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possibility of pak leasing a N sub from china?

Conventional subs , that can stay in waters for 3-4 month range is good enough ...

I mean you don't need sub to be constantly on move we just need to protect our territory from Europe to Japan and if our subs can move about this region its fantastic

I am up for 10 Conventional Submarines loaded with Torpedo , and Anti ship capabilities
We really do not need a nuclear platform since our mission is not of a blue water navy. Nor our mission is to conduct operations on a global scale or even to parts of Sothern Indian Ocean. I would be waste of money and the maintenance cost would be exhorbitant.

BTW the cost of the hull alone would be US$ 2.0 billion + and the annual maintenance and mission supportcost is roughly US$ 90 milllion dollars. The weapons, sensors, systems, accomdation etc will cost another billion dollars (At Chinese Costs). An average US boat costs roughly 4.9 billion for the hull alone. The maintenance cost is US$110 million per year over the misson life of 30 years.

We can go for three Qing class subs and can give our nuclear detante the sea legs it needs without going bankrupt.
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