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Pope Francis: 'Who am I to judge' gays?

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I will not judge them,i don't hunt homosexuals pitchfork in hand,i don't punish them for what they are but sodomy is a capital sin and as such homosexuals aren't part of christian catholic and orthodox flock,that means no marriage in church,etc.They live how they want,when they want,just not under the Church.

I am not for a marriage between homosexuals either. just the right not to be judged by us Catholics, its time we came out of the old mindset where gays are outcasts.
I will not judge them,i don't hunt homosexuals pitchfork in hand,i don't punish them for what they are but sodomy is a capital sin and as such homosexuals aren't part of christian catholic and orthodox flock,that means no marriage in church,etc.They live how they want,when they want,just not under the Church.
of course church should not be forced to solemnize gay / lesbian marriage unless they decide themselves. However if there is an official church (like in uk they got church of England) govt might put pressure due to popular demand.
I am not for a marriage between homosexuals either. just the right not to be judged by us Catholics, its time we came out of the old mindset where gays are outcasts.

Ofcourse,and is the solemn duty of the Church not to encourage discrimination and bad thoughts towards homosexuals,Christianity is after all a religion of peace,love and acceptance,but the rules are rules,you can't change them just to be "in fashion".
Remember,it's not the numbers who are the most important but the power of your belief,in ancient times the christians were a minority and they were fed to the lions for their faith but they gave their lives at peace.Changing the rules just to gain some liberal sympathisers it's a disgrace to the memory off all the martyrs who passed in the other world just because they loved their God and His rules.
Ofcourse,and is the solemn duty of the Church not to encourage discrimination and bad thoughts towards homosexuals,Christianity is after all a religion of peace,love and acceptance,but the rules are rules,you can't change them just to be "in fashion".
Remember,it's not the numbers who are the most important but the power of your belief,in ancient times the christians were a minority and they were fed to the lions for their faith but they gave their lives at peace.Changing the rules just to gain some liberal sympathisers it's a disgrace to the memory off all the martyrs who passed in the other world just because they loved their God and His rules.

While now a days we do not feed them to the lions like we our selfs once were , the ostracization of gays is no less of a crime in today's world mate.
but i do agree with a lot you said.
While now a days we do not feed them to the lions like we our selfs once were , the ostracization of gays is no less of a crime in today's world mate.
but i do agree with a lot you said.

Yes and I think the Pope tries to fight against that telling people not to judge and serve justice how they see fit.This is a good thing,this is his role as Pope,not like some medieval Popes who sold pardons in the name of God for money or burned people at the stake for not agreeing with the Church,those were not holy men.This goes for some priests (i've seen some in my country) who go around yelling "gays are the devil!" only to be caught embezzling money destined for the poor.:pissed:

But,there's a saying:"You must do what the priest tells you,not what he does" :)))
Yes and I think the Pope tries to fight against that telling people not to judge and serve justice how they see fit.This is a good thing,this is his role as Pope,not like some medieval Popes who sold pardons in the name of God for money or burned people at the stake for not agreeing with the Church,those were not holy men.This goes for some priests (i've seen some in my country) who go around yelling "gays are the devil!" only to be caught embezzling money destined for the poor.:pissed:

But,there's a saying:"You must do what the priest tells you,not what he does" :)))

:) i know the saying . Diocesan priest have a saying in my country towards other religious orders. "you take the vows , we practice them":)
I've found it important not to have an opinion on this issue at all. After reading the excerpts from the Delhi HC order I realized I really know nothing about this and a lot and ignorantly taking a stand might only add to a lot of suffering. In fact this had a hilarious side effect (& I can be frank)- many years ago, after I got off a bus I realized that one of the guys made a mild effort to come on to me. I didn't notice it until I actually got off the bus but I was irritated. After reading the excerpts I decided to forgive whoever that guy was for that transgression (of course, my forgiveness lasts only one time, if the same guy tried it again i'd beat the $hit out of him :D )
I've found it important not to have an opinion on this issue at all. After reading the excerpts from the Delhi HC order I realized I really know nothing about this and a lot and ignorantly taking a stand might only add to a lot of suffering. In fact this had a hilarious side effect (& I can be frank)- many years ago, after I got off a bus I realized that one of the guys made a mild effort to come on to me. I didn't notice it until I actually got off the bus but I was irritated. After reading the excerpts I decided to forgive whoever that guy was for that transgression (of course, my forgiveness lasts only one time, if the same guy tried it again i'd beat the $hit out of him :D )

take it as flattery dude ;) don't hit the poor gay dude, he can't smell you're straight, not always at least..
I will not judge them,i don't hunt homosexuals pitchfork in hand,i don't punish them for what they are but sodomy is a capital sin and as such homosexuals aren't part of christian catholic and orthodox flock,that means no marriage in church,etc.They live how they want,when they want,just not under the Church.

Your name is a pretty common slang in "the community" btw.
This is a quite decent documentary on the subject;

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I've found it important not to have an opinion on this issue at all. After reading the excerpts from the Delhi HC order I realized I really know nothing about this and a lot and ignorantly taking a stand might only add to a lot of suffering. In fact this had a hilarious side effect (& I can be frank)- many years ago, after I got off a bus I realized that one of the guys made a mild effort to come on to me. I didn't notice it until I actually got off the bus but I was irritated. After reading the excerpts I decided to forgive whoever that guy was for that transgression (of course, my forgiveness lasts only one time, if the same guy tried it again i'd beat the $hit out of him :D )
it has happen to me too, I take it as complement that at least somebody finds me desirable... :cry:
He is going to ruin Christianity... now I understand why the previous pope resigned. because he refused to take orders to do such things... :hitwall:

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
Matthew 23: 1-4
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