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Poll: Should there be investigation on Election Rigging allegations?

Should there be Election Rigging investigation?

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According to Article 225, in salees ungrayzee, it is the authority of the Parliament to establish the tribunal. :D

Yes, another point that you have picked finally, some progress.. partliament has done so to address the issues of the constituency, through 18th amendment, now I have established foundation for you to understand something you are not picking, that is that whole election can be challenged in SC and SC has the power to not only to look tribunal decisions but also to address the whole election, which can be directly petitioned in SC, or through suo motu.
Yes, another point that you have picked finally, some progress.. partliament has done so to address the issues of the constituency, through 18th amendment, now I have established foundation for you to understand something you are not picking, that is that whole election can be challenged in SC and SC has the power to not only to look tribunal decisions but also to address the whole election, which can be directly petitioned in SC, or through suo motu.

Dream on, brother, dream on! :D
All constituencies must be investigated, if there has to be an investigation, not 4 or 35 of one's choice. If there are unidentifiable votes in all constituencies in high or low numbers, then it won't mean that there was any systematic rigging, it would only mean that the election process must be refined/improved, and if there are a few only which indicates signs of rigging then there must be action against those who were responsible and only those constituencies must go through re-election, the entire parliament must not be dissolved.
My friend suppose Noora king completes his full term at the helm, how do we know next general elections is going to be rigged free? Which is why its necessary to have a biometric system in place to ensure the elections are free and fair and that all parties accept the result.
i absolutely support no one currently but all imran is doing right now is making a mess.
Are you not listening or you choose to remain confused ? Read carefully and then reply if you wish to learn something.

I am watching in amusement, please do carry on! :D
desperate attempt to stay ignorant.. your choice. otherwise I left no stone unturned to educate you, but you wanted not to be educated.

I am honored that I am the focus of your efforts, but please note that it is the SC that you need to convince, not me. :D
I am honored that I am the focus of your efforts, but please note that it is the SC that you need to convince, not me. :D

educating others is my duty :yes4: you are my latest subject, SC will do what the law says, what you need is to learn is basic.

so we are two steps towards solving your confusion, right?
educating others is my duty :yes4: you are my latest subject, SC will do what the law says, what you need is to learn is basic.

so we are two steps towards solving your confusion, right?

So what has the SC done until now? Please tell us all.
So what has the SC done until now? Please tell us all.

This is a debate form, and I am here to make you understand the basic concept, make your confusion go away, that SC is there to judge if elections are being questioned as a whole and tribunals are for constitutnecy elections according to 225.
until you dont understand this, you wont be able to remove your confusion, and will remained ignorant about these matters.
This is a debate form, and I am here to make you understand the basic concept, make your confusion go away, that SC is there to judge if elections are being questioned as a whole and tribunals are for constitutnecy elections according to 225.
until you dont understand this, you wont be able to remove your confusion, and will remained ignorant about these matters.

But I do not care what you say. I will wait and see what the SC does. :D
there will be no investigation what so ever. the best imran can get from nawaz is 4 year election. nothing else.....
if he want an early midterm then start burning buildings.
he can sit in islamabad for 10 years and nothing will happen.
why not, why you want to remain ignorant? I am telling you a simple common sense things, but you refuse to pick..

I am happy to learn from those who know better. In this case, it is the Supreme Court, not a overzealous tout of a political party. :D
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