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[Poll] Should India maintain it's policy of striking Pakistan after each Terrorist incident?

Should India maintain it's policy of striking Pakistan after each Terrorist incident?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
i'm a Pakistani and i voted yes cause we need our JF17's to have combat kills. Please give them few kills per block varient. thanks

Why you (india) always pretending to be so innocent @proudindian20 :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: forget yadev, sarbajeet singh and lots of unamed spy that india send to destabilized Pakistan, and you're free in Afghanistan and in Iran to do whatever against Pakistan @proudindian20 :crazy::crazy::crazy:

I'm not trying to be innocent. Every country know that other countries spy on each other. Kulbhushan, Sarabhjeet were spies. I'm not sure how you are associating RAW with ISIS which is in Iraq & Syria and a completely different issue.

War should be last resort to find a solution for any issue.... Sometimes, history is written for the race who can take brave decision...Brave decision can be either go for a full war and except the outcome or allow Kashmir valley to decide their own fate or abolish 370 and forget about human rights and settle Non Muslims across the valley..

If you ask me a better choice out of these 3, i will go settle Non Muslims in Kashmir valley and screw with artcile 370.... For me Pakistan is not a problem, our inability to take hard decision and blaming the whole world expect ourselves is a problem...

Pakistan is not our friend...So it is expected that they will support all the anti Indian groups...It is the same case, India should support all anti Pakistan elements too..But that does not mean, we will start attacking the every one without fixing our own problem...

I agree. We need to pursue our Kashmir policy with guts. Cleaning up the house and stop appeasing to separatists. But along with that I think now we need to pursue an active defense strategy against Pakistan. Technically, we're at war with Pakistan for last 30 years. Although, it's a low scale proxy war. We need to convert this in a conventional strike policy for each attack on us.
I'm not trying to be innocent. Every country know that other countries spy on each other. Kulbhushan, Sarabhjeet were spies. I'm not sure how you are associating RAW with ISIS which is in Iraq & Syria and a completely different issue.
Your RAW is backing up ISIS in Afghanistan to Use ISIS against Pakistan, and you're backing up Baluchistan insurgency and , yadev was admitted he is running terror network from Iran and behind lots of bomb blast in Karachi & in baluchistan @proudindian20
Lol now you're just trolling. You also know the truth.

RAW is involved with ISIS? What are you smoking dude?

Of course I do. Without proof, anything is the truth. The balakot strikes killed 30,000 terrorists and ancient indians were building spaceships more than 7,000 years ago according to indian kind:


I'm not trying to be innocent. Every country know that other countries spy on each other. Kulbhushan, Sarabhjeet were spies. I'm not sure how you are associating RAW with ISIS which is in Iraq & Syria and a completely different issue.

I agree. We need to pursue our Kashmir policy with guts. Cleaning up the house and stop appeasing to separatists. But along with that I think now we need to pursue an active defense strategy against Pakistan. Technically, we're at war with Pakistan for last 30 years. Although, it's a low scale proxy war. We need to convert this in a conventional strike policy for each attack on us.

Don't forget to use the spaceships you guys claimed you built more than 7,000 years ago:

Your RAW is backing up ISIS in Afghanistan to Use ISIS against Pakistan, and you're backing up Baluchistan insurgency and , yadev was admitted he is running terror network from Iran and behind lots of bomb blast in Karachi & in baluchistan @proudindian20

There is not evidence of ISIS in Afghanistan or Pakistan. There may be fringe groups declaring allegiance to ISIS. That's it.

Of course I do. Without proof, anything is the truth. The balakot strikes killed 30,000 terrorists and ancient indians were building spaceships more than 7,000 years ago according to indian kind:


Don't forget to use the spaceships you guys claimed you built more than 7,000 years ago:


You troll with the same line in every thread.
EXACTLY!..........For the same reason we are not releasing evidence of our JF-17 shooting down a SU-30...........
I am always sceptical of claims and in particular South Asia where bravodo/bluster is all too common. So it was that I only credited PAF with one kill but now as the smoke has cleared I think PAF F-16 actually took down a Su-30 and possibly the Indian heli as well. The reason why Pak has been reticent about this is twofold -

  • Pak under PM IK wants to focus on the economy and rolling out the agenda that PTI promised to the masses. This is very dear to PM IK's heart. Warmongering and fulfilling their manifesto do not go together. Thus it was vital that India be taught a lesson but not to let it escalate to war. By declaring the Su-30 kill would have left no exit door for Modi who would have been forced to escalate. Thus by staying quite about the Su-30 kill and the heli it gave Modi a chance to pull out of dive to war that was gathering up by events. The sacking of IAF air marshal and general quite by Modi other thab pointing toward Rafales alludes to the bloody nose recieved by IAF at hands of PAF.

