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Possible Sale of Tejas, to three countries

They are mentioning that, three countries are interested. Argentina, Egypt and Botswana, and even mentioning numbers of 20 for Egypt and 15 for Argentina.

Well … You guys must try to stay - besides all justified joy and enthusiasm - realistic!

Yes, the Tejas is being offered to some countries and as such gains interest, but not each interest results in a sale, since often it is a game to get better conditions from another preferred contender and the main point is, the Tejas itself is not yet operational long enough within the IAF in large numbers, so that any potential customer might be sure it is worth its cost even more when other other contenders are much more established on the market.
Well … You guys must try to stay - besides all justified joy and enthusiasm - realistic!

Yes, the Tejas is being offered to some countries and as such gains interest, but not each interest results in a sale, since often it is a game to get better conditions from another preferred contender and the main point is, the Tejas itself is not yet operational long enough within the IAF in large numbers, so that any potential customer might be sure it is worth its cost even more when other other contenders are much more established on the market.
Of course, one always has to be realistic. I don't disagree with you, and it takes time for these things to happen.

Well more MK1 's are on order, and the platform will be operationalized as well over time (for IAF I mean). Agree again it's our first so yes, it's baby steps for now and there are pro's out there.

It can happen am sure of it though some day, they just need to keep trying. One can't have results without even trying.
To be honest, I 'm a hardcore follower of aviation aircraft
I would like to SEE in this DAY n AGE what country falls for purchasing hal-tejas in most competitive industry now??
Not sure why Botswana needs military aircraft. It is like a fish wanting a bicycle.
Botswana has one of the best rising economies in Africa and has been developing in a fast pace.
Botswana has one of the best rising economies in Africa and has been developing in a fast pace.
So? Bhutan is a nice place too. Question is what threat they face, considering that they are surrounded by relatively less developed states. There is a large country that serves as a fit example of what happens when excessive resources are steered to military instead of human development.
So? Bhutan is a nice place too. Question is what threat they face, considering that they are surrounded by relatively less developed states. There is a large country that serves as a fit example of what happens when excessive resources are steered to military instead of human development.
Does Bhutan have the economic development rate of Botswana? I don't know. Does Botswana want a cheap aircraft? They do. So why not. It's not like their buying Eurofighters :P
Does Bhutan have the economic development rate of Botswana? I don't know. Does Botswana want a cheap aircraft? They do. So why not. It's not like their buying Eurofighters :P

Any country that needs aircraft is a good candidate.
Does Bhutan have the economic development rate of Botswana? I don't know. Does Botswana want a cheap aircraft? They do. So why not. It's not like their buying Eurofighters :P
That is not the question. I was wondering about need for warplanes. If they want to buy Rolex wristwatches or Cartier jewelry, it is their pleasure.
That is not the question. I was wondering about need for warplanes. If they want to buy Rolex wristwatches or Cartier jewelry, it is their pleasure.
I don't know man,they wanna spend money.
Indians are literally clowns lmao, always them claiming X person is in awe or shock or whatever but they have no idea what the Pajeets are on about

Self-fellatio to feel good about themselves
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As for Egypt, well:

Cash-strapped Egypt sells state assets to Gulf nations​

Financial status of a nation should reflect on military hardware they buy. But it is a little different in the real world.
India itself isn’t a great example on this front. It can spend more in providing basics to it’s citizens. But military scenarios in the region has made them spend quite a lot.
Paksiatn is even better example in this regard. It is about to default, but there seems to be no stopping in its military spending.

If a nation thinks that security is at risk then, they cut down on necessities and buy military hardware.

Don’t know if Tejas will sell or not. It is just about military spending.
T50 Golden Eagle and FA50 from South Korea that look like halt Indian ambition to export its Tejas. Indian Tejas has lost battle in Egypt, Polandia, and soon very likely Malaysia

T50 Golden Eagle and FA50 from South Korea that look like halt Indian ambition to export its Tejas. Indian Tejas has lost battle in Egypt, Polandia, and soon very likely Malaysia

While Tejas is built to be a fighter aircraft, the others you mentioned, were built ground up as trainer aircraft which can be used as light attack aircraft as well.

This makes the platforms very different, and is kind of disadvantage for Tejas when parties being pitched to want a rather simpler platform. Cost and usage plays in decision making, so it's no wonder these platforms will score in most cases.

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