everything purely for a PR stunt.
Well it needs a start somewhere, maybe Egypt and Botswana could do it for us.
Hopeful thinking to build PR - the bigger issue is getting enough in service for the IAF.
Argentina has skipped fighters already and it is wary of assets that could be compromised by the British (who have their own “assets” in the Indian government and bureaucracy)
Egypt might bite but it comes down to what else is provided to them - although the cooperation in the late 60s and 70s with the link between the Marut and Helwan might still flower.
Botswana could be a sale if India completely finances everything purely for a PR stunt.
For now its wishful thinking by DRDO and sensationization by media. This way, media has already sold to India F-35, FA-18, F-21, Gripen, Eurofighter and what not.

It's a budget jet. There will always be a need for Budget jets. In the end Tejas will get export orders.
It's a budget jet. There will always be a need for Budget jets. In the end Tejas will get export orders.

I definitely hope & wish so. But I know for sure that the news bits that comes out every now then are nothing but speculation. I have read thousands of such speculative news in my 50 years of existence. Heck, a while back, I myself posted here about US offering F-35, which got me about 100 likes. But, at the end, I realized that usefulness, or the lack of it, of these speculative pieces.

Like you said, there is a good chance that something will come up soon.
It's silly the way these headlines are created. HAL responded to a Malaysian tender and has had talks with Egypt and Argentina.

Argentina was concerned about British sourced parts on the Tejas and HAL would've addressed them by giving a roadmap on how and what they intend to offer in it's place. But having their test pilots fly the Tejas and the FAA General in India to discuss is a positive development. Their finances are not good, which is why a financing offer will be important as well.

As of now the Egyptians are more likely to go with FA-50 and the Malaysians are almost certain to go with the FA-50.

It's their loss in a way, given the relative capabilities of the 2 jets. The Tejas Mk1A will stand apart in terms of combat capabilities versus the FA-50 whose training role dilutes it's combat abilities significantly.

Botswana was chased by Saab with Gripen C/Ds for a long time and nothing came out of it. How serious of a lead that is, not sure. Even a bigger AF like the SAAF can barely keep a few Gripen C/D operational due to their budgetary issues, so Botswana's AF may look at the cheapest options possible.

But what pleases me is that there is concerted push to export the Tejas now. Previously there was no real intent. Now the Govt of India has set ambitious targets and officials are having to do their best to try to meet those targets.
I definitely hope & wish so. But I know for sure that the news bits that comes out every now then are nothing but speculation. I have read thousands of such speculative news in my 50 years of existence. Heck, a while back, I myself posted here about US offering F-35, which got me about 100 likes. But, at the end, I realized that usefulness, or the lack of it, of these speculative pieces.

Like you said, there is a good chance that something will come up soon.

Doesn't matter. For more than a decade after ALH was launched, there were no export orders, over time it secured massive domestic and export orders. This is a very good platform at a good price point- a kind of Lux Soap of fighter jets. Not everyone has the money to buy a Chanel soap (F 35). This does a great job, reasonable to maintain and has a very reliable engine. It will eventually get customers.
No other countries will buy Tejas unless Indian airforce buy them in large numbers, and operate them in satisfaction and confidence. And most important, it must have at least hundreds of thousands hours of flight time of actual in service use to prove what has been advertised.
Well it needs a start somewhere, maybe Egypt and Botswana could do it for us.
Not sure why Botswana needs military aircraft. It is like a fish wanting a bicycle.
As for Egypt, well:

Cash-strapped Egypt sells state assets to Gulf nations​

Anyone selling anything to Argentina should take the money on a barrel head. They routinely default their sovereign debt.
The sellers should look for better customers with money.
How much will be per unit cost for exports?

As per what is open source info, should be in the range of $43 million per jet for the Tejas Mk1A variant. Of course, that was the price for the IAF, but for exports a substantial amount needs to be spent to include ground infrastructure, tools, computer stations, etc. to support the maintenance of the jet in that country.

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