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Possible Iran options to respond terrorists attack in South East of country

what Iran response look like?

  • Cruise missile (Hoviezeh)

  • Ballistic missile (Fateh family)

  • Drone attack (Shahed family drone or mohajer family)

  • cut all of diplomatic relations with Pakistan

  • ground attack and crossing borders

  • Creating anti Pakistan alliance with India and Afghanistan

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Coons, do you suffer from Stockholm Syndrome? They (bigoted White folk) call you that and even worse.
Yes coons. We have our own coons too, they call themselves MEK. It isnt about race, but mindset. And yes all is see here is a lot of cooning when it comes to South Asians fighting each other over nothing but divide and rule that exists in their minds put in there by the British empire. Change yourselves.
It is not about Shia and Sunnis. These Iranians or Arabs might think that way. I myself come from a family with equal number of Shias and Sunnis. I am Sunni but I have many Shia cousins, like my brothers...zero difference at all. I love Iran and Arabs both but have my limits. These people want us to get dragged in their nonsense orgasms.

I choose the option of cutting ties and ground attack. Because for that they need balls first which can't be imported.

I am the same brother, many Sunni in my family and clan, but we are one, as well as one Pakistan.
If the day comes ever that our vatan calls on us, i like millions of Iranians, will fight for our civilization. That we all Iranians will do. This isnt even a question for our people.

You will be welcomed by Pakistani civilians. We consider Iran as brotherly nation should not be taken as our weakness. If our watan call us we will screw you too. Pakistani people spend more on wedding ammo than your entire guards.
I dont care what you think. What you think about my people is irrelevant to me and to the rest of us Iranians.

Anyway this is off track. I dont support war. That's just a sick thing for the mentally ill to support. I support the feelings of my people that Iranian forces should take action against criminals of Jaish-e Adl, including action against them outside of Iran's borders. That is all.
Then what are you doing on a Pakistani forum? Only because it is a Muslim forum?

Anyways, the Iranians I have met are very indifferent to Pakistanis, or they think we are ex-Indians

Even though we Pakistanis are very different to Indians.
We believe you already chose side and you already cooperating with our enemies. at least ISI and Pakistan military involve and current attack is continuous of Warsaw anti Iran conference.

Anyone is free to believe what they want, but Pakistan hasn't and would have pursued the Yemen option full pelt, something which did cost Pakistan a fall in relations with the Gulf Arabs.
ISI and the Pakistani military have never considered Iran an enemy, there's a strong clue here i.e. the border which is unmanned. Look at Pakistan's border with India and Afghanistan, lack of trust, massive troop build up.
I hear you, I mean Iranians talking about military responses on a Pakistani forum, the irony. But don't call them Majoosi, it makes folk no better.
We dont want to be better mate, it doesnt work, these lowly vermin dont understand "better" , they only understand the filth the are born in. Kick them out of here, close this thread down. We have no brotherhood with any shitty so called muslim nation. We only consider as brothers those who stand with us and support us in difficult times like China did and now Saudis are doing. It is time to show these children of khusroo the clap.
We dont want to be better mate, it doesnt work, these lowly vermin dont understand "better" , they only understand the filth the are born in. Kick them out of here, close this thread down. We have no brotherhood with any shitty so called muslim nation. We only consider as brothers those who stand with us and support us in difficult times like China did and now Saudis are doing. It is time to show these children of khusroo the clap.
I have nothing against Iran, but their foreign policy is laughable (being against USA) and building Chabahar port with India will hurt Pakistan.
I can't state enough how ridiculous it sounds for Iranians when Pakistanis try to represent themselves as tough guys. I mean, we (Iran) have been close to war with the US ever since the revolution, have fought multiple wars with Israel through our proxy Hezbollah and have been clashing with the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS in both Syria and Yemen. To have a state like Pakistan to usher threats, while we pretty much dominate in every sphere of influence and development, is just laughable. For Iranians, Pakistan and its people are as scary as hamsters. It is just non-existent.

I mean, how old is your nation? How many wars have you fought and lost? How good is your education, scientific production? You guys aren't even close to us to which development whatsoever. Please. We have Pakistanis who fight for us in places like Syria. How many Iranians are fighting for Pakistan?

I can only laugh on your brainwashing. I hope not all Iranis are with such mental diarhea.
British colonial policy to forment Indian on Indian war over religion is something Iran needs to keep as far away from as possible. We should never get involved in that.

Lol. Look who's talking. As if we are any interested in mindless wars between desert-dwelling hordes. If Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia would finish each other off, the world would be a much better place.
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Anyone is free to believe what they want, but Pakistan hasn't and would have pursued the Yemen option full pelt, something which did cost Pakistan a fall in relations with the Gulf Arabs.
ISI and the Pakistani military have never considered Iran an enemy, there's a strong clue here i.e. the border which is unmanned. Look at Pakistan's border with India and Afghanistan, lack of trust, massive troop build up.
Why are u explaining ur self to this persian "thing", they gave ground for kalboshan to operate, they were directly involved in terrorism in karachi and balochistan, ask them about that, ask them to explain, why this apologetic attitude? Is our nation so cheap to us that we will let these insects discuss how to attack it on a Pakistani forum? They are our enemy, they will remain so. It is time to milk billions out of the Saudis and go and finish off these things in yemen.
I'm going to wait for one reply and then it's getting closed, it's just way too tense for proper debates to happen. Also I'm sorry but I'm not allowing a thread where someone suggest teaming up with India to finish Pakistan.
Yes coons. We have our own coons too, they call themselves MEK. It isnt about race, but mindset. And yes all is see here is a lot of cooning when it comes to South Asians fighting each other over nothing but divide and rule that exists in their minds put in there by the British empire. Change yourselves.

You are the ultimate coon, sitting in the UK handing out lectures in ignorance as if anyone asked for it. Go back to Iran you fraud.
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