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Political Dogfight - PML(N) vs MQM

they even left indian politician behind,
anyway personal things must remain personal
MQM = Gangsters (ghonda) Party, PML(N) = Fedual Lords Party ....

Who should common man support? I agree with an earlier comment that Imran Khan is self obsessed but in the current situation i believe he is the best shot we have. All the others are the same old corrupt people who have been tested time and time again.
Altaf hussian have no right to say anything about people of pakistan as he is not pakistani.....

England 1 of the most expensive country to live in i wonder how this serial killer altaf living there as he pretend to be a middle class person

Altaf killer should be hang till death along with musharaff who gave these bastards free hand for 9 years to become a better killer
MQM is not a party of rich guys but they loose the plot when they try to defend Altaf Hussain.

Media has to be blamed here for airing speaches of a man who is psychologically unfit. Nisar just wanted to say that he is mentally ill and for the proof he used the words of Altaf`s ex wife. MQM Guys just go all the way when defending Altaf Hussain.
Despite the fact that I am ashamed of the conduct of the PML-N and MQM here, I don't see how Imran Khan is any better. I have seen him make fun of people's appearance on TV and take cheap shots at national and international figures. He is a politician just like the rest.

Pakistan's current crop of leaders leaves much to be desired. Choosing between the Sharif bradran, Zardari clan, Altaf Hussain, Imran Khan, Musharraf, Chaudhary bradran, Maulanas, ANP leaders and so on, is like choosing which weapon of torture you want to face. They are all going to hurt, you just have to try and pick the least painful option. Right now, Imran Khan is that option.

YouTube - imran khan reply to MQM MUTHIDA QATIL MOVEMENT.flv
PML-N and MQM are both corrupt. Both the parties are not sincere to Pakistan. If Mirza told the truth about MQM's involvement in target killings why is the MQM pissed off.

Such to curvah lagta ha. Face the truth MQM and have some damn shame. MQM has caused the biggest economic loss to Pakistan since it was formed. MQM is a prty of good people and terrorist together, while the terrorists are drowning the party. PML-N is a prty of thieves and mega corrupt with Nawaz and Shabaz on the top list.
They are both Most Disgraceful Parties of Thugs in Pakistan's Politics. Shame On Them.:tdown:
MQM is like an "AURAT" that cribs and whines and cries and just doesn't stop!!! MQM is like saas bhi kabhi bahoo thii drama!!!

they are fighting ANP,PPP,PML anyone!! and as for foothold in karachi....well karachi is a part of pakistan not the whole pakistan!!! so basically PPP,PML are happy ruling the rest of pakistan from which they can get elected as the PM and president!

while MQM is a city party not even a provincal party it has no power outside hyderabad and karachi!

PML know that in punjab they are virtually unchallenged so they get away with such slander!

but the most slander is done by MQM no one can forget how MQM called imran khan ZANI and told him to get DNA tests done!!! all that nonsense had nothing to do with politics!
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