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Politics/ Turkey is a superpower: Israeli deputy PM

I don't see a point in rationalizing my disgust but...

We've been ruling this geography since 1071 and since then we've been fighting with Greeks Russians Spaniards Germans almost everyone. I don't hate any of them because they faced us either they either ran away fron battlefield or they fought. But arabs stabbed us in the back at a time that we were weakest. We were left to die as a nation all vultures circling around us British, Greece, French, Italians at a time we were desperate beyond imagiınation but we stood up and fought them off without arabs or any so called muslim-brothers.Turkish War of Independence Wikipedia

Since then they never knew peace. They are one of the most backward and lazy nations some of them are drowning in petrol money rest is almost starving and the borders that are drawn by their british masters seperate them. What are they if not low? They can't even show up for palestine, we do. They can't stand up to US or Israel because they are a flock of sheep. And hereby i reward their cowardice with my rationalized feelings. Feel free to hate me.
I don't see a point in rationalizing my disgust but...

We've been ruling this geography since 1071 and since then we've been fighting with Greeks Russians Spaniards Germans almost everyone I don't hate any of them because they faced us either they either ran away fron battlefield or they fought. But arabs stabbed us in the back at a time that we were weakest and since then they never knew peace. They are one of the most backward and lasy nations some of them are drowning in petrol money rest is almost starving and the borders that are drawn by their british masters seperate them.

What are they if not low? They can't even show up for palestine, we do. They can't stand up to US or Israel because they are a flock of sheep. And hereby i reward their cowardice with my rationalized feelings. Feel free to hate me.

So we didn't rule half of your country? We spared you just because our prophet ordered us to, anyway you embraced Islam and we didn't need to take you over. You have been greatly affected by Arab, language, culture, religion, dress...etc.

Read some history...
Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umayyad Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rashidun, 632–661

Rashidun Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ayyubid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, we accepted your rule, because you ruled us as Muslims not Turks, but when Turk nationalists took over the thrown after 1890, we made a revolution against them and kicked them out in 1917, we were going to get you out anyway but British knew about the revolution and they offered help. What was done was done.

Arab Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you want to go through more history, you are welcome...:lol:
As you see guys he left me no choice, sorry but I find myself compelled to reply. WHATEVER...

I don't see a point in rationalizing my disgust but...

Don't blow yourself like a balloon to give yourself more gravity through insults. Believe me no one cares of who you are or what you think. We are just chatting here. Throwing insult is an invitation to get insulted in return but I will pass and not get down to your level.

We've been ruling this geography since 1071 and since then we've been fighting with Greeks Russians Spaniards Germans almost everyone. I don't hate any of them because they faced us either they either ran away fron battlefield or they fought.
Byzantine was a strong and great empire which got crashed by Arabs and expelled to north of Syria. You were a bunch of backward tribes who couldn't defeat them BUT after they got greatly weakened by Arabs. So, You would had lived in Central Asia without those Arabs.


But arabs stabbed us in the back at a time that we were weakest. We were left to die as a nation all vultures circling around us British, Greece, French, Italians at a time we were desperate beyond imagiınation but we stood up and fought them off without arabs or any so called muslim-brothers.Turkish War of Independence Wikipedia

You were defeated and kicked out by Arabs, after a Zionist, twisted, nationalistic, racist, and bloodthirsty party seized the thrown.
Steel & Silk: Men and Women who Shaped Syria 1900-2000 - Sami M. Moubayed - Google Books

Arab Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since then they never knew peace. They are one of the most backward and lazy nations some of them are drowning in petrol money rest is almost starving and the borders that are drawn by their british masters seperate them.

It's like you are a first world class country...:lol: It has been just lately until you began to assemble and manufacture stuff with TOT. Millions of Turks left their country seeking for a decent life abroad. Before 2000, you weren't any better from any third world country. We all know how Germans and Europians look at you. And look who is talking about USA and the west bossing others!!:cheesy: a USA puppet?!

What are they if not low? They can't even show up for palestine, we do. They can't stand up to US or Israel because they are a flock of sheep. And hereby i reward their cowardice with my rationalized feelings. Feel free to hate me.

We fought Israel 7 times while you were in bed with them, they were bossing you around and you were fighting their wars against USSR proxies everywhere, especially in NK. While we were fighting them again. You have never done anything in favor of Palestine, your masters ordered you to recognize Israel so early, and you were so obedient:fie:. The only thing you did is launching intercontinental slogans in favor of Palestine and crying over your 9 dead Turks. That's all.
Feel free to hate me.
No problem. You are always welcome, but we are just chatting, and no need for hate.:P
My dear arab and turkish friends;

I respect everyone`s ideas, but I think we should get along one another. Insulting, cursing one another or trying to show how superior you are does not change anyone`s ideas, but it hurts, disappoints people and makes them angry. I know Mosamania, BLACKEAGLE are friends of our county and support us. And also I know there are a lot of turkish members who support arabs too. You may have different point of view but it does not necessarily mean that you should fight. Anyway it is up to you to continue fighting. But never forget it will not take you anywhere but losing your friends.
The replies in this thread speak of the intellect of the posters..... judging a whole nation based on few people he/she run into at the street... kinda the same logic i used to see in high school days... use logic and something called informative judgment… Arabs and Turks are coming closer now than ever to make a better tomorrow for both nations.... days taught them that hate doesn't bring victory... Hate is a hobby of losers who fall a victim to propagandists.

