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Possible Iran options to respond terrorists attack in South East of country

what Iran response look like?

  • Cruise missile (Hoviezeh)

  • Ballistic missile (Fateh family)

  • Drone attack (Shahed family drone or mohajer family)

  • cut all of diplomatic relations with Pakistan

  • ground attack and crossing borders

  • Creating anti Pakistan alliance with India and Afghanistan

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Iran should stick to doing what it knows best; beating women in public for showing a little hair through their headscarf (aka the infamous fascist "Moral" police)

Pakistan isn't Iraq or Afghanistan, Iran should choose her words carefully.
You speak as you are from Paris and not your country radical as much as Afghanistan:lol:
You speak as you are from Paris and not your country radical as much as Afghanistan:lol:

Basic lunchtime menu (including a drink) in the business district ﷼‎ 266,810
Combo meal in fast food restaurant (Big Mac Meal or similar) ﷼‎ 247,827
500 gr (1 lb.) of boneless chicken breast ﷼‎ 88,540
1 liter (1 qt.) of whole fat milk ﷼‎ 32,706
12 eggs, large ﷼‎ 93,838
1 kg (2 lb.) of tomatoes ﷼‎ 34,743
500 gr (16 oz.) of local cheese ﷼‎ 107,701
1 kg (2 lb.) of apples ﷼‎ 56,393
1 kg (2 lb.) of potatoes ﷼‎ 26,738
0.5 l (16 oz) domestic beer in the supermarket -
1 bottle of red table wine, good quality -
2 liters of Coca-Cola ﷼‎ 37,956
Bread for 2 people for 1 day ﷼‎ 21,883

Compared to Iran, we're paris indeed.
Multiple things need to be done at once:

  1. Launch cruise missile at their camps in pakistan
  2. Send in a small commando force to finish them off
  3. Decrease diplomatic ties with pakisn
4. Ask Bollywood to make a movie about it. :woot:
Multiple things need to be done at once:

  1. Launch cruise missile at their camps in pakistan
  2. Send in a small commando force to finish them off
  3. Decrease diplomatic ties with pakisn

At this topic please discuss Iran options and possible responds to Pakistan, for forcing Pakistan to stop supporting Terrorists against Iran and hand Terrorists back to Iran. (please stay polite and I ask Pakistani members please if you want to participate in this discussion keep your answers polite and with respect to Iranian members)


Dezful from Fateh family Ballistic missile

Shahed 129D

No offence but advocating an 'alliance with India' to crush Pakistan, and 'crossing borders' and then asking people to stay civil is a tad too much.
Would you stay civil if Pakistanis advocated a US, Israeli, Arab alliance to finish Iran? I can just imagine the responses.
Your choices all seem to ignore more practical and sensible solutions, but then this is the norm for the internet and always has been.
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Iranian forces should strike terrorists and criminals inside Pakistan where it is possible to do so. Enough is enough with statements and pretending that these two faced "Pak"istan have any concept and understanding of neighbourliness. They are not a state, they are a failed state and their bordering region should be treated as what it is in reality; an ungoverned, lawless territory.
Iranian forces should strike terrorists and criminals inside Pakistan where it is possible to do so. Enough is enough with statements and pretending that these two faced "Pak"istan have any concept and understanding of neighbourliness. They are not a state, they are a failed state and their bordering region should be treated as what it is in reality; an ungoverned, lawless territory.

Maybe you should go back and start the strike first, rather than sitting in comfy London.
Notwithstanding a proportional and tactical response to Pakistan harbouring terrorist groups on their soil, Iran's strategic response should be to seek an alliance with India to further encircle Pakistan and pressuring them to stop dancing to the tune of Gulf Arabs who shower them with money to allow extremist groups to target Iran. Furthermore, Iran should closely work together with India to undermine Pakistani interests in Afghanistan.

We have little to none economic ties to Pakistan, so an upset in relations would only be confined to security interests. It is time for Iran to get over its delusional 'brotherly' feelings towards Pakistan and start to create a realist policy vis-a-vis Islamabad. We should try to converge our interests with those of India. Let's see if the IRGC is up to it, or if they only keep talking. The people want revenge:

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Options 7: Don't fvck with us. Pakistan is the last country Iran would want to mess with. Don't forget that all the Western powers, Israel and GCC would gladly provide us everything we need (even for free) to push Iran back to stone age (not that it isn't already heading in that direction).
Maybe you should go back and start the strike first, rather than sitting in comfy London.
If the day comes ever that our vatan calls on us, i like millions of Iranians, will fight for our civilization. That we all Iranians will do. This isnt even a question for our people.
Options 7: Don't fvck with us. Pakistan is the last country Iran would want to mess with. Don't forget that all the Western powers, Israel and GCC would gladly provide us everything we need (even for free) to push Iran back to stone age (not that it isn't already heading in that direction).

I can't state enough how ridiculous it sounds for Iranians when Pakistanis try to represent themselves as tough guys. I mean, we (Iran) have been close to war with the US ever since the revolution, have fought multiple wars with Israel through our proxy Hezbollah and have been clashing with the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS in both Syria and Yemen. To have a state like Pakistan to usher threats, while we pretty much dominate in every sphere of influence and development, is just laughable. For Iranians, Pakistan and its people are as scary as hamsters. It is just non-existent.

I mean, how old is your nation? How many wars have you fought and lost? How good is your education, scientific production? You guys aren't even close to us to which development whatsoever. Please. We have Pakistanis who fight for us in places like Syria. How many Iranians are fighting for Pakistan?
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Iran cannot afford to completely antagonize Pakistan, and the Iranian Mullahs know it very well
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