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Poll: Should there be investigation on Election Rigging allegations?

Should there be Election Rigging investigation?

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Then they should. atleast they would be proven right.. whats the point of locking heads?

God complex and political immaturity. Nawaz family thinks they are some sort of Royals with birth right to rule over Pakistanis.
Of course the SC has to adjudicate any petition it accepts, but only according to the law as laid down in the Constitution. Let's see what the SC does in view of these developments.

and SC also has the power to direct Executive to do xyz :)
God complex and political immaturity. Nawaz family thinks they are some sort of Royals with birth right to rule over Pakistanis.

they werent always like this, since their return from Saudia, they have turned like that.
Since the matter has put the country into political turmoil for over 90 days now..

govt failing to negotiate a settlement with the opposition party.

my Q is what is stopping Nawaz to conduct a probe into Election rigging allegation?

isnt it a just and fair thing that conduct a probe through independent Judicial commission and punish those who were involved in rigging?

what fears Nawaz that stops him from probing the election rigging?
Elation should be free and fair..
if not its not democracy.. but autocracy....
The Constitution cant be ammended just for Idiot Khan.

The election tribunals are the only authority. Idiot Khan should commit suicide outside their court rooms
The power comes from the Constitution. Neither the SC nor the Executive can do anything that violates the Constitution.

where is the violation of constitution here? :woot:

If a problem is not addressed in the article, its no violation to ask the executive to bring legislation. how hard is it for you to understand this, unless ofcourse you have something else going on in your mind?
where is the violation of constitution here? :woot:

If a problem is not addressed in the article, its no violation to ask the executive to bring legislation. how hard is it for you to understand this, unless ofcourse you have something else going on in your mind?

Article 225 clearly states what to do in case of any election disputes. Any remedy sought cannot violate its provisions:

225 Election dispute.
No election to a House or a Provincial Assembly shall be called in question except by an election petition presented to such tribunal and in such manner as may be determined by Act of Parliament.
Article 225 clearly states what to do in case of any election disputes. Any remedy sought cannot violate its provisions:

225 Election dispute.
No election to a House or a Provincial Assembly shall be called in question except by an election petition presented to such tribunal and in such manner as may be determined by Act of Parliament.

lets focus on any dispute. do you think that tribunal have any authority to the Q asking to probe the whole election? the article doesnot empower so, and hence a situation arises that can only be brought into question by the parliament or the SC, since the parliament is itself a party to allegation, therefore SC has full authority to probe the matter on Suo Motu.
they werent always like this, since their return from Saudia, they have turned like that.
No, they were ALWAYS like this, born and raised in the nursery of army dictators and establishment. What made you think they were ever democrats?

The power comes from the Constitution. Neither the SC nor the Executive can do anything that violates the Constitution.
LOL. Cannot believe an American is saying this BS. In a democracy, source of power is people and people alone. None else. No constitution, no military, no supreme court. None. That's the reason why no constitution is ever static as its allowed to be changed in parliament. There is no reason to call it "sacred" as it is easily changeable with amendments.

The Constitution cant be ammended just for Idiot Khan.
But it can be amended for that Idiot Altaf and his stupid demand for province just for his Goon Party!

The election tribunals are the only authority. Idiot Khan should commit suicide outside their court rooms
LOL. Thats what's about to change - soon.

If a problem is not addressed in the article, its no violation to ask the executive to bring legislation. how hard is it for you to understand this, unless ofcourse you have something else going on in your mind?
Debating him is like debating with a dead stone. I warned you!

Article 225 clearly states what to do in case of any election disputes. Any remedy sought cannot violate its provisions:
And who wrote this paragraph in the first place? Bhutto's PPP, the culprit of 1977 General Election rigging, right?

Of course. Let the Parliament vote and pass the appropriate legal measure to probe the elections if there is enough support on the floor.
Why would there be an enough support on the floor for this? Don't you know how our parliamentarians get elected through rigging, fool?

The SC cannot violate Article 225.
It can. It has violated constitution many times over when it supported the dictators in the past.
lets focus on any dispute. do you think that tribunal have any authority to the Q asking to probe the whole election? the article doesnot empower so, and hence a situation arises that can only be brought into question by the parliament or the SC, since the parliament is itself a party to allegation, therefore SC has full authority to probe the matter on Suo Motu.

Sir, the Parliament is the ultimate law-making authority. It can amend the Constitution if it so merits. Further, the SC cannot itself violate the Constitution as it stands. It can take Suo Moto notice only of violations of the law as specified by the Constitution. It cannot make any new laws itself. The SC must follow Article 225 until and unless it is amended by the Parliament.
Sir, the Parliament is the ultimate law-making authority. It can amend the Constitution if it so merits. Further, the SC cannot itself violate the Constitution as it stands. It can take Suo Moto notice only of violations of the law as specified by the Constitution. It cannot make any new laws itself. The SC must follow Article 225 until and unless it is amended by the Parliament.

We are in a bizarre and awkward situation right now. If Parliament is the ultimate law-making authority, and parliamentarians are elected through rigging, which authority is gonna investigate them? Surely, a criminal cannot prosecute himself. So who will do it? People, God, Army, USA, who? Inherent weaknesses and flaws of parliamentary democracy are so apparent that sometimes I am shocked why our forefathers adopted this system in the first place!
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