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Poll shows Indians support CIA's murderous drone strikes

bush administration forced us to be in WOT or there would be no terrorism attacks in pakistan... Want proof? Check stats of terrorism before 2001 and after 2001 in pakistan...

We believe that the reason there were no attacks in Pakistan before 2001 was that the Pakistani govt was hand in glove with the terrorists operating from its territory. Only after US administration forced Musharraf to go up against them, they started retaliating. However the attempt was halfhearted on part of Pakistani administration, which has led to the current situation where neither terrorists, nor USA is able to trust Pakistan. And that is why Pakistan is being hit by both. Sometimes, half done is worse than not done at all.
Huma Abedin



bush administration forced us to be in WOT or there would be no terrorism attacks in pakistan.../QUOTE]

Hey, IceHole, what's up, dude ?! Long time... Sure, if you appease the terrorists, support them and let them live and train in your country, they'll leave you alone. But is that what you really want ? If you have rats in your hose and you feed them, they won't steal food.:usflag:

LOL false flag what is up btw reported you and linked your original account... YOU ARE SO ASHAMED OF YOUR OWN FLAG WHAT A FAIL

We believe that the reason there were no attacks in Pakistan before 2001 was that the Pakistani govt was hand in glove with the terrorists operating from its territory. Only after US administration forced Musharraf to go up against them, they started retaliating. However the attempt was halfhearted on part of Pakistani administration, which has led to the current situation where neither terrorists, nor USA is able to trust Pakistan. And that is why Pakistan is being hit by both. Sometimes, half done is worse than not done at all.

Lols... were taliban even considered terrorists before 2001? by usa and the world? :disagree: dont lie.

Btw, check who made Taliban... CIA.
if u want i post 100 of video where shiya were protest because their family members brutely killed by sunni pakistani punjabi terrorists.according to them shiyas are kaffir.

How about Gujurat riots?
dude americans see indians as call center boys who stink of curry

ok..please tell what they think of u when they kill people in ur country.......

and those ur mighty army ,navy ,airforce jumps all over them....for money to survive....

i think they think of u as a BEGGER

ok..please tell what they think of u when they kill people in ur country.......

and those ur mighty army ,navy ,airforce jumps all over them....

i think they think of u as a BEGGER

I don't care what Americans think of us...
LOL false flag what is up btw reported you and linked your original account... YOU ARE SO ASHAMED OF YOUR OWN FLAG WHAT A FAIL

This PHILLY BOY is STILL FLYING his STARS AND STRIPES, IceHole. ONLY PUSSIES 'report' people. Did you tell your MOMMY on me, too ?.:tdown:

Lols... were taliban even considered terrorists before 2001? by usa and the world? :disagree: dont lie.

So ? And Pakistan was part of India. What's your point ?

Btw, check who made Taliban... CIA.

Not quite, genius. But we DID give them arms THIRTY YEARS AGO to fight the Soviets with. Big deal.
@bouncing betty

I reported you... Hope you get banned and go back to Bharat Rakshak :wave:

Who is we, you dumb $hit... You're in Australia right now...
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