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Poor people should not be allowed to give birth

dude we are talking about mases an indivisual eg doesnt seems fit here

D U D E :wave: i was trying so that you could understand it in individual basis now just imagine yourself in that situation and suppose that you gave your money to govt and they in turn provide exactly that amount of money to that man and then tell your views. :tup:
corecto, on the other hand look at americans or europeans ! how smart they are ? all wars r outside their borders and they produce al kinda weaponary and sell it to the whole globe. I dont know how much the global defence industry is worth but imagine for a second if no war or the world comes to peace how many people will be unemployed and businesses and people associated will be busted.

So al to blame here and similar applies to our region if no war than what will be the use of these millions of soldiers , amo , missles , planes and God knows what else. There is this whole economy assosiated with it , there has to be a war to consume all this it benefits some of us but a large population suffers. So the one suffering has to realise and stand up to this !

i do agree with you about the production and usage of weaponry. lets stick to the topic otherwise our posts will get deleted lol.
i think he is making sense. and it is not about individuals it is about the whole lot of tax payers. why should i/you/anotehr person pay for irresponsible reproduction of somebody who doesnt care about anything?

well its like insurence isnt? you pay a little premium and are covered , life is not always the same "things change" one can be disabled or sick or any thing i hope never but worst case tommorow you , me or some other fella is in trouble than we know the tax man has generating enough money to cover the citizens.

The drunk guy is taking advantage of the system , its to do with govts to ensure they are using tax payers money at the right place ..
well its like insurence isnt? you pay a little premium and are covered , life is not always the same "things change" one can be disabled or sick or any thing i hope never but worst case tommorow you , me or some other fella is in trouble than we know the tax man has generating enough money to cover the citizens.

The drunk guy is taking advantage of the system , its to do with govts to ensure they are using tax payers money at the right place ..

Look, if somebody is sick, lost his body part in an accident or anything else and get support from the gov then i dont have a problem with it, although we all know that things like this can never happen in our countries( i mean the gov supporting a needy person). but on the other hand, there is a healthy guy who is really really fond of having a dozen of children and he cant pay for the life and education of those poor kids, why on earth the gov should give my hard earned money to that healthy but irresponsible person?
thirdeye, grey boy 2, xuxu1457
i have already made it clear that i do agree that poor man has equal rights but just look at those children in the pics what did they do wrong to deserve this.:undecided:.yes the state is at fault but this dosen't mean someone has the right to ruin the life of as many humans as they like and let them suffer for the rest of their lives.

The solution is to come forward and help these wonderful little children. They have massive potential. It could be that one of the kids in these pictures turns out to be the next great scientist, doctor or politician. Any one of these children might end up saving humanity.

Solve the problem by economically and politically empowering the children and their parents, not by taking away fundamental human rights, for the love of God!
The solution is to come forward and help these wonderful little children. They have massive potential. It could be that one of the kids in these pictures turns out to be the next great scientist, doctor or politician. Any one of these children might end up saving humanity.

Solve the problem by economically and politically empowering the children and their parents, not by taking away fundamental human rights, for the love of God!

I think what you say is absolutely right, you dont know one of those kids might be a scientist etc. but the governments dont have the ability of supporting those kids. it is their human rights to have children, but how about the rights of those kids who need a proper life? how about the society which needs proper and good kids?
The solution is to come forward and help these wonderful little children. They have massive potential. It could be that one of the kids in these pictures turns out to be the next great scientist, doctor or politician. Any one of these children might end up saving humanity.
i am completely in favour of what you said :tup:

Solve the problem by economically and politically empowering the children and their parents, not by taking away fundamental human rights, for the love of God!
this is where i disagree and i think this will be an apt reply

Look, if somebody is sick, lost his body part in an accident or anything else and get support from the gov then i dont have a problem with it, although we all know that things like this can never happen in our countries( i mean the gov supporting a needy person). but on the other hand, there is a healthy guy who is really really fond of having a dozen of children and he cant pay for the life and education of those poor kids, why on earth the gov should give my hard earned money to that healthy but irresponsible person?
I guessed as much.

Instead of raising the bridge, the author of the article suggests that the river be lowered.

Next, he'll suggest that we should exterminate the poor or send them to camps where they could be fed, made to work and paid for it.

A poor man has as much right to everything as a rich man does, also he needs it more than a rich man does - having children is a part of 'everything'. We have been thru the Sanjay Gandhi style of birth control...

The state is at fault if a man remains poor & uneducated not the man himself

I agree the state should do everything it can to provide opportunities/education etc. but the reality is that these things don't happen overnight so who's going to feed all those hungry kids in the meantime?

There should at least be a reasonable minimum monthly income for having children.
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i think they should not have more than 1 child.

i think China one child policy is good, because indeed. India economy is booming, but it's population is booming more than that.
I agree 100%, when you cannot feed why give them birth. To top it up, I have seen people giving birth to not one but 10 children when they earn Rs 1000.

The irresponsible behavior of some has given rise to poverty in India. If you do not help yourself then why expect others to help you.
i think they should not have more than 1 child.

i think China one child policy is good, because indeed. India economy is booming, but it's population is booming more than that.

I am also with China's policy in this regard. It would have helped them control the growth, which helps the country.

This is one of the main reason of where India is today.
Look, if somebody is sick, lost his body part in an accident or anything else and get support from the gov then i dont have a problem with it, although we all know that things like this can never happen in our countries( i mean the gov supporting a needy person). but on the other hand, there is a healthy guy who is really really fond of having a dozen of children and he cant pay for the life and education of those poor kids, why on earth the gov should give my hard earned money to that healthy but irresponsible person?

They are simply not aware of their actions , they need education about birth control , "Govts can step in and help by providing contaceptives to the poor " look closer and notice that it seems they have given up! They need serious help not bashing
They are simply not aware of their actions
, this can be used to defend a serial killer too.:disagree:
they need education about birth control , "Govts can step in and help by providing contaceptives to the poor " look closer and notice that it seems they have given up! They need serious help not bashing

i may seem :crazy: but if a poor man has the right to have as many children as he likes even if he cant provide food to them and let them suffer a life much2 worse than death than every person should have the right to suicide too.
we have an employee with a salary of 4000 rs when he had his first child my mother a doc explained him everything about family planning but he didnt seem to bother now he has 6 childrens:blink: 3 of them dont go to school.now you decide he could have been better off with 2 chiildren but.. . all i am saying is we must have some criteria for a person for being eligible to have a child coz some people just dont understand what is better fo them and their children.the need this :police:.
i am not saying we can solve all the problems but its time we atleast start somethin.:angel:
this guy is a Registered medical practitioner and had all access to contraceptives and even family planning lectures didnt stop him from ruining the lives of 6 children so education alone is not the solution.

guys :wave: thanks for sharing your views.
today i'll be off to jaipur for my exams(engg back ):D will be back in a month.i request you all to find some solution before the thread is closed or dead:tup:
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If we wait for everyone to get educated it will be too late. Then there will be famine ala african style and nature will take care of the balance. Now how many people would like to see that?

Its the gov job to formulate beneficial long term policies. Pak/India already have very low water resources per capita and with prevailing drought situations the effect will be exacerbated. Anyone who advocates socialist policies i.e. steal from the rich and give to the poor, be aware of the danger. ZAB managed to wipe away a large chunk of the economy with his extremist social policies which harmed a lot in the long run. India was only able to come out of the economic morass recently, after shunning the Nehruvian economic model.

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