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Poor people should not be allowed to give birth

People should not be allowed to produce more than 2 two children
I think that every family should be allowed to have 1 baby when the woman is before the age of 28,then you can have another after the age of 28;If you want to have more babies after the age of 28,you must pay more tax,the tax will be used to improve the education and medical Systems.How do you think?:cheers:

The challenge is how to induce people to follow? Even in China, most couples have 2+ children. Not to mention the minorities who are exempt.

Condoms take away to spontaneity and feeling. Contraceptive pills are expensive, and even it if is subsidized the woman must plan a few days ahead.

Both will help. Let's be honest here. People like to have sex, even pre-marital and affairs. Now who is going to watch the 6+ billion people on this planet? To watch the 6+ billion people, you need at least 6+ billion people. But who will watch these extra 6+ billion people??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Henry Kissinger once proposed many times in the past to "cull" these extra Indians and goyims. The Zionists have long been known to frown upon this extra 'useless' population of goyims. I fear the Zionist Khazars's 'Final Solution' will be a mass genocide caused by massive wars, bio-terrorism, chemical terrorism.... :sniper:

Not only India which faces high population density, but all of Europe, Asia, Arabs, and many parts of Africa. We share the same challenges, so let's help each other.
People should not be allowed to produce more than 2 two children

It is ironic that if you look back at threads posted by Indians, nearly all of them condemned China's One Child Policy.

I hope Indian members here understand (as do most of the world) that the policy is not to 'curb the people's freedom', nor is it a 'evil policy'. China had long recognized the inherent dangers of over-population.

It's like most serious issues, most people agree to cut back but they themselves refuse to. Take for examples:

-- Reduce pollution: However, most people refuse to give up their cars, turn down the heat, etc.

-- Eliminate hunger: However, most people like their juicy T-bone steak, baby back ribs, sizzling bacon, etc.

-- Reduce poverty gap: However, most people refuse to pay more tax, or accept a lower salary. Most refuse to give their money (other than a few bucks) to a stranger.

-- Eliminate discrimination/inequality: However, most people have personal bias towards others, favor their own kind, enjoy power and wealth!

The solution the many of our world problems is apparent. The real difficulty is coercing or promoting these righteous behaviour. The truth is beyond a few token "good deeds" the remainder of people's actions are contrary to it. How to solve???:what:
thirdeye :wave: i am not even remotley advocating what the author says and although my profile name may suggest something but the truth is that my mom is a gynec and runs a hospital and i have seen some of the most messed up people having children some of them can't even provide their family a single meal a day.i think if you were in my place you too would have had a different view in this matter.

On the other hand, I think people who have kids to obtain welfare should be sterilized :P

People who cannot maintain healthy relationships or have violent criminal background should not have kids either, although for such cases grey areas will always arise.
The challenge is how to induce people to follow? Even in China, most couples have 2+ children. Not to mention the minorities who are exempt.

Condoms take away to spontaneity and feeling. Contraceptive pills are expensive, and even it if is subsidized the woman must plan a few days ahead.

Both will help. Let's be honest here. People like to have sex, even pre-marital and affairs. Now who is going to watch the 6+ billion people on this planet? To watch the 6+ billion people, you need at least 6+ billion people. But who will watch these extra 6+ billion people??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Henry Kissinger once proposed many times in the past to "cull" these extra Indians and goyims. The Zionists have long been known to frown upon this extra 'useless' population of goyims. I fear the Zionist Khazars's 'Final Solution' will be a mass genocide caused by massive wars, bio-terrorism, chemical terrorism.... :sniper:

Not only India which faces high population density, but all of Europe, Asia, Arabs, and many parts of Africa. We share the same challenges, so let's help each other.

the condoms is very cheap,in china the price is 5cents Yuan(less than 1cent $),and in many areas it is free,villagers can get for free.
In rural area of China,can have two babies,in city,people only can have 1baby;But Minority such as Tibetan,Uighur and so on except Han can have more babies as their want
I think that every family should be allowed to have 1 baby when the woman is before the age of 28,then you can have another after the age of 28;If you want to have more babies after the age of 28,you must pay more tax,the tax will be used to improve the education and medical Systems.How do you think?:cheers:

first of all i want to thank every member for not bringing politics in this thread and hope it will remain free from it:tup:.
secondly i request you all to keep religion and god out of your posts.

xuxu1457 we are not talking about those who can pay some tax (even if a small amount) but those who cant even provide enough food to their children could you take tax from them.:undecided:
first of all i want to thank every member for not bringing politics in this thread and hope it will remain free from it:tup:.
secondly i request you all to keep religion and god out of your posts.

xuxu1457 we are not talking about those who can pay some tax (even if a small amount) but those who cant even provide enough food to their children could you take tax from them.:undecided:

I want to know why they want to have so many babies?Concept should be changed too,and condoms can reduce unintended pregnancies.
I want to know why they want to have so many babies?Concept should be changed too,and condoms can reduce unintended pregnancies.

