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Possible Iran options to respond terrorists attack in South East of country

what Iran response look like?

  • Cruise missile (Hoviezeh)

  • Ballistic missile (Fateh family)

  • Drone attack (Shahed family drone or mohajer family)

  • cut all of diplomatic relations with Pakistan

  • ground attack and crossing borders

  • Creating anti Pakistan alliance with India and Afghanistan

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Options 7: Don't fvck with us. Pakistan is the last country Iran would want to mess with. Don't forget that all the Western powers, Israel and GCC would gladly provide us everything we need (even for free) to push Iran back to stone age (not that it isn't already heading in that direction).
Provide?, we already have everything and thensome to make iran vanish forever. Iran is an idiotic little shitty nation that thinks it is something just becuase they took advantage of US invasion into Iraq and Syria, they went there and played a little PUBG and they think they can handle shit. All of thier stupid plastic toys they keep displayong are obviously shit. We can finish off iran in a month without going nuclear.

It is no surprise that the hand of satan aka iran is seeking an alliance with the only pagan power left on earth and then these shitty mullahs want the muslim world to accept these jokers. Iran is an absolute enemy of the muslim world, the envoy of dajal.
Notwithstanding a proportional and tactical response to Pakistan harbouring terrorist groups on their soil, Iran's strategic response should be to seek an alliance with India to further encircle Pakistan and pressuring them to stop dancing to the tune of Gulf Arabs who shower them with money to allow extremist groups to target Iran. Furthermore, Iran should closely work together with India to undermine Pakistani interests in Afghanistan.

We have little to none economic ties to Pakistan, so an upset in relations would only be confined to security interests. It is time for Iran to get over its delusional 'brotherly' feelings towards Pakistan and start to create a realist policy vis-a-vis Islamabad. We should try to converge our interests with those of India. Let's see if the IRGC is up to it, or if they only keep talking. The people want revenge:

This is where i disagree on how Iran should handle having to border a lawless space of land that is apparently a country called "Pak"istan ("lol" at that). I dont think Iran should involve itself in crappy South Asian conflicts.

70 years old Indian civil war that is a product of British divide and rule of those people from Indian subcontinent has nothing to do with us and i cant think of any good reason why Iran should dirty itself with getting involved in any way whatsoever with that kind of crap.

British colonial policy to forment Indian on Indian war over religion is something Iran needs to keep as far away from as possible. We should never get involved in that.

Let them kill each other over being a bunch of dumb, mentally colonized coons that think they are different nations because Britain drew a border between them. That is not something i think Iranians could ever morally justify being involved in and helping to continue for even more years or decades to come.

Iran should respond only to terrorism. I see no reason why Iran should be involved in further issues relating to South Asia. It isnt our problem and wont help to solve the problems that exist in that part of the World. It will just get ourselves dirty with things we dont know about or fully understand at this time. My view.
Basic lunchtime menu (including a drink) in the business district ﷼‎ 266,810
Combo meal in fast food restaurant (Big Mac Meal or similar) ﷼‎ 247,827
500 gr (1 lb.) of boneless chicken breast ﷼‎ 88,540
1 liter (1 qt.) of whole fat milk ﷼‎ 32,706
12 eggs, large ﷼‎ 93,838
1 kg (2 lb.) of tomatoes ﷼‎ 34,743
500 gr (16 oz.) of local cheese ﷼‎ 107,701
1 kg (2 lb.) of apples ﷼‎ 56,393
1 kg (2 lb.) of potatoes ﷼‎ 26,738
0.5 l (16 oz) domestic beer in the supermarket -
1 bottle of red table wine, good quality -
2 liters of Coca-Cola ﷼‎ 37,956
Bread for 2 people for 1 day ﷼‎ 21,883

Compared to Iran, we're paris indeed.
No retardation Iran is better than you even under the sanctions your people are already starving without sanctions

I was referring to iran and iranians compared to your country they are a lot more modern and libral compared to you and don’t bring the economic issue which was caused by the west
If the day comes ever that our vatan calls on us, i like millions of Iranians, will fight for our civilization. That we all Iranians will do. This isnt even a question for our people.

You haven't got millions to throw into the fight, the population is relatively small for the region and older than others, and no I don't want a conflict between the two, fools wish for that.
People are going to come back? So let me get this straight during the good times i.e. now, hordes of young men are in Europe (staging point Serbia) ,taking boats to get to the UK and they're all going to flood back when a war erupts? They leave during times of plenty but come back to face bombs. That's quite a tale for any teller to spin.
I am a proud Pakistani Shia, but my love for Pakistan transcends everything. My Clans sword arm will be raised against our Iranian brothers, be in no doubt.

The extremists in this area are enemies of both our countries, let's fence the border and hunt them down.

It is not about Shia and Sunnis. These Iranians or Arabs might think that way. I myself come from a family with equal number of Shias and Sunnis. I am Sunni but I have many Shia cousins, like my brothers...zero difference at all. I love Iran and Arabs both but have my limits. These people want us to get dragged in their nonsense orgasms.

