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[Poll] Should India maintain it's policy of striking Pakistan after each Terrorist incident?

Should India maintain it's policy of striking Pakistan after each Terrorist incident?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
I voted Yes and the reason is I want India to be smacked really big if it intrudes next time.
Since it seems that India has conducted 2 strikes in Pakistan after 2 terrorist incidents in India so far. Does it make sense to continue pursuing this policy? The implications of this policy could include either parties getting confused and launching a full scale war.

What are your thoughts?

War should be last resort to find a solution for any issue.... Sometimes, history is written for the race who can take brave decision...Brave decision can be either go for a full war and except the outcome or allow Kashmir valley to decide their own fate or abolish 370 and forget about human rights and settle Non Muslims across the valley..

If you ask me a better choice out of these 3, i will go settle Non Muslims in Kashmir valley and screw with artcile 370.... For me Pakistan is not a problem, our inability to take hard decision and blaming the whole world expect ourselves is a problem...

Pakistan is not our friend...So it is expected that they will support all the anti Indian groups...It is the same case, India should support all anti Pakistan elements too..But that does not mean, we will start attacking the every one without fixing our own problem...
Since it seems that India has conducted 2 strikes in Pakistan after 2 terrorist incidents in India so far. Does it make sense to continue pursuing this policy? The implications of this policy could include either parties getting confused and launching a full scale war.

What are your thoughts?

Yes continue, as Pakistan's foreign minister says it's your election time and nation of Pakistan should understand your compulsion.
However, terrorist incidents in Indian and as well in Pakistan are piece of Ajit Devil's mind... so keep that nonsense to your own credit.
A better question to ask, should Indians choose a terrorist as head of state, as PM of a country who was called the 'Butcher of Gujarat' and was banned for 10 years to visit US and EU countries.

And who has connived to massacre over 2000 innocent Muslims in Gujarat India...
War should be last resort to find a solution for any issue.... Sometimes, history is written for the race who can take brave decision...Brave decision can be either go for a full war and except the outcome or allow Kashmir valley to decide their own fate or abolish 370 and forget about human rights and settle Non Muslims across the valley..

If you ask me a better choice out of these 3, i will go settle Non Muslims in Kashmir valley and screw with artcile 370.... For me Pakistan is not a problem, our inability to take hard decision and blaming the whole world expect ourselves is a problem...

Pakistan is not our friend...So it is expected that they will support all the anti Indian groups...It is the same case, India should support all anti Pakistan elements too..But that does not mean, we will start attacking the every one without fixing our own problem...

It’s not your inability to make decision, it’s that you cannot take any action ... your military knows it... be sincere to yourself atleast, or else you will get the same level of chitrol from Pakistan

A better question to ask, should Indians choose a terrorist as head of state, as PM of a country who was called the 'Butcher of Gujarat' and was banned for 10 years to visit US and EU countries.

And who has connived to massacre over 2000 innocent Muslims in Gujarat India...

So true... one terrorist talking about eliminating terrorism ???? Baffles me...
Me as well. Jai Hind.
It’s not your inability to make decision, it’s that you cannot take any action ... your military knows it... be sincere to yourself atleast, or else you will get the same level of chitrol from Pakistan

So true... one terrorist talking about eliminating terrorism ???? Baffles me...

Trust me, i have full beleive in what Pakistan can do..70 years of history of India and Pakistan rivallary has already example of it...I can still see BD as an independent country and part of Kashmir is still with India although more than 90% of people are Muslims.... I am sincere to myself and my country so i know where is the weakness. The major problem of Indian Gov is the inability to take risks...Either you do war or go for peace, we need to take risk...In either secarios, definitely will be loss of life...Peace is a luxury in our part of the world...So why are so obsessed with loss of human life??? Even if there is no war, there will be loss of life where some one or the other will be killed in Kashmir...

So my frustration with our Gov in particular Non BJP parties is with their weakness to get any decisive statergy...If they do not want war, i feel, allow Kashmir valley to merger with Pakistan and stop these madness of Kashmir issue for ever.
Why should our armed forces give any evidence of strike/kills in Pakistan? It's sensitive intel that can be used to infer our methods. Did US give any proof when they killed Osama Bin Laden? Did Mossad ever claim revenge for their dead Olympic athletes?
What u just helped me make up my mind to not continue this pointless discussion. I used to like educating children but now i just get bored so....kindly dont qoute me again.
Since it seems that India has conducted 2 strikes in Pakistan after 2 terrorist incidents in India so far. Does it make sense to continue pursuing this policy? The implications of this policy could include either parties getting confused and launching a full scale war.

What are your thoughts?

Bring it on............8-)
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