Most people were like that. In fact the French and British had 12+ children to populate and "civilize" Canada and USA!!!! Only 30 years ago, Chinese people enjoyed having many kids. After the Iran-Iraq war, Iranians had too many children (to repopulate). Now they realize they have too many people in terms of employment and stability and happiness.

Look at HK and Singapore, before they had 2+ kids, now they have less. Europe had to many babies so they invaded foreign land.

In truth there a multiple ways civilizations in the past approach this problem:

(1) Reduce naturally by family planning and chasity. May augment with unnatural means such as contraceptives and abortions -- will vary with personal and religious belief.

(2) Invade foreign land and kill off its people (and overwhelm them). See history of Asia, Africa, Americas.

(3) Natural famine, natural disasters, drought, disease.
1)I want to know why they want to have so many babies?Concept should be changed too,and 2)condoms can reduce unintended pregnancies.
1)i am not 100%sure but about the reasons but i'll try to point out a few(can't say about other parts of india)
a)its a comman understanding that childrens bring happiness in our lives they bind the family together.(so more childrens=more happiness)
b)it is a compulsion that one should have childrens within 2-4 years after marriage or else pepole will question about husbands manhood:P or call the wife infertile.
c)sex is a taboo in india you cant learn about it openly it is considered immoral. hell sex toys are banned in india(the land of kamasutra i should open a thread about that too:D)and even though condoms are available free of cost people are not fond of it maybe due to the first 2 points.

and as sinoindusfriendship said Condoms take away to spontaneity and feeling.:agree:
everyone justifies or favours the right of the poor to start a family but
on what basis can one justify the suffering to the child
Everyone is equal,no matter rich or poor,they must have the eaual right to have the same number of children

True, but having kids come with responsibility both towards the children and society. If the poor or anybody else cant give the child a proper upbringing, then what is the point of having so many children? only one and 2 will be enough. Educaiton is the only key to solve this problem.

Some men see women as baby machines and make them to bring more children in this world as much as possible, they dont give a damn about mothers' health, kids health and the enviroment they live, in almost all of these cases they all live in one room, hugely overcrowded, no proper food, no proper cloth, fighting between the kids, fight between husband and wife, what sort of life is that. not to mention its hugely adverse impact on the society.
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But must start the first step ,try and improve,try and improve
I guessed as much.

Instead of raising the bridge, the author of the article suggests that the river be lowered.

Next, he'll suggest that we should exterminate the poor or send them to camps where they could be fed, made to work and paid for it.

A poor man has as much right to everything as a rich man does, also he needs it more than a rich man does - having children is a part of 'everything'. We have been thru the Sanjay Gandhi style of birth control...

The state is at fault if a man remains poor & uneducated not the man himself.

I tend to agree with this.
No one knows of one's fate when one is born.
Every one has the right to have as many children as they wish.
Just because the administrative structure can not support, doesn't mean that life should be deprived.

I will encourage readers to advocate changing the current "interest" based capitalist system.

The 10 richest men in the world have enough wealth to double the GDP of most of Africa.

I ask why are the 10 men allowed to hold that wealth ?

One can study economics and will find out that all wealth belongs
to earth /nature ultimately.

A Farmer may claim to own the land, but he does not cause rain, rivers, weather and fertility so how can he claim full right on produce?

Why isn't Nature given it's share ( which will be majority)

Shell, chevron, etc may be rich company, but they didn't put oil in earth, they only take it out.

Why isn't Nature given it's share ( which will be majority)

Similarly for Coal, gas , power etc.

As far as services sector is concerned, it exists only because the basic sectors that I mentioned above exist.

So why not give Nature it's share, in distributing the produce to the less privileged ?

poverty is not a trait, it's consequence of capitalism and greed.
The problem is with the word "allowed".

You can promote the awareness and hope that people are sensible enough to understand that they have to match their finances with the number of children they produce.

That goes for not just poor, but middle class people as well.
"Not be allowed" to give birth? Punish the poor for being born poor? Sure that makes sense :rolleyes:

Ridiculous Sanjay Gandhi inspired fascist idea. Instead of i don't know creating awareness through education, uplifting people out of poverty, take the short cut and ban them the right to procreate. Absolute tosh.

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