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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

Sir, the court threw that part of the bill in the bin. The subsequent reversal in the parliament was all a mere show to fool the public!!

Cause was the lack of accountability, just like in the Dawn Leaks.

Fire was lit by the government, as always.
so anarchy , blocking roads, spreading chaos is the solution, instead of this they should had approached the court... but why do that, protesting burning tyres is what we love....
Behan Gee! use of regional language not allowed, my couple of posts got delete.-- Please translate your post in angrezi so I could respond.
Regional Language? How can you not understand national language? Are you a Pakistani?
Like they compensated for PTi's dharna and Adliya bahali Tehreek, Na kar yar ......

Ask commoners to stop giving free Halwa to molvis so the economy could recover.

Ishaq dar pakra jata nahi aur nazar molvi kay halway par.....
First of all you are using wrong analogies. Maybe because of any prefixed ideas and mindset. The adliya bahali tehreek was where everyone was eyeing the betterment of the country. There was a visible "benefit" and all temporary losses were considered worth it, including many businesses large or small.
I traveled through the length and breadth of Islamabad and Rawalpindi during PTI dharna, never did I cover a distance of 20 kilometres in 2 hours or see Faizabad blocked.
Here, an attention seeker has been deliberately not dealt with and snake has been allowed to lay eggs and now the snake lets are coming out.

Now, honestly speaking I don't want to say this because mods might delete my my comment, but I need to say this as an opinion not based on any sort of malice, but I have seen Faizabad blocked by two entities only, both religious.
1: Shias
2: This Barelvi molvi.
Note: Mods are requested not to delete this comment since no malice is intended towards any of the communities mentioned. Just curious...
So what's the troubling part:
1) abundance of Masjids
2) Azan starting from middle of night till morning
NON of the above. The Problem is these sects are divided themselves. Not following Islam themselves. Why ONE STREET has more than ONE MOSQUE ??
An idot will wish for a loss of human life no matter who ever it is. You should start respecting human life.

Not all lives are worth respecting. Should we respect the value of terrorists , rapists , murderers and war mongers ?
Not all lives are worth respecting. Should we respect the value of terrorists , rapists , murderers and war mongers ?
look my friend there is a court to bring justice you are announcing killing on streets sorry you are wrong. don't defend your statement with law applied you wished for killings on street.
Some of the New Powers given to Pakistan Army under Article 245:

- Pak Army can shoot anyone after one warning.

- Pak Army can arrest anyone without arrest warrant.

- Pak Army can search anyone without a search warrant.

- Power rests with Commander of 111 Brigade of Pakistan Army
so anarchy , blocking roads, spreading chaos is the solution, instead of this they should had approached the court... but why do that, protesting burning tyres is what we love....

Protestors are not the Pak Army who let go of Dawn Leaks! There's political scoring involved here!

Gov carried out the investigation but yet again refused to release the report. Release of the report is what the protesters had been demanding before the shelling started, yes?

Anyways, the string pullers (enemies) are the same on both sides - Gov and Protesters. Hopefully you will realise that sooner rather than later instead of just focusing on the protestors.

Order for the bill came from jati umra ... just like Dawn Leaks came from there too!
Some of the New Powers given to Pakistan Army under Article 245:

- Pak Army can shoot anyone after one warning.

- Pak Army can arrest anyone without arrest warrant.

- Pak Army can search anyone without a search warrant.

- Power rests with Commander of 111 Brigade of Pakistan Army
111 Brigade would that or just protect the vital installations?
You may keep in view that how Safdar jumps at front for spotlight in situation when things were going out of control due to malicious amendment in oath.
There is one thought that might make me agree with you as both Nawaz sons are not politically active and Safdar might use this platform to launch him self but he would be a fool to do so as he has less ground and this protest is hurting PML-N and if Safdar is thinking to sacrifice Nawaz family to a religious protest to gain ground he has too much strong opposition to make it through to the top. So no hope for him it will be smart of him to stay in line for now till Maryam gains ground once and then sacrifice Nawaz family just like zardari did. Iron is not hot enough yet.
The solution to this ugly situation was quite simple actually if the government was interested in solving it. You have to see what the Dharna leadership actually wants. They have recently created a political party, Labaik Ya Raool ALLAH(SAW), their performance in Lahore and Peshawar by-elections was quite impressive for a new-comer, so they want public attention to get a big chunk of votes and in turn seats in 2018 election.

So after the court order for the eviction of Faizabad, government should have moved a petition to ECP for banning the political party of Mr. Rizwi. This would have brought him to negotiation table and he would have agreed to call off his dharna if given a face saving like Qadri's first dharna.

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