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Ponting should have been suspended: Chappell


Dec 3, 2007
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Ponting should have been suspended: Chappell


MELBOURNE: Former captain Ian Chappell feels that current Australian skipper Ricky Ponting should have been suspended instead of just being docked 40 per cent of his match fee for his ugly confrontation with the umpires in the fourth Ashes Test against England on Monday.

With his team struggling on the field against England, Ponting had a demonstrative face-to-face argument with Aleem Dar pointing his finger at the Pakistani umpire after Kevin Pietersen was adjudged not to have edged the ball for a caught behind.

Ponting then turned his attention to the square leg umpire Tony Hill as a group of Australian players crowded Dar.

Video umpire Marais Erasmus gave Pietersen not out after a hot spot replay failed to show an inside edge following a half-hearted appeal referred by wicket-keeper Brad Haddin.

Peter Siddle was also involved initially by giving verbal support Ponting but the speedster was lucky to escape sanction.

Chappell feels Ponting's behaviour was unacceptable and that he has overstepped the mark.

"When I was playing it was quite clear in the laws you could discuss a point of law but you weren't allowed to argue a point of judgement. If I was adjudicating I'd think it was a suspendable offence," Chappell said.

"And it's not like it's the first time he (Ponting) has done it. I think the ICC are in part to blame, not for him arguing today, but if you want to stop those sort of things you've got to stop them straight away, the first time it happens," Chappell was quoted as saying by 'The Australian'.

Ponting's first captain, Mark Taylor, also believes the Australian captain harmed the standing of himself and his team by arguing with the umpires and Pietersen.

"I don't mind a bit of a confrontation between players occasionally. I think that's good for the game, but you have to draw a line (with the umpires)," said Taylor.

"It (the referral system) is in place, it's been used, it's given not out. Replays showed he wasn't out. You've just got to get on with the game. The decision came from upstairs. There's no point arguing with the umpires. They're just relaying the message.

"You've got to ask yourself what is the point of the conversation because the umpire is not going to reverse his decision, particularly when your mate upstairs has looked at the replay and maybe got it right," said Taylor.

Former England captain Tony Greig felt that Ponting was out of order and Siddle should also have been in trouble.

"I don't know what Peter Siddle was doing there waving his finger."

Ponting should have been suspended: Chappell - The Times of India
Come on people.. dont be so hypocrites... strict rules are for Asians only...

If this was done by an Indian or a Pakistani player.. next thing we hear is match referee suspends him for 3 matches and fines match fee...
I wonder what Ponting have to do to actually incur a ban? He abused Dar, players surrounded umpire football style. 40% match fee? lol what a joke, Worse than no action at all.

Not suprised tbh! Match referee doesn't have the cojonies to hand out a ban, Ponting is a goon. He has done this before, pointing fingers and getting away.

He also has 4 previous citations for dissent.

Ponting is very good batsmen, all time great. But he acts like a spoiled brat when his team is struggling.

Under the captaincy of Ponting the Aus cricket team has become the worst (most hated) side in sport. Steve Waugh, Border all handled pressure. West Indians at peak handled pressure, great sportsmen, very humble!

Ponting's falling apart.
Thank god its Aleem Dar, who could stand in midst the heat. I wonder what would have happened if that steve bucknor would have been there.

I am sure he would have given this to Ponting
Thank god its Aleem Dar, who could stand in midst the heat. I wonder what would have happened if that steve bucknor would have been there.

I am sure he would have given this to Ponting

UDRS is not working in favour of Ponting and Steve Bucknor was not there ;), He desperately wanted a wicket and stooped to a new low.
Come on people.. dont be so hypocrites... strict rules are for Asians only...

If this was done by an Indian or a Pakistani player.. next thing we hear is match referee suspends him for 3 matches and fines match fee...

Saurav Ganguly was been suspended for three matches just because he took more time to complete the 50 overs...!
Come on people.. dont be so hypocrites... strict rules are for Asians only...

If this was done by an Indian or a Pakistani player.. next thing we hear is match referee suspends him for 3 matches and fines match fee...

Absolutely spot on Sir, I am failed to understand what was he trying to convince Aleem Dar and finally goes to batsman. I have never seen such a third class display of sportsmanship even in club cricket. If he was to be fined 40% of the match then better he should have been left. He deserved a strict action, IMO at least a two test match ban.
I wonder what Ponting have to do to actually incur a ban? He abused Dar, players surrounded umpire football style. 40% match fee? lol what a joke, Worse than no action at all.

Not suprised tbh! Match referee doesn't have the cojonies to hand out a ban, Ponting is a goon. He has done this before, pointing fingers and getting away.

He also has 4 previous citations for dissent.

Ponting is very good batsmen, all time great. But he acts like a spoiled brat when his team is struggling.

Under the captaincy of Ponting the Aus cricket team has become the worst (most hated) side in sport. Steve Waugh, Border all handled pressure. West Indians at peak handled pressure, great sportsmen, very humble!

Ponting's falling apart.

Frustration from a bad form and challenging new guns who are aggressive towards opinions..

Ponting's time is near... he knows it well.

Saurav Ganguly was been suspended for three matches just because he took more time to complete the 50 overs...!

Biasedness is visible.. we have seen many times , these guys avoiding any punishment even with hard sledging while the poor guys from the continent are constantly warned and punished.
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