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Poor people should not be allowed to give birth

Poor shouldn't be denied their rights but should be educated. Special programs should be started wherein after a single child if they get their fallopian tubes tied, they would get paid like somewhere around 2000 or so.

Poor people would be happy when they get paid. Also their right to carry on their generation won't be denied.
i cant say about rest of india but in haryana if a person gets vasectomy done after 2 childrens he gets 2500 rupees.
And why they are poor?

I have seen people with No Child even are poorer.

Now whom you will blam for that poverty?

Population does have some affect or role in adding to poverty BUT mostly

1. Its the Govt's policies

2. lack of farsighted projects

3. nepotims.

4. lack of or non-existence of saftey nets for poor.

5. Political victimisation and granting development on the basis of political affiliations

You are right, but on top of the above problems if every couple have so many children then the difficulties will become double. in such a situation we need to cut misaries, not to put more in it by having many many children.
Poor shouldn't be denied their rights but should be educated. Special programs should be started wherein after a single child if they get their fallopian tubes tied, they would get paid like somewhere around 2000 or so.

Poor people would be happy when they get paid. Also their right to carry on their generation won't be denied.

Off course they shouldnt be denied to have child, but they shouldnt have too many children.
This is a huge problem in South Asia.
Because most of people don`t have job and not any
resources to to have a good life with more than 2 children.

Not so many week ago I saw a *** where a man willing to sale his
children for money. That is not the solution for rest of his family.

The country I live Norway is one of the richest country in the world. Here 90% people got only two children pr family. Here money is not problem. But time. Because almost every one have a job here even their wives too and therefore they have less time for children's.
Mate, I guess we all can understand your emotions, but you need to see the issue practically. If you have to enforce something, you need to put a consequence for that. The first thing is that this is against basic human rights provided in the constitution. The second thing is that even if you can change the constitution, how do you propose to make this effective? The third thing is that education and persuasion is far more effective than punishment, also in the long run is going to be very productive. We need to push the states to formulate policies for education of such basic things amongst poor, we need to build a proper system for everything and see to it that they are properly implemented. You cannot run a nation on emotions.

More than 5 months have past since i opened this thread what have you done to remove poverty and impart education.:pop:
Well said! Education of family planning is the key. It is the state's fault that they are unable to progress at a decent rate to provide opportunities and education to all. Fascism won't work, at least in India.
"It is the state's fault" :wave:My brother we are the state if the state is at fault then we are too.

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