I choose the option of cutting ties and ground attack. Because for that they need balls first which can't be imported.
Let them kill each other over being a bunch of dumb, mentally colonized coons that think they are different nations because Britain drew a border between them.

Coons, do you suffer from Stockholm Syndrome? They (bigoted White folk) call you that and even worse.
This is where i disagree on how Iran should handle having to border a lawless space of land that is apparently a country called "Pak"istan ("lol" at that). I dont think Iran should involve itself in crappy South Asian conflicts.

70 years old Indian civil war that is a product of British divide and rule of those people from Indian subcontinent has nothing to do with us and i cant think of any good reason why Iran should dirty itself with getting involved in any way whatsoever with that kind of crap.

British colonial policy to forment Indian on Indian war over religion is something Iran needs to keep as far away from as possible. We should never get involved in that.

Let them kill each other over being a bunch of dumb, mentally colonized coons that think they are different nations because Britain drew a border between them. That is not something i think Iranians could ever morally justify being involved in and helping to continue for even more years or decades to come.

Iran should respond only to terrorism. But i see no reason why Iran should be involved in further issues relating to South Asia. It isnt our problem and wont help to solve the problems that exist in that part of the World. It will just get ourselves dirty with things we dont know about or fully understand at this time. My view.
Who the fck do u think u r boy? U are no more than a piece of lint we can remove at the whim of a single button. U children of khusroo. Majosi fcks, iam directly descended from the Ali(RA) and by decree of my heritage, i consider u heretics and envoys of dajal.
Basic lunchtime menu (including a drink) in the business district ﷼‎ 266,810
Combo meal in fast food restaurant (Big Mac Meal or similar) ﷼‎ 247,827
500 gr (1 lb.) of boneless chicken breast ﷼‎ 88,540
1 liter (1 qt.) of whole fat milk ﷼‎ 32,706
12 eggs, large ﷼‎ 93,838
1 kg (2 lb.) of tomatoes ﷼‎ 34,743
500 gr (16 oz.) of local cheese ﷼‎ 107,701
1 kg (2 lb.) of apples ﷼‎ 56,393
1 kg (2 lb.) of potatoes ﷼‎ 26,738
0.5 l (16 oz) domestic beer in the supermarket -
1 bottle of red table wine, good quality -
2 liters of Coca-Cola ﷼‎ 37,956
Bread for 2 people for 1 day ﷼‎ 21,883

Compared to Iran, we're paris indeed.

Is that for real? Wth?
Coons, do you suffer from Stockholm Syndrome? They (bigoted White folk) call you that and even worse.
Ban this idiot mate and close down this thread, why are u allowing this kind of BS on a Pakistani forum, why the hell are we so linient on these majoosi thugs?
You haven't got millions to throw into the fight, the population is relatively small for the region and older than others, and no I don't want a conflict between the two, fools wish for that.
People are going to come back? So let me get this straight during the good times i.e. now, hordes of young men are in Europe (staging point Serbia) ,taking boats to get to the UK and they're all going to flood back when a war erupts? They leave during times of plenty but come back to face bombs. That's quite a tale for any teller to spin.
I dont care what you think. What you think about my people is irrelevant to me and to the rest of us Iranians.

Anyway this is off track. I dont support war. That's just a sick thing for the mentally ill to support. I support the feelings of my people that Iranian forces should take action against criminals of Jaish-e Adl, including action against them outside of Iran's borders. That is all.
I dont care what you think. What you think is irrelevant to me and all of us Iranians.

Anyway this is off track. I dont support war. That's just a sick thing for the mentally ill to support. I support the feelings of my people that Iranian forces should take action against criminals of Jaish-e Adl, including action against them outside of Iran's borders. That is all.
How will u take action outside ur borders u insignificant fck, u dont even have a working airforce, u majoosi cavemen. U will take action against a nuclear power u little clown? Lol, this is what happens when little boys get hold of the net.
Ban this idiot mate and close down this thread, why are u allowing this kind of BS on a Pakistani forum, why the hell are we so linient on these majoosi thugs?

I hear you, I mean Iranians talking about military responses on a Pakistani forum, the irony. But don't call them Majoosi, it makes folk no better.
No offence but advocating an 'alliance with India' to crush Pakistan, and 'crossing borders' and then asking people to stay civil is a tad too much.
Would you stay civil if Pakistanis advocated a US, Israeli, Arab alliance to finish Iran? I can just imagine the responses.
Your choices all seem to ignore more practical and sensible solutions, but then this is the norm for the internet and always has been.
We believe you already chose side and you already cooperating with our enemies. at least ISI and Pakistan military involve and current attack is continuous of Warsaw anti Iran conference.
I dont care what you think. What you think about my people is irrelevant to me and to the rest of us Iranians.

Anyway this is off track. I dont support war. That's just a sick thing for the mentally ill to support. I support the feelings of my people that Iranian forces should take action against criminals of Jaish-e Adl, including action against them outside of Iran's borders. That is all.

You obviously care what I think as you just replied to me. 'My people' it's not a claim of ownership, I'm fond of Iranians in general.
Pakistani forces have also been targeted by groups allied to Jaish.
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