  • The F-16 could be used by Pakistan against India but it might still have been politically hot issue and would rile the pro-India lobby in US who for long time have been croaking about how US defennce sales to Pak would be used against India. By not touting Wing Commander Noman's kill of a Su-30 in a F-16 prevents this problem.

All in all there is no doubt Pakistan came out the winner and Islamabad displayed exemplary maturity. Certainly PM Imran Khan has come out looking like a statesman and western media have acknowledged this. All in all this has been a great month for Pakistan.
Why should our armed forces give any evidence of strike/kills in Pakistan? It's sensitive intel that can be used to infer our methods. Did US give any proof when they killed Osama Bin Laden? Did Mossad ever claim revenge for their dead Olympic athletes?

it's not about proof.world knows the truth.biggest newspapers and foreign journalists,everyone is saying the same thing.it doesn't matter whether your army provide any proof or not.you even killed f-16 just because iaf seen radar signature and they showed aim-120 c.i mean they aren't proofs.osama raid was done by americans.india is not america.i have seen many politicians in india saying the same thing that we should become israel or america.it doesn't matter.we did our job and we are very happy.more attacks from india is possible but similarly more attacks inside india is also possible.paf already demonstrated capabilities by targeting multiple locations.we don't want to escalate but we can also violate your airspace.it's very easy now.
There is not evidence of ISIS in Afghanistan or Pakistan. There may be fringe groups declaring allegiance to ISIS. That's it.

You troll with the same line in every thread.

No trolling. I am actually trying to keep my fellow Pakistanis safe. I am protecting them. I am warning them to be scared and not fight a race of people who created spaceships 7,000 years ago and were using the internet 5,000 to 10,000 years ago:


I am always sceptical of claims and in particular South Asia where bravodo/bluster is all too common. So it was that I only credited PAF with one kill but now as the smoke has cleared I think PAF F-16 actually took down a Su-30 and possibly the Indian heli as well. The reason why Pak has been reticent about this is twofold -

  • Pak under PM IK wants to focus on the economy and rolling out the agenda that PTI promised to the masses. This is very dear to PM IK's heart. Warmongering and fulfilling their manifesto do not go together. Thus it was vital that India be taught a lesson but not to let it escalate to war. By declaring the Su-30 kill would have left no exit door for Modi who would have been forced to escalate. Thus by staying quite about the Su-30 kill and the heli it gave Modi a chance to pull out of dive to war that was gathering up by events. The sacking of IAF air marshal and general quite by Modi other thab pointing toward Rafales alludes to the bloody nose recieved by IAF at hands of PAF.

  • The F-16 could be used by Pakistan against India but it might still have been politically hot issue and would rile the pro-India lobby in US who for long time have been croaking about how US defennce sales to Pak would be used against India. By not touting Wing Commander Noman's kill of a Su-30 in a F-16 prevents this problem.

All in all there is no doubt Pakistan came out the winner and Islamabad displayed exemplary maturity. Certainly PM Imran Khan has come out looking like a statesman and western media have acknowledged this. All in all this has been a great month for Pakistan.

You could also look at it from the other way round. If an F-16 was indeed downed by Mig21 then that's a huge embarrasment for PAF and also for the Americans who want to sell F-16s to India.

On top of that, there's a clause in agreement of F-16 with Pakistan that they can only be used against terrorism. IAF already showed the indisputable proof with the AMRAAM pieces that F-16 was indeed used in this operation. PAF is trying to come up with a version that can please both their internal audience and the Americans.

it's not about proof.world knows the truth.biggest newspapers and foreign journalists,everyone is saying the same thing.it doesn't matter whether your army provide any proof or not.you even killed f-16 just because iaf seen radar signature and they showed aim-120 c.i mean they aren't proofs.osama raid was done by americans.india is not america.i have seen many politicians in india saying the same thing that we should become israel or america.it doesn't matter.we did our job and we are very happy.more attacks from india is possible but similarly more attacks inside india is also possible.paf already demonstrated capabilities by targeting multiple locations.we don't want to escalate but we can also violate your airspace.it's very easy now.

Even with very old tech you kind of underestimate India. We're more than capable of performing such operations. I mean if we were able to do in 1971 why wouldn't we be able to do it in 2019 when we have over 300 Sukhois now?
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