My dear arab and turkish friends;

I respect everyone`s ideas, but I think we should get along one another. Insulting, cursing one another or trying to show how superior you are does not change anyone`s ideas, but it hurts, disappoints people and makes them angry. I know Mosamania, BLACKEAGLE are friends of our county and support us. And also I know there are a lot of turkish members who support arabs too. You may have different point of view but it does not necessarily mean that you should fight. Anyway it is up to you to continue fighting. But never forget it will not take you anywhere but losing your friends.

Well said my friend.
Dude, why the hate to Arabs?

Brother, we have no hatred towards our Arab Brothers.

But it is sad to see that we are all concerned about our little bones that the West has thrown at us to keep us happy and we follow their policies at the expense of our Palestinian Brothers.

Everyday our Palestinian children are slaughtered and we don't hear a peep out of our Arab Brothers.
Disgusting and worthless post. I thought you have something to add. Go read some history you ignorant. Don't expect me ever to reply to your posts, go find anyone your level to insult and get insulted.


this Mr.Insult guy is common to insult everyone and intolerance bad mouthing.......He doesn't know how to talk calm and civil in better way, most of his 50% posts were deleted by moderators. :lol:
My dear arab and turkish friends;

I respect everyone`s ideas, but I think we should get along one another. Insulting, cursing one another or trying to show how superior you are does not change anyone`s ideas, but it hurts, disappoints people and makes them angry. I know Mosamania, BLACKEAGLE are friends of our county and support us. And also I know there are a lot of turkish members who support arabs too. You may have different point of view but it does not necessarily mean that you should fight. Anyway it is up to you to continue fighting. But never forget it will not take you anywhere but losing your friends.

Guys, you should have stopped him in the first place, not coming now to make peace. As you see, I had no choice but to educate him. I know he doesn't represent but himself. But, I have long been ignoring his racist posts. Nevertheless, as of now, I really regret debating with him as he proved he has nothing but low level language. People like him is an embarrassment to you before anybody else. So, I implore you to stop such people before it gets worse.
My dear arab and turkish friends;

I respect everyone`s ideas, but I think we should get along one another. Insulting, cursing one another or trying to show how superior you are does not change anyone`s ideas, but it hurts, disappoints people and makes them angry. I know Mosamania, BLACKEAGLE are friends of our county and support us. And also I know there are a lot of turkish members who support arabs too. You may have different point of view but it does not necessarily mean that you should fight. Anyway it is up to you to continue fighting. But never forget it will not take you anywhere but losing your friends.


Let past in the place it belongs. Study everything you need from past but draw your roadway based on mutual respect/interests to reach more clear and strong future, Even If The countries you made deal, are the enemy of yours because The rules of current World requires that.

In current aspect, The countries We are mentioning here are neither our enemies, nor our bad friends. Arab states are one of the biggest society that support Turks in many field, ordering Turkish military/civilian stuffs, sending tourists, respecting the name of Turk/Turkiye. They always emphasize their readiness to establish great cooperations in strategic areas and You will see the name of some Arab countries as an either partner, or included into export list in some serious strategic defence programs of Turkish defence industry. Because of this fact, No need to hurt eachother with pointing old depression times both side were under serious headaches. Today, Turkey is rising thanks to friendly countries' interests and A rising Turkey mean rising ME and Arab states as well. Arabs knows it very well so Hope to see more stronger days in near future...
Just stop pretending that we are friends we never were and we will never be.

Those bunch of tribes had a straight code of law while you bedouins were killing your daughters with rocks. The whole Europe trembled by the march of Ottoman Army while you were stuck in desert. You are the one who should read history. Trying to get credit from our accomplishments.
Hunnic Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Xiongnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Göktürks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkic migration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uighur Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kipchaks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Great Seljuq Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have always been a hard working nation. In first years of republic we built factories and schools despite the difficulties we have. What did arabs do except harboring petrol? I would ally with US or Israel before i ally with incompetent backstabbing cunts like you. Israel Fvcked you all over again and again because you have no understanding of warfare arabs never had. You sold your souls to British. We never fought a muslim army shoulder to shoulder with NATO. We only allied with them against communism threat.

Because even the secular Turkey's government were more loyal to islam than "islamic" arab governments rotten inside. That's how hypocrite you are.

Well, i don't think there was any need to call him the See You Next Tuesday word.
Disgusting and worthless post. I thought you have something to add. Go read some history you ignorant. Don't expect me ever to reply to your posts, go find anyone your level to insult and get insulted.

It is you who must read some history. Do you know why did Arabs couldn't enter to Black Sea and Balkan regions? Just because bunch of ignorant tribes, i guess.
The reason why we are devided is because of the nation terms.. Turks, Arabs, Pakistani, Iranians.. we starting to lose here already..

We talking about leaders and countries while we cant even control our own household and backyard :D If every muslim can control his household and stabilish the laws in his own house.. then we really can speak about a revolution.. But just by sitting and talking about this and that we never will move a step forward.

And dont forget what the Jews saying about us: ''You should only fear the Muslims when they pray the morning prayer together everyday.''

If this is not even happening, we are doomed to lose everyday!

May Allah guide us all.
if we want to build a future with others, we sometimes ignore the past, but keep in mind the results of the past not to be in that position again.

in past there were many states, some of those states lived for 10 years, and some of them lived for 500 years; the gap between those dates explains many things about those states and the nation who ruled those states; any one could criticize those successful states that live 500 years; any one could look down on those states and their nations; any one could bring up some maps and some information from their libraries; however, those people can never and ever change the fact that those states were successful if they lived for 500 years without any intervention...

if some one tries to make fun of that fact, and tries to slander it; the only thing she proves is her ignorance and a sign that the readers should not take her serious.

- many countries in europe regard arab countries as underdeveloped ones in the world; even though some arabs once were their allies against ottomans; and even though those arab countries were mandated by them. today there is no democracy in those arab countries, even though those countries that are very developed and democratic and that look down on arab countries did once rule them. those arab countries are still how they were 100 years ago; and i ask myself what is the problem. because they have anything i have in my country, plus they have plenty of oil; but they are still how they were 100 years ago. i see some members here from arab countries, please tell us why arab countries are like that?

- many countries in europe regard arab countries as least educated ones in the world; even though some arabs once were their allies against ottomans; and even though those arab countries were mandated by them. today there is no democracy in those arab countries, even though those countries that are very developed and democratic and that look down on arab countries did once rule them. those arab countries are still how they were 100 years ago; and i ask myself what is the problem. because they have anything i have in my country, plus they have plenty of oil; but they are still how they were 100 years ago. i see some members here from arab countries, please tell us why arab countries are like that?

- many countries in europe regard arab countries as the most fundamentalist ones in the world; even though some arabs once were their allies against ottomans; and even though those arab countries were mandated by them. today there is no democracy in those arab countries, even though those countries that are very developed and democratic and that look down on arab countries did once rule them. those arab countries are still how they were 100 years ago; and i ask myself what is the problem. because they have anything i have in my country, plus they have plenty of oil; but they are still how they were 100 years ago. i see some members here from arab countries, please tell us why arab countries are like that?

- many countries in europe regard arab countries as ...etc...etc.... in the world; even though some arabs once were their allies against ottomans; and even though those arab countries were mandated by them. today there is no democracy in those arab countries, even though those countries that are very developed and democratic and that look down on arab countries did once rule them. those arab countries are still how they were 100 years ago; and i ask myself what is the problem. because they have anything i have in my country, plus they have plenty of oil; but they are still how they were 100 years ago. i see some members here from arab countries, please tell us why arab countries are like that?...

i am asking those questions to arabs, because i am a muslim like arabs, and people in the world see me and my country as the ones in arabic countries; and that starts to bug me; thats why i think i at least have the right to know what is the problem after the judgemental looks of people in the world against muslims due to those arabic countries, maybe we could help.

I don't see a point in rationalizing my disgust but...

We've been ruling this geography since 1071 and since then we've been fighting with Greeks Russians Spaniards Germans almost everyone. I don't hate any of them because they faced us either they either ran away fron battlefield or they fought. But arabs stabbed us in the back at a time that we were weakest. We were left to die as a nation all vultures circling around us British, Greece, French, Italians at a time we were desperate beyond imagiınation but we stood up and fought them off without arabs or any so called muslim-brothers.Turkish War of Independence Wikipedia

Since then they never knew peace. They are one of the most backward and lazy nations some of them are drowning in petrol money rest is almost starving and the borders that are drawn by their british masters seperate them. What are they if not low? They can't even show up for palestine, we do. They can't stand up to US or Israel because they are a flock of sheep. And hereby i reward their cowardice with my rationalized feelings. Feel free to hate me.

While i respect your points of view, agree with most what you said, something doesn't make sense.
Do you not realize that the same Arabs who betrayed Turks come from the same flock as the ones that are in the West Bank and Gaza? Supporting them is equal to supporting any other Arab who gains your disdain.

They are as much as greedy and without honor as any other Arab.

If you want to see an honorable Arab, you will find them living in Israel. They are called the Druze, they are by far remarkable individuals, they are patriotic and valiant. They have been persecuted by their fellow Arabs for centuries, for being different but they withstood and thrived nevertheless.
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